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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Alexander Taushanov

Faculty of Structural Engineering, Structural Mechanics - Head of department

Faculty of Structural Engineering, Structural Mechanics

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Alexander Taushanov
Office Room 437
Student Hours

By appointment, please contact via e-mail!

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Phone +359888....11
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E-mail taushanov@uacg.bg
Website researchgate.net/profile/Alexander-Taushanov
Birth Place and Date Sofia
Marital Status married


  • Structural Mechanics for Hydro-Engineers
  • Structural Dynamics for Transport Structural Facilities Engineers
  • Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures
  • Dynamics of Structures & Seismic Analysis (in English language)
  • Dynamics of Structures & Seismic Analysis (in Bulgarian language)

Abroad Guest Lecturer:



2008 - PhD Engineer in “Structural Mechanics, Strength of Materials”
education-qualification degree – Doctor of Philosophy
thesis - Evaluation the Influence of the Damping on the Behavior of Mass Systems Under Dynamic Loading
director of studies - prof. Zdravko Bonev

1999 - Tempus Student in City University (London)
professional qualification - Civil Engineer
education-qualification degree – Master of Science
speciality – Construction of Buildings and Structures
thesis - Structural Response of Floors under Fire
director of studies - prof. Kuldeep Virdi


1994 - Higher Education, Higher Institute of Architecture and Construction – Sofia
qualification – Civil Engineer in Industrial and Housing Construction
education degree – Master (in accordance with Art. 6 of the Higher Education Act this diploma entitles him with the rights of completed educational degree of “Master of Science”)
speciality – Industrial and Housing Construction – Structures

1989 - Programmer (High School for Mathematics & Informatics, Sofia)
professional qualification – programmer


Language Skills

Bulgarian - native
English - excellent written and spoken

Professional Skills

Expert in the field of seismic engineering

Expert in the field of construction projects

Science Interests

Structural dynamics - experimental methods for determination of dynamical properties. Techniques for identification of parameters from measured operational response. Evaluation the damping and its influence of the behavior of dynamic systems. Influence of jerk in dynamics. Jerk Response Spectrum.

Design and construction of nearly Zero Energy buildings, Design of taller timber structures.

Science Activity

2006 - Bauhaus Universiteat Weimar, Germany – Advanced Studies in Structural Engineering and Computer-Aided Engineering
2003 - Istanbul Technical University, Turkey - Training Program on Earthquake Engineering


2000 - former member of International Council for Building   (CIB is the acronym of the abbreviated former French name: "Conseil International du Batiment") 

2008 - member of the Chamber of Engineers in the Investment Planning (Sofia-town) with full legal project capacity 

Participation in Research Projects

Participation in research projects sponsored by Ministry of Science - 2006, 2008 and 2012.

Participation in Design Projects

1996 - Design works and structure engineering calculations for high level residential building with 588 dwellings in Julеbino Area of Мosсow.
1997 - Design works and static calculations for structures for residential complex of 170 dwellings (area of residences - from 150 to 230 m2) and associated public service buildings and utilities in Ekaterinburg.
1997 - Roof steel structure for the new cover fruits & vegetable market in Botevgrad.
1998 - Bridge over Bistritsa River near Kribul village.
1999 - Bridge over Maritsa River in the vicinity of Kostenetz – new by-pass alignment of Road II-82 for TIR vehicles via Momin Prohod.
2000 - Large scale of bridge overpass at interchange "Alexander Malinov" (Mladost) Blvd. / Southern by-pass of Sofia – overall static and dynamic analysis and detailed design.
2001 - Reconstruction and strengthening of the whole existing structure of Temple / Church Jesus Christ Resurrection – Krasna Poliana District / Sofia.
Oct 2008 - Nov 2010 Transit Roads Project LOT 9 : Road II-64 "Banya - Motorway Trakia" from km 9+611 to km 49+338 - Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Works. Total length 39.727 km
Oct 2009 - Sep 2012 LOT 4 : Rehabilitation of a Section from Road I-6 "Sofia - Pirdop"
Mar 2010 - Aug 2012 Rehabilitation of Road III-183 "Gotse Delchev – Pirin"
The list is not full.

Participation in International Projects

1997-98 – City University, London – Joint European Project

from 2022 - BAUHAUS4EU European University Alliance

Academic Positions

2016 - Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the University
2013 - Assoc. Prof. in the Department of “Structural Mechanics”
2012 - Member of the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Structural Engineering
2008 - PhD Lecturer in the Department of “Structural Mechanics”
2005 - PhD Student in the Department of “Structural Mechanics”
2003 - Chief Assistant Professor MSc in the Department of "Structural Mechanics"
2000 - Senior Assistant Professor MSc in the Department of "Structural Mechanics"
1997 - Assistant Professor MSc in the Department of "Structural Mechanics"

Science Keywords

Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Dynamics of Structures, Seismic Analysis, Pushover Analysis, Fire Engineering, Jerk Response Spectrum

Other Posts and Activities

1996 - structural engineering designer in a big engineering company

1991 – University of Delaware – Bulgaria Coalition for Management Training, Economics and English Language Education - Training Program on Business English


  • Markov I., A. Taushanov - Geometric Stiffness Matrix for Clamped-Hinged Beam Element Considering Shear Strains, Stroitelstvo, Vol.6, 1998.
  • Vaysilov I., A. Taushanov – Response of Building to Earthquake - Special Features of the Modeling using Modern Software, International Scientific Conference “Technologies, Safety and Ecology”, Land Force Academy ”Vassil Levski”, Veliko Turnovo, 21-22 June 2001 (in Bulgarian language).
  • Taushanov A. – Improved Equation of Free Vibration of Single Degree of Freedom Damped Mass Systems, International Conference VSU’2002, Volume 1, May, 2002.
  • Taushanov A. – Improved Equation of Motion of a Damped Mass Systems in Case of Harmonic Excitation, Jubilee Scientific Conference “60 Years University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy”, Sofia, Volume 6, November, 2002.
  • Partov D., C. Christov, V. Kantchev, D. Dinev, A. Taushanov, E. Popova, D. Mitev - State of Art of Historic Structures in Bulgaria, Advanced Research Initiation Assisting and Developing Networks in Europe, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, 20 – 26 May 2002
  • Taushanov A., Dynamic Study of Mass Systems Considering Energy Dissipation, Roads Magazine, vol.1, 2002. (in bulgarian language)
  • Bonev Z. and A. Taushanov. Seismic Design of Structures According to Response Spectrum Method coupled with Linear Analysis. Integra Engineering, 2006 (book, in Bulgarian)

cited by: Zdravko Bonev, Stanislav Dospevski, Eurocode 8: Use of Advantageous Formulations for Improved and Safe Design, Building Materials and Structures, Vol.57, 2014.

cited by: Dospevski S., Z. Bonev - On Accounting for Spatial Variability of Seismic Action for Long in Plan Structures, First Scientific-Applied Conference with International Participation “Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Structures – Theory and Practice”, Vol.48, facs.12-II, 22-23 Oct 2015.

  • Schanz T., Z. Bonev, A. Taushanov, R. Iankov, A Study of Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction Effects on the Seismic Behaviour of Plane Structures, Jubilee Scientific Conference “65 Years University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy”, Sofia, 2007.

cited by:  Liolios A., A. Karabinis, A. Liolios, S. Radev, K. Georgiev, I. Georgiev. A Computational Approach for the Seismic Damage Response under Multiple Earthquakes Excitations of Adjacent RC Structures Strengthened by Ties. Computers & Mathematics with Applications; Vol.70, Issue 11, pp.2742–51, Dec 2015.

cited by: Nasser, M., M. Schwedler, F. Wuttke, C. Könke, Berechnung von Tragwerksbeanspruchungen unter Erdbebenanregung mit einfachen Boden-Bauwerks-Interaktionsmodellen, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik.85, Nr.3, 2010.

  • Taushanov A., Evaluation the Influence of the Damping on the Behavior of Mass Systems under Dynamic Loading, Sofia, 2007.
  • Schanz, T., Bonev, Z., Taushanov, A., Wuttke, F., Iankov, R., Initial Stiffness of Soil-Structure
    System calculated through Dynamic Pushover Analysis, in: Proc. Jubilee Scientific Conference,
    UACG, 17–18 May 2007, Sofia, pp. 187-204, 2007.
  • Z. Bonev, D. Blagov, A. Taushanov, Analysis Concepts for Seismic Resistant Design of Structures, Annual of the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, Vol.43, Fascicule 6, pp.51-77, ISSN 1310-814X, 2008-2009.
  • Taushanov A. , C. Giarma - Concrete Deterioration: Specification and Assessment, COST Action C25 "Sustainability of Constructions", Volume 2 "Sustainability of Constructions: Integrated Approach to Life-time Structural Engineering" pp.179-191, University of Malta, February, 2011.

cited by: Raffaele Landolfo, Sustainable Design of Structures: The outcomes of the COST Action C25-WG3, Life-Cycle and Sustainability of Civil Infrastructure Systems - Strauss, Frangopol & Bergmeister (Eds), Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2013.

cited by: Mohsen Shafighi, Seismic analysis of multistorey hybrid buildings, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Master’s Thesis 2017.

cited by: Bryan German Pantoja Rosero, Análise Dinâmica De Estruturas De Concreto Armado Via
Elementos Finitos
, Dissertação De Mestrado Em Estruturas E Construção Civil, Departamento De Engenharia Civil E Ambiental, Faculdade De Tecnologia, Universidade De Brasília, 2018.

cited by: Kenan, Hamit & Azeloğlu, Oktay, Design of scaled down model of a tower crane mast by using similitude theory, Engineering Structures, Volume 220, October 2020.

  •  Markov I., A. Taushanov - Geometric Stiffness Matrix for Plane Frame Finite Element with Semi-Rigid Connections, International Jubilee Conference UACEG2012: Science & Practice, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, 2012. (in bulgarian language)
  • Taushanov A. - Jerk Response Spectrum, International Jubilee Conference UACEG2017: 75 Years UACEG, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, Volume 51, Issue 2, pp.39-50, 2018.

cited by: Embodying the future through higher derivatives of time, Cognitive Implication of Globality via Temporal Inversion, 11 Jun 2018.

cited by: Recognition of Eigenvalues and Quasi-buildings from Response Accelerometers using Simulated Data, Postgraduate thesis of Angeliki Tziotziou, supervisor: Triantafylllos K. Makarios, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, November 2019.

cited by:  Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο  (Greek Open University), 2019.

cited by: Ioanna.G.Papandreou & George.A.Papagiannopoulos, On the jerk spectra of some inelastic systems subjected to seismic motions, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Volume 126, November 2019.

cited by: Hayati, H.; Eager, D.; Pendrill, A.-M.; Alberg, H. Jerk within the Context of Science and Engineering - A Systematic Review. Vibration 2020, 3, 371-409.

cited by: Mariani Massimo, Pugi Francesco. JERK: effetti delle AZIONI SISMICHE IMPULSIVE e CRISI LOCALI nelle STRUTTURE in MURATURA, Ingenio, 2020.

cited by: Clautilde Nguiadem, Maxime Raison, Sofiane Achiche. Impact of the choice of upper limb prosthesis mechanism on kinematics and dynamic quality. Medical Engineering & Physics, Volume 94, pp.16-25, August 2021.

cited by: Nguiadem, C. Aide à la conception d'appareils d'assistance robotisée du membre supérieur pour un mouvement réaliste et écoénergétique [Thèse de doctorat, Polytechnique Montréal]. PolyPublie, 2022.

cited by: Li Huicong, Zhang Wentao, Zhang Jianxiang, Huang Wenzhu. Fiber optic jerk sensor, Optics Express, Vol 30, No.4, Feb 2022.

cited by: Vukobratović, V.; Ruggieri, S. Jerk in Earthquake Engineering: State-of-the-Art. Buildings 2022, 12, 1123. 


  • FlagPoll by Just Software Solutions Ltd

book: Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures - Response Spectrum Analysis, Sofia, 2006.

More Info



Изчисляване на конструкции на сеизмични въздействия - Линеен спектрален анализ
проф. д-р инж. Здравко Бонев , доц. д-р инж. Александър Таушанов


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Seismic Risk and Hazard
Alexander Taushanov

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