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Prof. Dr. Eng. Stoyo Todorov

Faculty of Transportation Engineering, Railway Construction - Head of department

Faculty of Transportation Engineering, Railway Construction

Prof. Dr. Eng. Stoyo Todorov
Office Room B752
Student Hours

Wednesday 12:30 - 14:00

Phone +359888662404
Fax ...
E-mail stoyo_fte@uacg.bg
Website http://www.uacg.bg
Marital Status married


  1. "Design and construction of railways" for faculty of Transpotration engineering
  2. "Railways engineering" for faculty of Structural engineering
  3. "Special railways – ropelines, funicular, metro and tramways" for faculty of Transportation engineering
  4. "Highways and railways" – general course for faculty of Geodesy
  5. "Urban transport" - for faculty of Transportation engineering



1982 – 1987 Higher institute of architecture, civil engineering and geodesy, civil engineer of transport – railway engineer (Dipl. Eng.).

1992 – 1999 University of architecture, civil engineering and geodesy, Doctor Thesis by scientific field of 02.15.11 Design, building and maintenance of railway and equipments (PhD). Doctor thesis: Research of longitudinal section of railway for high speed lines.

Language Skills

English, Russian

Professional Skills

Civil engineer by Transportation engineering - Railway constructions
University lector - Professor
Designer by Transportation engineering and equipment’s
Head of research projects in area of transportation engineering
Head of designer's projects and teams in area of railway construction

Science Interests

Design and building of railways, tramways, metro ets.
Construction of railway track
Railway terminals and stations Railway operation

Science Activity

Project BG051PO001-3.1.09-0016 "Career development and qualification of the academic staff in the University’s", BG051PO001-3.1.09 System qualification and career development for teachers in the universities ", Operational Programme "Human Resources Development 2007-2013" Ministry of education and science, expert at the working group

Project BG051PO001-3.1.08-0016 "Development of standards and procedures for the quality management at UACEG and the development of Internet-based systems for quality management system for administering processes and information systems service learning activity, Scheme: BG051PO001-3.1 0.08 "Improvement of management systems in higher education institutions", Operational Programme "human Resources Development 2007-2013" at the Ministry of Education and science, like expert to the working group.



From 1991 – National guild society of railway track engineer.
From 1991 – Member of UEEIV Union of European railway engineer associations.
From 2003 - Member of Scientific and technical union of transport.
From 2005 – The Chamber of engineers in investigation design.
From 2007 - Member of advisory council by direction "Betterment of urban transport services at the city of Sofia and city’s area"
From 2007 - Member of advisory council by "Necessity of high level staff for Railway transport to 2013"

From 2009 - Member of TC-70 Technical committe "Railway transport" of the Bulgarian Institute for Standartization BDS

From 2010 - Chairman of TC-70 "Railway transport"
From 2010 - Member of Domain Committee "Transport and Urban Development" (TUD) to COST http://www.cost.esf.org/domains_actions/tud?dc_members

Participation in Research Projects

2017 Head of Scientific Project Contract 103/2017 "Utilization of railway waste for construction", funded from Research and design center of UACG
2011-2012 Head of scientific project D47_11 “Research of loading and specification of pillars for Cableway”, funded from Research and design center of UACG
2007 Head of research project "General analysis of rails type S33", investor Railway operator Plovdiv from National Company "Railway Infrastructure" (NRIC), Research and design center of UACG
2006 Head of task to design of railway section Krumovo – Parvomay, part Railway track, Research and design center of UACG
2005 Consulting works under the Sofia Metro extension project, contractor Taisei Corporation
1995 Education version of automation system for designing of railways, team with head Assoc. Prof. Boiadjiev;
1994 Tracing and stabilization of railway section Sestrimo - Belovo, team with head Assoc. Prof. Kostadinov;
1990 –1993 Consultant of CTCA (Centre of transport cybernetics and automation) for development of high-speed railway - concept designs in the following directions: Plovdiv – Dimitrovgrad, Dimitrovgrad – Svilengrad, Sofia – Kalotina, Dupnitza - Kulata
1990 Complete technology for working in railway section in MP - Burgas, team with head Prof. Raikov;
1989 Reinforced concrete sleepers for railway switch type 49-1:9-R=300 m, team with head Assoc. Prof. Mirchev;

Participation in Design Projects

2015-2016 Consultant, Technical Assistance and preparation of Phase 1 conceptual design and technical phase 2 project "Development of railway junction Sofia" Lot 1 "Preparation of technical project for modernization of railway sections" station Voluyak- station Birimirtsi "," Station Sofia - station Iliyantsi "and" station Kazichane through Musachevo station - station Stolnik "" c. Prodex, Czech Republic
2015 Designer, Elaboration of a draft for building jointless railway track project "Restoring design speed in track sections Kurilo - Rebrovo, track №2 from km 13+ 294 to km 23 + 632 with a length of 10338 meters, with adjacent stations: Station Kurilo - 2nd track 980 m and adjacent turnouts №8, 10, 14, 9 and 3 between turnouts №10 and 14 with a length of 46 meters and between turnouts №34 and №9 length of 22 meters and station Rebrovo - 2nd track with a length of 891 meters and adjacent turnouts №1 and 2 assignor "National Railway Infrastructure company ", c. INRA PRO Consult
2010 Head of design project "Removing of Railway track section General Todorov - Kulata" Lot 4 of Motorway Struma
2009 Head of part Railway track of design project "Plovdiv-Svilengrad railway electrification and upgrading of corridors IV and IX" phase II Dimitrovgrad-Svilengrad
2008 Head of part Railway track of design project "Plovdiv-Svilengrad railway electrification and upgrading of corridors IV and IX" phase II Parvomay-Svilengrad
2006 Transportation tunnel for mine “Elacite”, part construction
2005 Watertight door for mine “Elacite”, part construction
2005 Reconstruction of railway station Vidin, Part: construction.

Participation in International Projects

ISPA – Project for electrification and upgrading of railway Plovdiv-Svilengrad of corridors IV and IX, phase 1 Krumovo - Parvomay, 2006-2010
Socrat – Erasmus coordinator for 2007
Coordinator for double degree program between UACG and Technical University Wien, 2005-2008
Operational program on Transport of EU - Lot 4 AM Struma - Removing of Railway track section General Todorov - Kulata, 2008-2010
Operational program on Transport of EU - Plovdiv-Svilengrad Railway electrification & upgrading of corridors IV and IX, Phase 2 Parvomay - Dimitrovgrad, 2010-2011

Academic Positions

1988 – 2000 Assistant of Professor in the department of transport engineering to Todor Kableshkov Higher school of transport, Sofia
2000 – 2002 Chief Assistant of Professor in department of Railways to University of architecture, civil engineering and geodesy, Sofia,
From 2002 Associated Professor in the department of Railways to University of architecture, civil engineering and geodesy, Sofia
2004 - 2008 Head of department Railways constructions in University of architecture, civil engineering and geodesy
From 2004 - 2011 Member of special scientific council for higher and civil engineering to Higher terminate commission, Sofia
From 2006 - 2011 Secretary of special scientific council for higher and civil engineering to the Higher terminate commission, Sofia
From 2008 to 2016 Dean of Faculty of Transportation engineering
From 2012 to 2016 Head of Department Railways constructions in University of architecture, civil engineering and geodesy
From 2012 Professor to department Railways construction
From 2016 to present days Vice-rector for European integration and international relations

Science Keywords

Railway track, Railroad track, Rail, Ballast, Crushed stone, 
Layout of railway, longitudinal section, Cross sections,
Design of railways, railway terminals and stations, tramways and metro
Cableways, public transport

Other Posts and Activities

Member of council of faculty of transport engineering at UACG
Member of specialty scientifically council for civil engineering to the higher terminate commission
Member of National guild society of railway track engineers
Member of UEEIV (Union of European railway engineer associations).
Member of the Chamber of engineers in investigation design
From 2005 Certificated for Eurorailengineer.
2005-2008 Coordinator for double degree program between UACG and TU Wien.
2006-2010 Secretary of specialty scientifically counsel for civil engineering to the higher terminate commission.
2007-2008 Coordinator for program Erasmus for Faculty of Transportation engineering.
From 2008 Member of Academic Council of University of architecture, civil engineering and geodesy (UACG)
From 2009 Member of Technical committees TC 70 Railway transport to Bulgarian Institute for Standardization (BIS)
From 2010 Chairman of Technical committee 70 Railway transport to Bulgarian Institute for Standardization



1. Todorov S., Research at longitudinal section of railway from higher speeds, doctorate, 1998, 164 p., УДК 625.11, COBISS.BG-ID 1263559396,

Books, textbooks and monograph

2. Lazarov K., Ivanova M., Todorov S., Manual of designing and building of railway lines, 1997, Sofia, ISBN 954-12-0054-0, УДК 625.11(075.8), COBISS.BG-ID 1033590244, 262 p.
3. Todorov S., Design and construction of railways, students’ book for UACG, 2006, proceedings in UACG, УДК 625.1-11(075.8), COBISS.BG-ID 1045176292, 334 p.
4. Nikolov V., S. Todorov, Roads and Railways, textbook for UACEG, 2011, ISBN: 978-954-12-0205-0, УДК 625.11.001.63(075.8), 625.7/.8(497.2)(075.8), COBISS.BG-ID - 1250684900, 2011, 471 p.
5. Todorov S., Development of public transport in Sofia, monograph, E-book, ISBN 978-954-724-048-3, 126 p., https://uacg.bg/filebank/att_3212.pdf
6. Todorov S., Longitudinal profile of railway lines at high speeds, monograph based on dissertation, e-book (.pdf), 2020 г., ISBN 978-954-724-121-3, 160 р., https://uacg.bg/filebank/att_19371.pdf

Articles in magazines

7. Todorov S., Transition of rise-to-distance ratio in raising of speeds in railway curves, Railway transport, Sofia, 3/2000, Железопътен транспорт = Railway Transport Magazine. ISSN 1310-683X. - 3 (2000), с. 27-28 , УДК 621.11, COBISS.BG-ID 1143748580 p. 27-28
8. Nikolov V., Todorov S., Ivanov R., Combine influence of loading up of rolling stock and traffic on ground bed in area of crossing, Railway transport, Sofia, 5/2000, Железопътен транспорт = Railway Transport Magazine. ISSN 1310-683X. - 6 (2000), с. 34-36 , УДК 625.16, COBISS.BG-ID 1144242404, p. 34-36
9. Nikolov V., Todorov S., Pavement for railway crossings, Railway transport, Sofia, 3/2001, Железопътен транспорт = Railway Transport Magazine. ISSN 1310-683X. - 3 (2001), с. 22-23 , УДК 625.16, COBISS.BG-ID 1156567780, р.22-23
10. Todorov S., Requirement to transition curves for tramway track, Railway transport, Sofia, 6/2001, Железопътен транспорт = Railway Transport Magazine. ISSN 1310-683X. - 6 (2001), с. 21-23 , УДК 625.46, COBISS.BG-ID 1156776932, р. 21-24
11. Todorov S., Some problems about professional education in area of Railways, report in magazine Railway transport, 6/2006, Железопътен транспорт = Railway Transport Magazine. ISSN 1310-683X. - 6 (2006), с. 20-21, УДК 378.965.62, 377.5:656.2, COBISS.BG-ID 1173017572, p.20-21
12. Dacovski C., Todorov S., Geuergieva E., Overhead railway road to airport Sofia, report in magazine Railway transport, 10/2006, Железопътен транспорт = Railway Transport Magazine. ISSN 1310-683X. - 10 (2006), с. 36-39, УДК 656.2(497.223), COBISS.BG-ID 1173977316 p.36-39
13. Todorov S., Lepoev М., Compatibility and safety of high-speed railways sections, m. „Railway transport” n.3, 2008, Железопътен транспорт = Railway Transport Magazine. ISSN 1310-683X. - 3 (2008), с. 36-38, УДК 656.25, COBISS.BG-ID 1181735396 р.36-38
14. Todorov S., Train running on horizontal curves – the cant deficiency and excess, academic journal “Mechanics, Transport, Communications”, ISSN 2367-6620, t. 12, N 3/3, Year 2014, р. VIII-9-15 http://www.mtc-aj.com/academic-journal.php?lang=en
15. Todorov S., Ianakiev I., Development of railway stations of city Pleven, ISSN 2367-6620, t. 13, N 3/3, Year 2015, р. VIII-67-71 http://www.mtc-aj.com/academic-journal.php?lang=en
16. Postolova N., S. Todorov, R. Zaharieva, Innovative solutions for the recovery of used redundant railway materials in construction, ISSN 2367-6620, v. 14, бр. 3/3 2016, art.ID1364, р. XIV-21-26, http://www.mtc-aj.com/academic-journal
17. Todorov S., D. Mihaylov, Application of modern technologies and developments in the reconstruction of “Grag Ignatiev” blv., Proceeding year 2 volume „Industry 4.0", 12-15 December 2018, ISSN (print) 2535-0153, ISSN (Online) - 2535-0161, p.188-192, http://industry-4.eu/winter/sbornik/2-2018.pdf
18. Todorov S., K. Kutzarowa, Determination of the braking force and assessment of the dangerous sections of the railway network of the Republic of Bulgaria, scientific journal "Mechanics, transport, communications", ISSN 2367-6620, v. 17, бр. 3 2019, р. VIII-19-25, http://www.mtc-aj.com/academic-journal
19. Todorov S., Research of the factors determining the safety of train movement under breaking – interoperability, Proceeding year 3 volume 3/7, 11-14 December 2019, ISSN (print) 2535-0153, ISSN (Online) - 2535-0161, http://industry-4.eu/winter/sbornik/2-2018.pdf
20. S. Todorov, Exceptions to the norms of a project for development of the railway junction Sofia - interoperability, scientific journal "Mechanics, Transport, Communications", ISSN 2367-6620 (print), ISSN 2367-6620 (online) 2020/3, pp. XIV-21-26, http://www.mtc-aj.com/faculty-conferences.htm

Articles in Annuals

21. Todorov S., Energy evaluation of railway longitudinal section, Annual of UACG, Годишник на Университета по архитектура, строителство и геодезия - София = Annuaire de l'Universite d'Architecture, de Genie Civil et du Geodesie - Sofia. ISSN 1310-814X. - 39 [за 1996/2000], 8 (2001), с. 21-39, ISSN 1310-814X (print); ISSN 2534-9759 (online), 39, 8, 1998 г. УДК 625.11, COBISS.BG-ID 1156335844 Sofia, 1996-2000, pp.21-39
22. Todorov S., R. Valkov, Strategic projects for the design of reconstruction and electrification of sections of the 1st railway line, Scientific Papers 72, Vasil Levski Higher Educational Institution V. Turnovo, 2002, pp.421-428, ISSN 0861-0312
23. Todorov S., Standard requirements and conditions of railway track inside lines in MP Debelt, Annual of MGU “Sv. Iv. Rilski”, vol. 44-45, 2002, Годишник на Минно-геоложкия университет "Св. Иван Рилски" - София. ISSN 1312-1820. - 44-45, 2 (2002), с. 19-21 , УДК 658.286.2:625.3, COBISS.BG-ID, 1178448356, Sofia, р.19-23
24. Todorov S., M. Zhiponov, Infrastructure projects under European program ISPA Plovdiv– Svilengrad, International Conference UACEG2009: Science & Practice, Sofia, 29-31.10.2009, Annual of UACG, ISSN 1310-814X (print); ISSN 2534-9759 (online), v.XI Bridges and Transportaion constractions pp.239-247, COBISS.BG-ID – 1120880100, https://plus.bg.cobiss.net/opac7/bib/1120880100#full
25. Sentova E., S. Todorov, B. Belev, P. Pavlov, V. Radulov, S. Vasileva, Y. Merdzhanova, Development of tools (instruments) for evaluating the work of teachers and the quality of teaching, “Annual of UACG”, ISSN 1310-814X (print); ISSN 2534-9759 (online), Vol. XLVII, Issue no. IV, 2015 Sofia, pp. 41-53, COBISS.BG-ID – 1120880100, https://plus.bg.cobiss.net/opac7/bib/1120880100#full
26. Sentova E., S. Todorov, B. Belev, P. Pavlov, V. Radulov, S. Vasileva, Development of components of a career development system, “Annual of UACG”, ISSN 1310-814X (print); ISSN 2534-9759 (online), Vol. XLVII, Issue no. IV, 2015 Sofia, pp. 53-61, https://plus.bg.cobiss.net/opac7/bib/1120880100#full
27. Todorov S., Railway service of large shippers, Annual of UACG, ISSN 1310-814X (print); ISSN 2534-9759 (online), Sofia, Volume 51, Issue no. 7, 2018, p. 81-92, https://www.uacg.bg/UserFiles/File/UACEG_Annual/2018/7.pdf
28. Todorov S., K. Kutzrarova-Dimitrova, M. Iliev, Investigation of the factors determining the safety of trains in braking mode, Annual of UACG, ISSN 1310-814X (print); ISSN 2534-9759 (online), vol.53, Issue no.3, 2020 Sofia, pp. 755-774, https://uacg.bg/UserFiles/File/UACEG_Annual/2020/Брой 3/16-T-5.pdf

Reports in International conferences outside of Bulgaria

29. Todorov S., Application of method of Runge – Cuta - Feldberg for solve of equation for train movement, IV Science conference, Sankt Petersburg, 29-30.06.1999, pp. 145-150, http://library.pgups.ru/jirbis2/index.php?option=com_irbis&view=irbis&Itemid=108
30. Todorov S., State and problems at transition curves for tramway track in Sofia, Science conference, Transport XXI century, ISSN 0866-9546, e-ISSN 2300-8830, 19-21.09.2001, Warsaw, pp. 289-294.
31. Nikolov V., Todorov S., Ivanov R, Structural changes in Bulgarian railways 2003, Zilina, Slovak Republic, 27-28 may 2003, рp.60-65
32. Todorov S., Topical condition of railway infrastructure in Bulgarian with view of destruction from highly level of water in summer of 2005, report to TU Vienna, 05.2006, pp.1-14
33. Todorov S., Bulgarian experience of high-speed railways, report to XIII international Scientific conference RAILCON'08, Niz, Serbia, CD, 9-10 November 2008, pp.37-40
34. Todorov S., Safety measures for level crossing, 11-th International conference on “Forum of rail transport”, Bratislava, h-l „Hilton“, 17 - 18 March 2015 г., pp. 71-75
35. Todorov S., New structures for tram lines in Sofia, 15-th Forum of rail transport, Bratislava, h. Double Tree by Hilton, 19 - 20 March 2019 г., рp. 71-76

Reports in International conferences in Bulgaria

36. Mirchev M., Lazarov K., Ivanov B., Todorov S., Railway switch type 49-1&9-R=300 m on reinforced concrete sleepers, international scientific conference at VVTU, Sofia, 1989;
37. Todorov S., Parabola of IV-th power, like transition curve, VI international scientific conference, VVTU, Sofia, 10-112.11.1993;
38. Todorov S., Mass of passenger and goods trains, VII-th international scientific conference of VVTU, 17-18.11.1994;
39. Todorov S., Fuller using of power possibility of electrical locomotives at designing of railways, VIII-th international scientific conference of VVTU, 16-17.11.1995;
40. Todorov S., For joint of elements of longitudinal section, IX, international scientific conference, TEMPRT’96, 02.11.1996;
41. Todorov S., Energy evaluation of longitudinal section, report at X-th international scientific conference, TEMPRT’97, NTS, Sofia, 1997,
42. Todorov S., Ecological aspects at designing of railway lines, 1997, Sofia, p. 13-15
43. Todorov S., Harmful factors at environment at designing and operating of railways, international scientific conference’99, Russe, НАУЧНИ трудове – Русенски университет “Ангел Кънчев" = Научные труды.... – Русе, 1999- Заб.: Продължение на Научни трудове - Висше техническо училище "Ангел Кънчев" - Русе ISSN 0205-3322 7-8.10.1999 г. Русе, ISBN 1311-3321 (print) 2603-4123 (online) 7-8.10.1999;
44. Todorov S., Nikolov V., Technology of repairs and maintenance of inside transport in MK – Debelt, VII international scientific conference, MOTOAUTO, Sofia, vol. II AUTOMOBILES, TRANSPORT, INFRASTRUCTURE AND AIRCRAFTS, 18-20.10.2000, р. 89-91
45. Todorov S., State and perspectives for development of I-st railway lines, VII international scientific conference, MOTOAUTO, Sofia, vol. II AUTOMOBILES, TRANSPORT, INFRASTRUCTURE AND AIRCRAFTS, 18-20.10.2000, р.92-95
46. Nikolov V., Todorov S., Inside automobile transport – ordinary and special in heavy industry, VII international scientific conference, MOTOAUTO, Sofia, vol. II AUTOMOBILES, TRANSPORT, INFRASTRUCTURE AND AIRCRAFTS, 18-20.10.2000, p. 153-155
47. Todorov S., R. Valkov, Strategically requirements at designing of reconstruction and electrification sections of I-st railway, international scientific conference’2001, VVOVU “V. Levski” 21-22.06.2001;
48. Todorov S., Rise-to-distance ratio and transition for tramways in Sofia, international scientific conference, VSU2001, Sofia, 29.05-01.06.2001, pp. 50-55
49. Todorov S., Determination of basic resistance of train moving for designing railways, international scientific conference, VSU2001, Sofia, 29.05-01.06.2001, рp.42-49
50. Lepoev M., Todorov S., Place and role of recycle ballast at renovating of railway track, XI-th international scientific conference, TEMPT’2001, Transport in XXI century, VTU “T. Kableshkov”, Sofia, 15-16.11.2001, p. 537-540
51. Todorov S., Requirements at situation of meeting stations of reconstruction and electrification of railways, XI-th international scientific conference, TEMPT’2001, Transport in XXI century, VTU “T. Kableshkov”, Sofia, 15-16.11.2001, pp. 541-544
52. Todorov S., Method for optimization of quantity of ground mass at comparing a designing variants of railways, XI-th international scientific conference, TEMPT’2001, Transport in XXI century, VTU “T. Kableshkov”, Sofia, 15-16.11.2001, pp. 545-550
53. Todorov S., Geometrical scheme and putting into practice of railway switches on reinforced concrete sleepers, international scientific conference, VSU’2002, 29-31.05.2002, ISBN 1314-071X, Sofia, рp. 46-50
54. Todorov S., Standard gauges in railway transport, international scientific conference VCU’ 2003, 30.10-01.11.2003г., Sofia, ISBN 1314-071X, рp. 91-96
55. Todorov S., Standard values of superstructure in railway curves, XІІІ international scientific conference Transport 2003, 13-14.11.2003, Sofia, рp.83-88.
56. Todorov S., Variants for reconstruction of railway section Bojchinovci – Brusarci for 160 km/h, report in international scientific conference VSU’2004, v. ІІ, 20-22.05.2004, Sofia, ISBN 1314-071X, рp.ІV35-38.
57. Todorov S., Technical safe clearance for gauge of railway track, XІV international scientific conference Transport 2004, 11-12.11.2004, VTU “T. Kableshkov”, Sofia, рp.113-116
58. Todorov S., Standard loading to railway track and equipment’s, XІV international scientific conference Transport’2004, 11-12.11.2004, VTU “T. Kableshkov”, Sofia, рp.107-112
59. Todorov S., Adjoining infrastructure of railway connection for 160 km/h, report in International scientific conference VSU’2005, proceedings vol. ІІ, 26-27.05.2005, Sofia, ISBN 1314-071X, рp.ІV62-65.
60. Todorov S., Standard documents and principals for valuation of technical condition of railway track, report in International scientific conference VSU’2005, proceedings vol. ІІ, 26-27.05.2005, Sofia, ISBN 1314-071X, рp.ІV66-70.
61. Todorov S., J. Mishov, Renewal of railway equipment’s in railway station Vidin, report in International Science conference VTU’2005, 10-11.11.2005, Sofia, рp.V46-V50.
62. Todorov S., E. Gueergieva, Modern Transport Solutions in the Maintenance of Sofia Airport, Jubilee scientific conference of UACG, 17-18 May 2007, proceeding, pp.215-230
63. Todorov S., High Speed Lines in Bulgarian Railways, Jubilee scientific conference of UACG, 17-18 May 2007, proceeding, pp.207-214
64. Lepoev M., Todorov S., Recicling of building refuse's generated at area of Sofia, 7-th international Scientific conference SGEM 2007, 10-15 June, Albena 2007, p.154-165
65. Todorov S., Lepoev M., „Technical requirements regarding the compatibility and security of high-speed lines of the railway network in Bulgaria, 11.-12.10.2007, Sofia, Bulgaria UEEIV-Conference and Exhibition with NGSRTE/WTVV/BDZ, Railway-Forum 2007, "Bulgarian Railway in the European Union - Compatibility and Investments".
66. Todorov S., „The implementation of the railway cadres in the railway infrastructure“, 11.-12.10.2007, Sofia, Bulgaria UEEIV-Conference and Exhibition with NGSRTE/WTVV/BDZ, Railway-Forum 2007, "Bulgarian Railway in the European Union - Compatibility and Investments".
67. Todorov S., Georgieva, Analysis of the transport connections of the capital with the Sofia airport in view of the extension of the subway, Jubilee International Scientific and Technical Conference on Tunnel and Metro Constructions Ten years Sofia Metro, 28-29.01.2008, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp.183-190
68. Todorov S., Current status of building of the subways tunnel under the Bosphorus, Jubilee International Scientific and Technical Conference on Tunnel and Metro Constructions Ten years Sofia Metro, 28-29.01.2008, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp.228-233
69. Todorov S., New bachelors programs at area of Transportation construction, 11.-12.10.2007, Sofia, Bulgaria UEEIV-Conference and Exhibition, Railway-Forum 2008, "Modernization of Bulgarian Railways - safety and reliability".
70. Todorov S., Gauges for railways bridges, Third symposium on bridges, Design and construction of bridges, UACEG, FTE, Sofia, 29.05.2009, pp. 154-164
71. Todorov S., Students and teacher’s mobility by program "Erasmus" (experience of faculty of transportation engineering, UACEG), Scientific and Technical Conference, Youth forum 2009, NTU, Sofia, 11.06.2009
72. Todorov S., Construction of railway section Plovdiv-Svilengrad, Phase 1, Krumovo-Parvomay, Scientific Conference BulTrans-2009, Technical University of Sofia, Sozopol, 24-26.09.2009 ISBN 1313-955, p.183-186, http://www.bultrans.org/files/proceedings/bultrans-2009.pdf
73. Todorov S., M. Zhiponov, Infrastructure project under European program ISPA Plovdive – Svilengrad, phase 1, National Conference with international participation European railways lines and strategically directions - some projects in Bulgaria, House of NTU, Plovdiv, 13-14.11.2009, p.1-22
74. Todorov S., V. Popov, Railway upgrading of corridor V Sofia – Kulata in section General Todorov - Kulata, 10-th international scientific conference VSU'2010, ISBN 1314-071X, 03.06.2010
75. Kostadinov N., S. Todorov, Road safety when crossing the railway crossing, national practical conference "Road safety" of Trakia university, Technical College, Yambol, 11.05.2001, ISBN: 978-954-9999-77-8, pр.5-10 Кн 298, pp. 5-10, УДК 656.11(063) COBISS.BG-ID 1245845220 , http://tk.uni-sz.bg/files/Obnoven%20Sbornik%20D1%20-D20%20final.pdf
76. Ivanova M., S. Todorov, Safety of road traffic at level-crossings in Bulgaria, national practical conference of Trakia university, Technical College, Yambol, 11.05.2011, p.11-16, ISBN: 978-954-9999-77-8, стр. 11-16 Кн 298, pp. 11-16, УДК 656.11(063) COBISS.BG-ID 1245845220 , http://tk.uni-sz.bg/files/Obnoven%20Sbornik%20D1%20-D20%20final.pdf
77. Todorov S., Access of people with disabilities to public transport, 11th international scientific conference VSU' 2011, Proceedings 2-3 June 2011, ISBN 1314-071X, VI120-125
78. Todorov S., Main trends for the development of Sofia railway junction, 11th international scientific conference VSU' 2011, Proceedings 2-3 June 2011, ISBN 1314-071X, VI-126-130
79. Todorov S., Problem for minimum distances between sections with changes in curvature in design of railway lines, 20-th international scientific conference of VTU "T. Kableshkov", V65-69, Academic journal, mechanics, transport communications, ISSN 1312-3823, issue 3, 2011, article №0545, http://www.mtc-aj.com/conf_2011/dok_545.pdf
80. Todorov S., K. Kucarova, Sress condition and work of pillar for cableways, 12th international scientific conference VSU' 2012, Proceedings 7-8 June 2012, pp.VI-25-30, http://www.vsu.bg/k2012bg/IV-page_v_x.pdf
81. Todorov S., S. Aleksandrova, Reconstruction and renovation of railway station Kazanlak, 12th international scientific conference VSU' 2012, Proceedings 7-8 June 2012, ISBN 1314-071X, pp.VI-31-36
82. Todorov S., G. Mihailova, Scheme and place of railway transport in general plane of industrial enterprise “Neochim” AD, 12th international scientific conference VSU' 2012, Proceedings 7-8 June 2012, ISBN 1314-071X, pp. VI-37-42
83. Schoebel A., S. Todorov, Simulation of railway operation for estimation of demand on railway infrastructure, International Jubilee Conference UACEG2012, ISBN 978-954-724-049-0, 15-17 November 2012, vol. 3, pp.231-236, https://publik.tuwien.ac.at/publist.php?nojava=0&perstissid=41832&ext=1&lang=1
84. Todorov S., I. Ivanov, Transportation schedule and place of railway transport in the general plan of largest industrial enterprise “Kaolin” AD, International Jubilee Conference UACEG2012, ISBN 978-954-724-049-0, 15-17 November 2012, vol. 3, pp.255-260
85. Todorov S., "Integrated public transport" by regional development program of the EU, 1 National and 10 European conference with international participation "Modern options and strategy for development of the transport infrastructure of the city of Sliven in the programming period 2014 +" June 26, 2013, Sliven, 24 pages, http://www.euroarch.eu/dpp2013.htm
86. Rasimova A., Todorov S., Level crossing with barriers at the town of Asenovgrad. European Trends in the road safety, Journal of the Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria, “Fundamental Sciences and Applications” Vol. 19, 2013, International Conference Engineering, Technologies and System, TECHSYS 2013, Bulgaria
87. Todorov S., Opportunities for the development of the railway juvction Burgas related to a project for integrated urban transport under OP “Regional development”, 21-th international scientific conference of VTU "T. Kableshkov", UACEG2012, ISBN 1312-3823, proceed 11, num. 3 10-13 October 2013, рp. VIII-1-6
88. Todorov S., Current projects for transportation infrastructure - horizon 2020 AutoDesk seminar entitled: Innovative solutions for designing new rehabilitation and reconstruction of existing road infrastructure, 25 November, Hilton Sofia
89. Todorov S., Transport corridors in the Balkans and connectivity corridor 8, International scientific conference VSU' 2014, 5-6 June 2014, ISBN 1314-071X, Proceedings, volume 3, рp. I-31-36
90. Todorov S., Problematical design of variants in the section Karnobat - Lozarevo, International scientific conference VSU' 2014, 5-6 June 2014, ISBN 1314-071X, Proceedings, volume 4, р. I-363-368
91. Todorov S., М. Ivanova, Passive road safety measures when crossing railroad crossing, 7-th national conference on roads with international participation, Nesebar, Sunny batch, „Iberostar“, 08 - 12 October 2014 г., pp. 1-9
92. Todorov S., Train running on horizontal curves – the cant deficiency and excess, 14 Int. railway forum “Transport Equipment and building technologies in transport“ , TU "Т. Каблешков", 18-19 September 2014, ISSN 1312-3823, tom 12, N 3/3, Year 2014, р. VIII-9-15, http://www.mtc-aj.com/academic-journal.php?lang=en
93. Todorov S., Possibilities for development of railway Sofia-Plovdiv via Panagyurishte, International scientific conference VSU' 2015, 5-6 June 2015, ISBN 1314-071X, Proceedings, volume 4, рp. I-298-302
94. Victorov D., S. Todorov, Current development of integrated urban transport (tram green), 8-th NK by roads with international participation, t. Nesebar, h. „Sol Nesebar resort“, 30 Sept. - 02 Oct. 2015, рp.1-13
95. Todorov S., I. Ianakiev, Development of railways of city Pleven, 22-th International scientific conference of VTU „Т. Kableshkov“, Borovec, h. „Samokov“, 08 - 10 Oct. 2015, Issue part 3, pр. 67-71, https://mtc-aj.com/article.1228.htm
96. Todorov S., V. Popov, Studying the geometrical parameters of one-level crossing points of roads and railways, when renovating the railways. (Problems and solutions from railways Ilientsi-Kurilo and Kurilo-Rebrovo), X-th National transport infrastructure conference with international participation“, Nesebar, 12-14 Oct. 2017, р. 1-13
97. Todorov S., Rail service large shippers, International Jubilee Scientific Conference “75th Anniversary of UACEG”, Sofia, 01 - 03 Nov. 2017, р. 1-12
98. Todorov S., Development of railway junction Sofia based on the project for renovation of railway sections: „Voluiak station – Birimirci station“, „Sofia station via Sofia north – Ilianci station“ и „Kazichene station via Musachevo – Stolnik station“, „XI-th National transport infrastructure conference with international participation“, Nesebar, 12-14 Oct. 2017, р. 1-13
99. Todorov S., EXCLUDED FROM THE NORMS AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROJECT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE RAILWAY JUNCTION SOFIA, CONTRACT 1, XVIII annuarsary international scientific conference construction and architecture VSU’2018, VSU "L. Karavelov", 18-20 October 2018, ISBN 1314-071X, vol. 1, part 7-9
100. Todorov S., D. Mihaylov, Application of modern technologies and developments in the reconstruction of "Graf Ignatiev" Blvd., III International scientific conference “Industry 4.0”, Bulgarian Scientific-Technical Union, 12-15 December 2018, ISSN (print) 2534-8582
101. Todorov S., „ Training for the construction industry with a view to industry 4.0“, forum EDA 10 European scientific conference on condition and processes on investment, planning, build-up and development of building industry 2020+ VISEGRAD+ May 15-16 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria, ISBN 978-80-87159-53-8

Edited standarts:

1. BDS EN 13803-1 Railway applications - Track - Track alignment design parameters - Track gauges 1435 mm and wider - Part 1: Plain, 2010 г., p.70
2. BDS EN 13803-2+A1 „Railway applications - Track - Track alignment design parameters - Track gauges 1435 mm and wider - Part 2: Switches and crossings and comparable alignment design situations with abrupt changes of curvature“, 2011 г., p.51
3. BDS EN 15877-1 “Railway applications - Marking on railway vehicles - Part 1:Freight wagons”, 2016, p. 138

Edited dissertations, monographs, books and students:

1) "Geometric track survey of the track",, opinion for dissertation assignment for award of educational and scientific degree "doctor" in scientific specialty 02.15.11 "Design, construction and maintenance of railways and facilities" of Assis. Vladimir Plamenov Popov from UACG, Department of Railways, 2018
2) "Analysis of the possibilities for improvement of the durability of the construction of the city rail track", opinion on the dissertation for awarding the educational and scientific degree "doctor" in the scientific field 02:15:11 "Design, construction and maintenance of railways and facilities" Eng. Vladimir Zlatanov Jekov of VTU "Todor Kableshkov" Department "Transport Construction and facilities" Vladimir Zlatanov Zhekov from "Todor Kableshkov" University of Transport, Department of Transport Construction and Facilities, 2018
3) Review in a competition for occupation of academic position "Professor" in the professional field of 5.7. Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, the scientific specialty in "Design, construction and maintenance of railways and equipment’s" announced in the State Gazette 38/25.05.2015 and on web-site of the University for the purpose of department "Railways" with a candidate Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Darina Nikolaeva Nitova, 2015.
4) Review for Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, Reliability Analysis of Switches and Crossings: A Case Study in Swedish Railway, Behzad Ghodrati, Stephen Mayowa Famurewa, Alireza Ahmadi, Hadi Hoseinie, 2015
5) Review in a competition for occupation of academic position "Professor" in the professional field of 5.7. Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, the scientific specialty in "Design, construction and maintenance of streets, roads and equipment’s," announced in the State Gazette 67/30.07.2013 and on web-site of the University for the purpose of department "Roads" with a candidate Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Rumen Angelov Milanov, 2014.
6) Review in a competition for occupation of academic position "Assoc. Professor" in the professional field of 5.7. Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, the scientific specialty in "Design, construction and maintenance of streets, roads and equipment’s," announced in the State Gazette 67/30.07.2013 and on web-site of the University for the purpose of department "Roads" with a candidate Senior Assistant. of Prof. PhD Eng. Valentin Veselinov Nikolov, 2014.
7) Nitova D., Stations, station installations and railway operation, UACG, student’s book, 2013. Sofia, 390 pages, review
8) Review in a competition for occupation of academic position "Professor" in the professional field of 5.7. Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, the scientific specialty in "Design, construction and maintenance of streets, roads and equipment’s," announced in the State Gazette 54/15.07.2011 and on web-site of the University for the purpose of department "Roads" with a candidate Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Petar Stefanov Trifonov, 2011
9) Review in a competition for occupation of academic position "Professor" in the professional field of 5.7. Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, the scientific specialty in "Design, construction and maintenance of streets, roads and equipment’s," announced in the State Gazette 54/15.07.2011 and on web-site of the University for the purpose of department "Roads" with a candidate Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Nikolay Gamchev Mihailov, 2011 г.
10) Dencheva Zl., Lepoev M., Pishmirov S., V. Popov, Guidelines for the development of a student’s project on railway construction, guide for students from the University, 2008 Sofia, 137 pages, review
11) Review in a competition for receipt of the academic title "Associate Professor" in a scientific specialty 02.15.11 "Design, construction and maintenance of railways and equipment’s (stations, station installations and rail operation) declared needs of the Department "Railways" in UACG in State Gazette №. 42 of 29.05.2007, with a candidate Dr. Eng Darina Nikolaeva Nitova, 2008
12) Tasev J., D. Nitova, Stations, station installations and railway operation, UACG, students book 2007 Sofia, 208 pages, review
13) Review in a competition for receipt of the academic title "Associate Professor" in a scientific specialty 02.14.05 "Management and operation of railways (Technologies in railway stations and junctions)" for the needs of the Department "Railways technology", Technical University - Sofia, announced in State Gazette 32 of 25 March 2008 Dr. Dimitar Nikolov Dichev, 2008
14) Complete optimization of track developments stations for high speeds of movement, the review of doctorate for awarding educational and scientific degree of PhD in scientific specialty 02:15:11 "Design, construction and maintenance of railways and equipment’s" of Chief Assistant of Professor Eng. Darina Nikolaeva Nitova, Assistant from the UACG, Department "Railways", 2006
15) Determining the optimal number, location and technical equipment of the stations on the railway corridors, review of dissertation for awarding educational and scientific degree "PhD" in scientific specialty 02.14.05 "Management and Operation of rail transport" of a Eng. Dimitar Nikolov Dichev, 2004

More Info

Golden medal “Prof. Asen Zlatarov” from Federation of scientific engineering unions
Student’s awards "Teacher of the Year" for 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017



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