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Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS-SGGW)

Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS-SGGW)
Subject Area

Строителен факултет

Факултет по траспротно строителство

Хидротехнически факултет


The Warsaw University of Life Sciences is the oldest agricultural and natural science university in Poland, its origins dating back to 1816. The school is a thriving academic center, receiving recognition and unflagging interest among young people and teaching staff in Poland and abroad, valued for its care for the quality of education, faithfulness to the best university traditions, openness to change, and dynamic development.

The university offers 40 fields of study (including 9 taught in English): from natural science and technology to veterinary medicine, social and economic studies. There are nearly 16,000 students in full-time, part-time, doctoral, and post-graduate study courses as well as under international student exchange.

Modern research centres and laboratories at our disposal, as well as the presence of outstanding experts, allow us to educate and conduct world-class research and transfer results to the economy, which has an impact on innovation and progress in, inter alia, agriculture, food economy and medicine, and contributes to the growing importance of Polish science in the world.


Website https://www.sggw.edu.pl/en/

Faculties and Majors

Faculty / Major Faculty of Structural Engineering
Nr Students 2
Duration 5
Study Cycle 2
Language Requirements EN/B2
Nr Lecturers 1
Contact Data - Exchange University

Faculty of Construction and Environmental Engineering
Dr Piotr Dabrowski


Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics Applications
Dr. Paweł Jankowski



Contact Data - UACEG

Erasmus Coordinators:

Faculty of Building and Civil Engineering:

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Lachezar Hrischev, e-mail: lhrischev_fce@uacg.bg

Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ventzi Bojkov, e-mail: bojkov_fhe@uacg.bg

Faculty of Transportation Engineering: 
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Nikolay Milev, e-mail: milev_fte@uacg.bg