Общ брой публикации - 69
Избрани публикации
1. S. V. Dimitrova (1996) Metal sorption on blast-furnace slag. Water Research, 30, (1), 228-232.
2. S. V. Dimitrova, D. R. Mehandjiev (1998) Lead removal from aqueous solutions by granulated blast-furnace slag. Water Research, 32, (11), 3289-3292.
3. S. Dimitrova, D. Mehandjiev (1998) Granular slag for removal of copper from aqueous solutions. Bulgarian Chemistry and Industry, 69, (3), 99-101.
4. S. Dimitrova, D. Mehandjiev (1999) Effect of the metallurgical slag dose on the Zn (II) removal from aqueous solutions. Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences (Доклади на БАН), 52, (1-2), 33-36.
5 D. R. Mehandjiev, S. V. Dimitrova (1999) Sorption activity and heavy metal removal from aqueous solutions by metallurgical slag. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 31, (3/4), 580-589, 1999.
6. S. V. Dimitrova, D. R. Mehandjiev (2000) Low-cost adsorbent for uptake of heavy metal ions. C. r. l’ Academie bulgare des Sciences (Доклади на БАН), 53, (8), 49-52.
7. S. V. Dimitrova, D. R. Mehandjiev (2000) Interaction of blast-furnace slag with heavy metal ions in water solutions. Water Research, 34, (6), 1957-1961.
8. S. Dimitrova, V. Nikolov, D. R. Mehandjiev (2001) Effect of the heat treatment on the morphology and sorption ability to metal ions of metallurgical slag. Journal Material of Science, 36, (11), 2639-2643.
9. S. Dimitrova, G. Ivanov, D. Mehandjiev (2002) Catalytic activity of Co2+, Mn2+and Ni2+ superficially modified metallurgical slag in CO to CO2 oxidation reaction. C. r. l’ Academie bulgare des Sciences, 55, 1, 79-82.
10. S. V. Dimitrova (2002) Use of granular slag columns for lead removal. Water Research, 36, 4001-4008.
11. S. Dimitrova, G. Ivanov, D. Mehandjiev (2004) Metallurgical slag as support of catalysts for complete oxidation in presence of ozone, Applied Catalysis, A: General, v.266, 81-87.
12. С. Димитрова, И. Костова, Е. Али (2005) Йонообменно отстраняване на оловни йони с клиноптилолит. Вода за хората, бр.4 [8], стр. 20-22.
13. S. Dimitrova, I. Kostova, М.Yaneva, Е.Ali (2006) Possibilities for use of spent zeolite sorbent in cement mortars. International Conference on Building Materials, September, Weimar, v.1, 1011-1018.
14. С. Димитрова, И. Костова, Е. Али (2006) Кинетика на отстраняване на цинкови йони с клиноптилолит. БУЛАКВА, бр. 1, стр. 24-28.
15. С. Димитрова, H. Танева, С. Петрова, М. Колева, Р. Арсов, Г. Джановски (2007) Сравнително изследване и оценка на резултатите от анализ на природни и отпадъчни води по методите Hach Lange и БДС. БУЛАКВА, бр. 4, стр. 26-31.
16. Dimitrova, S., V. Nikolov, D. Mehandjiev (2009) Effect of Additives on the Ability of Metallurgical Slag to Extract Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solutions. C.r. l' Academie bulgare des Sciences, 62, 3, 335-340.
17. S. V. Dimitrova, I. K. Mihailova, V. S. Nikolov, D. R. Mehandjiev (2012 ) Adsorption capacity of modified metallurgical slag. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Vol 44, Proceedings of the IIIrd National Crystallographic Symposium (pp. 30–36)
18. Sonia V. Dimitrova, Irena K. Mihailova, Paunka V. Vassileva, Dimitar R. Mehandjiev (2012) Effect of the phase composition on the Pb (II) adsorption ability of glass ceramics. C.r. l' Academie bulgare des Sciences, 65, 12, 1675-1680
19. I. Mihailova, S. Dimitrova, D. Mehandjiev (2013) Effect of the thermal treatment on the Pb (II) adsorption ability of blast furnace slag. Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 48, 1, 72-79.
20. Sonya Dimitrova, Nadejda Taneva*, Kapka Bojilova, Vesela Zaharieva, Svetlana Lazarova, Mariana Koleva, Rumen Arsov and Tony Venelinov (2013) Comparison of spectrophotometric methods using cuvette tests and national standard methods for analysis of wastewater samples International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Vol. 5(8), pp. 482-488.
21. Temenuzhka Hr. Radoykova, Sonia V. Dimitrova, Katerina I.Aleksieva, Sanchi K. Nenkova, Ivo V. Valchev , Dimitar R. Mehandjiev (2013) Adsorption properties of waste lignocellulosic materials produced in reprocessing of wheat straw and maize stalks biomass. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies, Volume 7, Part 2 pp. 190-201.
22. T.Hr. Radoykova, S.V. Dimitrova, K.I.Aleksieva, S.K.Nenkova, I.V.Valchev, D.R.Mehandjiev (2015) Comparative Mn2+ adsorption onwaste lignocellilosic material, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology,16, №1, 23-32.
23. Мihailova, I. K., Dimitrova, S. V. , Stoyanova, D.D., Mehandjiev, D.R. (2016) Influence of the carrier phase composition on the cataliytic activity of copper-cobalt oxides deposited on slag glass-ceramics, Bulgarian chemical communication, 48, № 3, pp. 451-455.
24. Ribarova, I., Dimitrova, S., Lambeva, R., Wintgens, T., Stemann, J., Remmen, (2017) Phosphorus recovery potential in Sofia WWTP in view of the national sludge management strategy. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 116, 152–159.
25. Димова, Г., Димитрова С., Тонев Р., Лазарова С., Ангелова, И. (2018) Отстраняване на нитрати от природни води чрез бавна филтрация и денитрификация. Годишник на УАСГ, том 51, бр.11, 77-90.
26. Лазарова,С., Димитрова, С., Тонев, Р., Михайлова, И., Димова, Г. (2021) Оценка на фъстъчените черупки като адсорбент за отстраняване на метиленово синьо (МВ). Годишник на УАСГ, том 54, бр.4, 747-761.
29. Svetlana Lazarova; Radoslav Tonev; Sonya Dimitrova; Galina Dimova; Irena Mihailova (2023) Valorization of Peanut and Walnut Shells through Utilisation as Biosorbents for the Removal of Textile Dyes from Water. Processes, Volume 11, Issue 8, 2291.
Учебнио помагало
Г. Михайлов, М. Раденкова, С. Димитрова, Н. Николов (2002) Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по "Химия в строителствота" за студентите от УАСГ.