Home / Faculties / Faculty of Transportation Engineering / Departments / Social Sciences / Courses


Major: Architecture
The course aims to enrich the philosophical / aesthetical culture of students in Architecture. Without imposing any rules and norms, aesthetics supports indirectly the activity of the architect , broadening its range of interest, developing his/her intellect, feeds and ennobles his/her talent. Learning aesthetic issues assists in "fuelling" students with valuable ideas, moulds a theoretical taste towards the aesthetical, skills for conceptual and critical thinking, attitude for a brighter ...
After finishing the course students are capable to formulate and analyze the basic economic problems at micro- and macro-level, and on this basis to seek and make rational managerial and business decisions in their future professional career. The economic knowledge acquired helps students to develop a new type of economic thinking, behaviour and economic culture, while the notions and categories learnt will serve as a theoretical base for studying other industry-specific economic courses.
Economics for Managers
The course presents the main economic problems standing before every company, and to propose a reliable approach to their study and assimilation. Upon finishing the course students will be able to apply the concept of costs, pricing and competition, in order to reach certain company’s goals within a dynamic market environment. Using the company theory, students can make correct managerial decisions in their future career, to consider problems standing before every company as a synthesis of ...
Economics for Managers
The course presents the main economic problems standing before every company, and to propose a reliable approach to their study and assimilation. Upon finishing the course students will be able to apply the concept of costs, pricing and competition, in order to reach certain company’s goals within a dynamic market environment. Using the company theory, students can make correct managerial decisions in their future career, to consider problems standing before every company as a synthesis of ...
Economics for Managers
The course presents the main economic problems standing before every company, and to propose a reliable approach to their study and assimilation. Upon finishing the course students will be able to apply the concept of costs, pricing and competition, in order to reach certain company’s goals within a dynamic market environment. Using the company theory, students can make correct managerial decisions in their future career, to consider problems standing before every company as a synthesis of ...
Economics for Managers
The course presents the main economic problems standing before every company, and to propose a reliable approach to their study and assimilation. Upon finishing the course students will be able to apply the concept of costs, pricing and competition, in order to reach certain company’s goals within a dynamic market environment. Using the company theory, students can make correct managerial decisions in their future career, to consider problems standing before every company as a synthesis of ...
Ethics of engineering
Students learn the mechanisms of ethics origination and the value frames of its regulatory system. Skills are acquired for identification of the theory of the engineering set of problems in ethical communication as well as for analysis of professional ethical problems in the engineering activity – the moral responsibility in the construction business, thrust as a moral resource in business relations, the corporate loyalty and conformism, the ethical aspects in advertising, business etiquette ...
General Theory of Economics
After finishing the course students are able to formulate and analyse basic economic issues at micro- and macro level, and on this basis to seek and make rational management and business decisions in their future practice. The economic knowledge gained helps to build up an appropriate economic thinking, behaviour and economic culture, while the notions and categories learnt are the basis for pursuing other specialist branch-oriented economic courses.
General Theory of Market Economy
After finishing the course students are able to formulate and analyse basic economic issues at micro- and macro level, and on this basis to seek and make rational management- and business decisions in their future practice. The economic knowledge gained helps to build up an appropriate economic thinking, behaviour and economic culture, while the notions and categories learnt are the basis for pursuing other specialist branch-oriented economic courses.
History of Philosophy
Major: Architecture
This course tracks the main directions in the development of the European philosophical ideas over time. Connections and parallels between the different schools are expressed, as well as the attitudes of continuity and discontinuity in the mental tradition, the one which is identified as a "western type of thinking". Accent is put on the main cognitive attitudes created by the ancient Greek philosophical tradition, their evolution and transformation under the influence of Christianity, the slow ...
History of Philosophy
This course tracks the main directions in the development of the European philosophical ideas over time. Connections and parallels between the different schools are expressed, as well as the attitudes of continuity and discontinuity in the mental tradition, the one which is identified as a "western type of thinking". Accent is put on the main cognitive attitudes created by the ancient Greek philosophical tradition, their evolution and transformation under the influence of Christianity, the slow ...
Major: Architecture
This subject is aimed to build up in students a relatively complete system of knowledge on the fundamentals of management theory and practice. After finishing the course students will know how to make proper decisions, how to make effective communications, how to plan, organize, motivate and control the work of their subordinates in order to reach good results.
Market Economy
Upon completion of the course students gain skills to formulate and analyze basic economic problems, to search and make rational managerial and business decisions in their future practice. The economic knowledge acquired is important for setting up a new economic thinking, behaviour and business culture in students, while the assimilated set of notions and categories serves as a theoretical ground for learning other specialist economic subjects.
Major: Architecture
The course of "Marketing" incorporate both traditional and contemporary aspects of marketing, carefully consider environmental factors, present the roles of marketing and marketing managers, and show the relevance of marketing for those who interact with or who are affected by marketing activities. The students, who graduate this course will know the basic components of marketing - consumer behaviour, market segments and product, promotion and price planning. The students will be able to use ...
Philosophy of Culture and Religion
Major: Architecture
The knowledge accumulated after this course develops skills for choosing a position in the cultural and social environment. Students gain orientation towards the current cultural processes and practical criteria for adaptive socio-cultural behaviour. They can identify global cultural phenomena having a dynamic historical domination as a type of human spirituality - mythology, religion, philosophy, science. They learn mechanisms for practically built up values, which helps them in the ...
Philosophy of Culture and Religion
The knowledge accumulated after this course develops skills for choosing a position in the cultural and social environment. Students gain orientation towards the current cultural processes and practical criteria for adaptive socio-cultural behaviour. They can identify global cultural phenomena having a dynamic historical domination as a type of human spirituality - mythology, religion, philosophy, science. They learn mechanisms for practically built up values, which helps them in the ...
Philosophy of Culture and Religion
The knowledge accumulated after this course develops skills for choosing a position in the cultural and social environment. Students gain orientation towards the current cultural processes and practical criteria for adaptive socio-cultural behaviour. They can identify global cultural phenomena having a dynamic historical domination as a type of human spirituality - mythology, religion, philosophy, science. They learn mechanisms for practically built up values, which helps them in the ...
Philosophy of Culture and Religion
The knowledge accumulated after this course develops skills for choosing a position in the cultural and social environment. Students gain orientation towards the current cultural processes and practical criteria for adaptive socio-cultural behaviour. They can identify global cultural phenomena having a dynamic historical domination as a type of human spirituality - mythology, religion, philosophy, science. They learn mechanisms for practically built up values, which helps them in the ...
Philosophy of Culture and Religion
The course is aimed to outline the main trends of development of the European cultural history, and to shape the European cultural model. It tracks out the ideas and institutions shaping the European cultural identity, and the points of discontinuity, collision and conflict with "another" cultural worlds. The course allows students to think over both the unity, and the parallels in the history of the European continent, its interior interrelations and its development into a unified civilization ...
Philosophy of Culture and Religion
The course is aimed to outline the main trends of development of the European cultural history, and to shape the European cultural model. It tracks out the ideas and institutions shaping the European cultural identity, and the points of discontinuity, collision and conflict with "another" cultural worlds. The course allows students to think over both the unity, and the parallels in the history of the European continent, its interior interrelations and its development into a unified civilization ...
Social Relations
The course introduces to students the problems of the modern social theories. The main issues of the social structuring are considered - types of social communities, institutions, social regulators. The means for conflict avoidance are discussed as well as reaching consent in the modern societies, maintaining the balance between the individual freedoms' guarantees and defending the public interest. Students obtain knowledge about the management mechanisms in the modern society, about the ...
Social Relations
The course introduces to students the problems of the modern social theories. The main issues of the social structuring are considered - types of social communities, institutions, social regulators. The means for conflict avoidance are discussed as well as reaching consent in the modern societies, maintaining the balance between the individual freedoms' guarantees and defending the public interest. Students obtain knowledge about the management mechanisms in the modern society, about the ...
Society, Culture, Values
The course tries to give students a precise orientation for situation of personality in the cultural and value layers of the real social life. Comprehensions of the concrete mechanisms and factors that shape the personality and the social environment are assimilated. Skills are acquired for self-estimation of the living conditions for personal and professional realization. Students get basic knowledge on the main principles of the assessment as a subjective process. Values are assimilated as ...
Assimilation of the set of categories in Sociology as a science, including the basic problems of Sociology and Economics, with the specific problems of the economic sociology in Bulgaria. The aim is the future experts in land and real estate management and planning to acquire fundamental sociological knowledge and skills to cope with the challenges of the market economy.
Theory of Values
Major: Architecture
The proposed course in Theory of Values covers the universal values, recognized in the history of civilization and maintaining their importance in the present. In the conditions of the spiritual crisis of mankind the axiological problems are in fact topical humanistic problems, related to human rights for individuality, freedom and dignified existence. The triad of values – truth, freedom and love, take the foremost place in the scale of values of the modern man.
Theory of Values
This is a science which responds to the spiritual needs of the modern man being in a deep crisis. The course considers the possibilities for the enrichment of students' humanitarian culture and mastering their system of values. Upon finishing the course students will be capable to enter into dialogue, to interact between each other, to become communicative persons. They acquire a system of values based on the universal and eternal.
Theory of Values
This is a science which responds to the spiritual needs of the modern man being in a deep crisis. The course considers the possibilities for the enrichment of students' humanitarian culture and mastering their system of values. Upon finishing the course students will be capable to enter a dialogue, to interact between each other, to become communicative persons. They acquire a system of values based on the universal and eternal.
Theory of Values
This is a science which responds to the spiritual needs of the modern man being in a deep crisis. The course considers the possibilities for the enrichment of students' humanitarian culture and mastering their system of values. Upon finishing the course students will be capable to enter a dialogue, to interact between each other, to become communicative persons. They acquire a system of values based on the universal and eternal.
Theory of Values
This is a science which responds to the spiritual needs of the modern man being in a deep crisis. The course considers the possibilities for the enrichment of students' humanitarian culture and mastering their system of values. Upon finishing the course students will be capable to enter into dialogue, to interact between each other, to become communicative persons. They acquire a system of values based on the universal and eternal.