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ERASMUS+Programme countries

ERASMUS or Erasmus (European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students) is a European Union programme in the field of higher education, established in 1987. It was originally embedded in the Socrates programme and since 2007 has been a core part of the new integrated Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP).
In 2014, the programme evolved into the integrated Erasmus+ programme. It brings together seven programmes that existed until the end of 2013: the Lifelong Learning Programme (Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius, Grundtvig, Study Visits), Youth in Action, Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alpha, Edulink and the programme for bilateral cooperation with industrialised countries.

The general objective of the Programme is to support, through lifelong learning, the educational, professional and personal development of people in education, training, youth and sport, in Europe and beyond, thereby contributing to sustainable growth, quality jobs and social cohesion, to driving innovation, and to strengthening European identity and active citizenship.

As such, the Programme shall be a key instrument for building the European Education Area, supporting the implementation of the European strategic cooperation in the field of education and training, with its underlying sectoral agendas. In addition, it is key in advancing youth policy cooperation under the European Union Youth Strategy 2019-2027 and developing the European dimension in sport.

Participants in the programme are provided with opportunities to enhance the international dimension of education and training through cooperation between institutions in participating and partner countries. Effects are also expected through improved language learning, linguistic diversity and intercultural understanding.

Student mobility for educational purposes
Student mobility for study purposes under the Erasmus programme includes sending students and PhD students from UACEG for study within one or two semesters (in one academic year) in foreign universities with which UACEG has concluded bilateral Erasmus agreements, as well as accepting foreign students and PhD students from partner universities for study at UACEG.
Student mobility for practice
The Erasmus student mobility for practical placement involves sending students from UACEG for practical training (internship) for a period of 2 to 12 months in a European commercial enterprise, research centre or other similar organisation.
The placement mobility for UACEG students is organised in cooperation with the Academic Support Association (APAO).
Mobility for teaching and training
Mobility for teaching and trainingpurposes is related to sending lecturers and staff from UACEG to participate in the teaching process (for a period of one week) at partner universities of UACEG under the Erasmus+ programme and hosting foreign lecturers and staff from these universities at UACEG. The partner universities agree in advance on the specific period and the lecture programme of the visiting lecturers and staff. This activity under the ERASMUS programme enables the teaching and non-teaching staff of UACEG and the partner institution to transfer knowledge or know-how, exchange experience in the field of the organisation of international and other areas of administrative activities of the universities.
Inclusion of participants with special needs:

Students and staff (teaching and non-teaching) with special needs from higher education institutions and consortia wishing to take part in Erasmus+ mobility apply for funding by submitting a specific application form, documents certifying the condition and special needs of the participants, confirmation from the host institution, which is submitted to the institution where the student/staff is studying/working.
Students/staff with special needs applying for the Erasmus+ Programme should meet all the selection criteria for students/staff set by the higher education institutions for the relevant academic year.
The institution sends an application for additional funding for participants with special needs, a completed application form and all necessary documents to the National Agency.

Information for participants with special needs:

European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education

ExchangeAbility - ESN


Erasmus+ App

In 2017, the Erasmus+ programme celebrated its 30th anniversary! On this occasion, the European Commission and the European University Foundation developed a mobile app that guides Erasmus+ participants every step of the way during their mobility.

Here you can find everything you need to know about the opportunities to go abroad with Erasmus+ and explore all the features that have been specifically designed to facilitate the experience of participants in the programme.

The app continues to be developed and updated and has been downloaded over 80,000 times so far.

More information as well as a download link can be found here: