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Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Arch. Венета Златинова

Faculty of Architecture, Department Urban Planning

Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Arch. Венета Златинова
Office Room 1007
Student Hours

Monday:             11.00-12.00 h.


E-mail zlatinova_far@uacg.bg




Urban planning - project I
Urban plannning - project II
Parks and landscape architecture - project
Urbanism - profiled projects I and II in fifth year
Practicing the profession of an architect


Urban composition - lectures and seminars

Urban morphology - lectures and seminars under development
Residential structure - project
Housing policy - presenting single lectures on specific topics
Introduction to urbanism -presenting single lectures on specific topics


PhD in Spatial planning, Landscape planning and Urban planning, UACEG 2016

MaS in Architecture, UACEG 2004

Short-term courses:

UACEG, 2014, "Methodology of academic teaching";
UACEG, 2014, "Elaboration of project proposals for national and international scientific and research programmes";
UACEG, 2014,  "Conceptualization and design of the scientific research"


Future of Work: Preparing for Disruption, OLC, WBG 2019;

Unlocking Investment and Finance in EMDEs, OLC, WBG 2019;
The road to nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB), EnEffect, UACEG, 2018;
Financing for Development, OLC, World Bank Group, 2017;
Engaging Citizens: A Game Changer for Development, OLC, World Bank Group, 2017;

Land Tenure and Property Rights, USAID 2017

"Product life-cycle assesment -theory and opportunities for application inBulgaria" -  BGBC academy, 2012;
"Strategic thinking", corporate training 2008;
"Negotiating", corporate training 2008.

Language Skills

 English, German, Russian

Professional Skills

spatial planning, zoning, architectural design, strategic planning, preliminary study, consulting


Science Interests

urban morphology, urban mobility, urban design, placemaking, digitization and ICT in urban planning, housing, informal settlements, participatory planning

Participation in Research Projects

EUMYPRO - Europe in My profession - 2017-2020 - funded under Jean Monnet, Erasmus +, 587075-EPP-1-2017-1-BG-EPPJMO-SUPPA

Participation in International Projects

URBiNAT: Urban Innovative & Inclusive Nature - Healthy Corridors as drivers of social housing neighbourhoods for the co-creation of social, environmental and marketable NBS (nature-based solutions). A 5-year project funded by the EU H2020 Programme, focused on the regeneration of under-served urban neighbourhoods through the co-creation of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS). NBS are implemented together to form Healthy Corridors which act as drivers in the transformation of social housing neighbourhoods, and the wellbeing of residents. Horizon 202 theme LCE-31-2016-2017. EC Contract No:776783. (2018-2023)

COST Action CA18137 MCMH - European Middle Class Mass Housing. By crossing different approaches focused on Architecture, Urbanism, Planning, Public Policies, History, Sociology, our network allows a wider understanding of MCMH sprawl, deepening on-going researches and focussing on the existing case studies. (2019-2023)

COST Action CA21103 CircularB – Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment. Facing the increasing concerns about the negative environmental impacts of buildings, governments and general society worldwide have been seeking more efficient and sustainable constructions. (2022-2026)

Academic Positions

chief assistant prof.

Science Keywords

urban morphology, urban transformations, mobility and urban space, urban logistics, urban design, placemaking, digitization and ICT in urban planning, housing, informal settlements, participatory planning


ORCID ID:     orcid.org/0000-0003-1879-5588

Zlatinova-Pavlova, V. 2021.Regeneration of Former Military Sites in Bulgaria as a Process of Focused Urban Intervention. In Rigenerare le aree militari dismesse. Prospettive, dibattiti e riconversioni in Italia, Spagna e in contesti internazionali. Federico Camerin, Francesco Gastaldi (Eds) .Maggioli Editore.

Zlatinova-Pavlova, V. 2021. Transformations of Green Infrastructures in Middle Class Mass Housing Residential Areas. Optimistic Suburbia2 conference proceedings.

Tasheva-Petrova, M. / Zlatinova-Pavlova, V. 2021. Mapping the Context-Sensitive Competencies for a Globalizing Workforce: Examples from Architecture and Urban Planning Education. ICERI2021 Proceedings.

Tasheva-Petrova, M. / Zlatinova-Pavlova, V. 2020. Europe in My Profession as Architect and Planner: Opportunities, Impacts and Challenges. EDULEARN20 Proceedings IATED.

Tasheva-Petrova, M. / Zlatinova-Pavlova, V. 2020. Architecture and Planning Graduates in Europe: from Students to Practitioners in the Context of Internationalization and National Regulations. EDULEARN20 Proceedings. IATED

Ташева-Петрова, М. Златинова–Павлова , В. 2020. Практикуване на професиите „архитект” и „урбанист” в държавите членки на Европейския съюз. "Европа в моята професия", Ингрид Шикова (ed.). p.45-101.Авангард Прима

Златинова-Павлова, В. 2015. Предизвикателства пред проектите за развитие на ж.п. ареалите в България. Втора научно-приложна конференция с международно участие „управление на проекти в строителството“ /УПС 2015/.  


PhD thesis: “Urban transformations of Railway station areas in the large Bulgarian cities”, 2015

Scientific reports:
 "Practicing the professions of an architect and of urban planner in Bulgaria and in EU", Tasheva, M. Zlatinova, V., report at the final conference of the project "Europe in my profession", V.Tarnovo 2019

“Problems of Transport Planning in the Region of Sofia”, UACEG, Sofia, 2015;
 “Development of Railway Station Areas in Two Bulgarian Cities After the Fall of the Iron Curtain”, BME, Budapest, 2015;
“Urban Logistics – Spatial Dimensions”, UACEG, Sofia, 2014;
 “Interaction and Impact – Expectations Towards the Transformations of the Railway Station Areas”, ”UACEG, Sofia, 2013;
 “Mobility and Spatial Development of Cities”, UACEG, Sofia, 2011;
“Urban Transformations of Railway Station Areas in Bulgaria”, UACEG, Sofia, 2011;
 “Urban Transformations of Railway Station Areas in Europe”,  UACEG, Sofia, 2011.

 “Transport planning problems in the capital region of Sofia”, held in the course “Urban and Regional Development in local and global context”, May 27, 2015 TU-Vienna, Department of Spatial Planning;
 “Station Area Transformations in Bulgarian Cities”, held in the seminar course “Planning and development in agglomerations ”, May 29, 2015 TU-Vienna, Department of Spatial Planning;
 “Impacts of spatial and functional densification around railway station areas on the city structure and balance between transport and service functions at major mobility spaces in the large Bulgarian cities”, January 21, 2016 Crakow University of Technology, Institute of Urban Design.



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