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Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Arch. Igor Hristov

Faculty of Architecture, Industrial Buildings

Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Arch. Igor Hristov
Office Room А717
E-mail hristov_far@uacg.bg
Website http://0-8-0.eu/architect_hristov.html
Birth Place and Date 1983


Began teaching in 2009 (successively as a PhD student, a honorary lecturer and chief assistant professor):

  • "Industrial Buildings - Project I" - Specialty "Architecture", VI semester
  • "Industrial Buildings - Project II" - Specialty "Architecture", VII and VIII semesters
  • "Agricultural Buildings - Project" - Specialty "Architecture", V semester
  • "Informatics in Architecture - Part I" - Specialty "Architecture", III semester
  • "Architecture" - Specialty "Structural Engineering", IV semester
  • "Architecture" - Specialty "Land and Real Estate Management and Planning", III semester
  • Lectures "Industrial Buildings - Specialized Course" - Specialty "Architecture", X semester
  • Diploma project guide
  • other department disciplines



  • Doctor in the scientific field “Architecture of Buildings, Structures, Equipment and Details” (04.2009 - 09.2016) - University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy – Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Master of Architecture (09.2002 - 02.2008) - University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy - Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Trainee (07.2006 - 08.2006) - Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Enginnering - Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  • Technician of Construction and Architecture - profile "Construction and architecture with advanced German language training" (09.1997 - 06.2002) - Construction Secondary School “Hristo Botev” - Sofia, Bulgaria

Professional Skills

  • He began an active professional career in 2006. During his professional work as an architect he has held many design, consulting and project management positions, as a principal, partner, free lance or employee of various leading design and investment companies. Work on design, consulting and project management of a wide range of buildings (administration and public buildings, high-rises, office and commercial facilities, industrial and logistics buildings, hotels and resort complexes, villas and residential buildings, sports facilities, urban planning (plans for regulation, plans for regulation of land plots and building development,detailed urban development plans, change of land use, etc.), interiors, furniture design, etc.). Arch. Igor Hristov has participated individually or in teams in over 100 projects.
  • In 2016-2017 he served as "Chief Architect" of Dragoman Municipality, Sofia Province
  • Member of the municipal expert council for spatial planning (Botevgrad Municipality, Sofia Province) - 2018-present
  • Participation in various architectural competitions, including several first-time project proposals as a head architect



  • Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria - reg# 04236 with full design capacity 2010 - present
  • Society 22 to the Union of Architects in Bulgaria

Participation in Research Projects

  • External expert of scientific project “Cultural identity and energy efficiency in the revitalization of spaces between the panel blocks in Sofia”, Financed by the National Science Fund, 2015-2016

Academic Positions

Chief Assistant Professor

Other Posts and Activities

Principal Architect and CEO of 080 Ltd


  • Hristov I., "Challenges in the development of the industrial building stock in small settlements", Annual of the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Vol 52, Issue S1, ISSN 2534-9759, p. S1645-S1650
  • Hristov I., "The difference between the approaches for regeneration of industrial buildings in accordance with the size of the adjoining settlement", IX-th International Scientific Conference on „Architecture and Civil Engineering ArCivE '2019", 31 May – 2 June 2019, Varna, Bulgaria, ISSN 2367-7252, p. 31
  • Hristov I., P. Savcheva, "Current condition of the industrial buildings located in small towns in Bulgaria", IX-th International Scientific Conference on „Architecture and Civil Engineering ArCivE '2019", 31 May – 2 June 2019, Varna, Bulgaria, ISSN 2367-7252, p. 115
  • Hristov, I., Tsv. Simeonov, S. Asparuhov, “Conversion of multi-storey industrial buildings”, 15th International Scientific Conference VSU'2015, Sofia, Bulgaria, ISSN: 1314-071X, p.163-168
  • Asparuhov, S., Tsvetan Simeonov, Igor Hristov, “Architectural approach for classification of industrial enterprises according to economic sectors”, VII International Scientific Conference, “Architecture, Civil Engineering – Modernity”, 28 – 30 May 2015, Varna, Bulgaria, ISSN 2367-7252, p. 139-145
  • Simeonov, Tsv., S. Asparuhov, I. Hristov, “Development of Bulgarian industrial zones after 1990”, 15th International Scientific Conference VSU'2015, Sofia, Bulgaria, Vol III, ISSN 1314-071X, p.94-99
  • Hristov, I., "Residential conversion of industrial buildings", International Jubilee Conference UACEG2012: Science & Practice, Sofia, 2012. Vol. I, p.141-146, ISBN 978-954-724-049-0
  • Hristov, I., "Urban planning aspects of urban regeneration in industrial areas", International Jubilee Conference UACEG2012: Science & Practice, Sofia, 2012. Vol. I, p.153-158, ISBN 978-954-724-049-0


Study materials

Регенерация на индустриални сгради и територии
лекция по "Промишлени сгради - специализиран курс"

Конверсия на индустриални сгради
лекция по "Промишлени сгради - специализиран курс" - гл. ас. д-р арх. Игор Христов

Coursework ans assignments

Проект по архитектура, ССС II курс, 2018 г. - Производствена сграда - Печатница
Изготвил: Христо Маринов, Ф№16419 (р-л: арх. Игор Христов)

Промишлени сгради - II проект. АРХ IV курс. 2020 г. Устройствен план ПЗ Форубляне. Винарска изба
Изготвил: П. Николова, В. Димитрова, Т. Маданска (Устройствен план); П. Николова (Винарска изба). Р-л: арх. Игор Христов

Промишлени сгради - II проект (втора част). АРХ IV курс. 2020 г. Винарска изба
Изготвил: Теодора Маданска. Р-л: арх. Игор Христов

Промишлени сгради - II проект. АРХ IV курс. 2020 г. Устройствен план ПЗ Горубляне. Логистичен център
Изготвили: Вл. Димитров, В. Петров, М. Кунчева (Устройствен план); Вл. Димитров (Логистичен център). Р-л: арх. Игор Христов

Аграрни сгради - проект. АРХ III курс. 2020 г. Винарска изба с магазин
Изготвил: Мария Симеонова. Р-л: арх. Игор Христов

Аграрни сгради - проект. АРХ III курс. 2020 г. База за конен туризъм
Изготвил: Ния Недева. Р-л: арх. Игор Христов

Аграрни сгради - проект. АРХ III курс. 2020 г. База за конен туризъм
Изготвил: Жаклин Ганева. Р-л: арх. Игор Христов

Дипломен проект - Дестилерия за уиски (предварителен албум)
Петя Краиванова, дипл. р-л арх. Игор Христов

