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Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Subject Area

Строителен факултет

Хидротехнически факултет

Транспортен факултет


The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is Norway's primary institution for educating the nation's future engineers and scientists. The university also has strong programmes in the social sciences, teacher education, the arts and humanities, medicine, architecture and fine art.

NTNU's cross-disciplinary research delivers creative innovations that have far-reaching social and economic impact and help contribute to a better world.

Website http://www.ntnu.edu

Faculties and Majors

Faculty / Major Faculty of Structural Engineering / Structural Engineering - Master (MA)
Nr Students 1
Duration 10
Study Cycle 2
Language Requirements EN/B2
Nr Lecturers 1
Application Terms

 Nomination deadlines:


· Autumn semester/Full year: 15 March (non-EU/EEA citizens) or 1 April (EU/EEA citizens)

· Spring semester: 15 September


Application deadlines:

· Autumn semester/Full year: 1 April (non-EU/EEA citizens) or 1 May (EU/EEA citizens)

· Spring semester: 1 October


Contact Data - Exchange University

Kari Enge, International office, kari.enge@ntnu.no

Incoming students: Sigrid Hauge - sigrid.hauge@ntnu.no

FB: https://www.facebook.com/NtnuInternational?fref=ts

Wolfgang Laschet wolfgang.laschet@ntnu.no +4773595240

Contact Data - UACEG

Erasmus Coordinators:

Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ventzi Bojkov,
e-mail: bojkov_fhe@uacg.bg
Faculty of Transportation Engineering: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Nikolay Milev, e-mail: milev_fte@uacg.bg
Faculty of Building and Civil Engineering: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Lachezar Hrischev, e-mail: lhrischev_fce@uacg.bg
