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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arch. Milena Tasheva - Petrova

Faculty of Architecture, Department Urban Planning - Head of department

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arch. Milena Tasheva - Petrova
Office Room A1006
E-mail tasheva_far@uacg.bg
Year Started 2005


  • “Urban Regeneration” (lectures and seminars), BSc in Urbanism, VII semester, Faculty of Architecture
  • “Project Urban Regeneration (Reconstruction)”,chief tutor, BSc in Urbanism, VII semester, Faculty of Architecture
  • “Urban Methodology” (lectures and seminars), BSc in Urbanism, III semester, Faculty of Architecture
  • “Contemporary Europe” (EU policies and Programmes: Introduction), BSc in Urbanism, III, Faculty of Architecture
  • Project “Integrated Planning” (MSc Programme in Urbanism) and “Landscape planning” (MA Architecture, X semester), chief tutor, Faculty of Architecture
  • In charge for the module “Urban policies and programmes in EU” (lectures and seminars), MSc in Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture
  • “Globalization and Urban Development” (lectures and seminars), MSc in Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture
  • Project “Landscape design” tutor, MA Architecture, VI semester, Faculty of Architecture, Project “Urban Design: Housing structures”, tutor, MA Architecture, VII/VIII semesters, Faculty of Architecture
  • “Green roofs and Façades”, (lectures and seminars), MSc Energy efficiency in construction, Faculty of Structural Engineering, UACEG



Institution:University Institute of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy,
Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010
Degree obtained: Dr in Urban, Landscape and Regional Planning

Institution: University of Lincolnshire, UK, International Modular Masters in Management Programme,
Degree obtained: MSc in Urban Planning and Housing

Institution:University Institute of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy,
Sofia, Bulgaria,
Degree obtained:MA in Architecture (Urban Planning)

Diploma:“Planning of small settlements in dialogue with traditions”, 1996, IFHP (International Federation for Housing and Planning) summer school, Helsinki (Finland)

Certificate: "Developing Local Economies through Inclusive Policies and Planning", 2011, CEU Summer University, Co-sponsored by the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative of the Open Society Foundation, Budapest

Certificate: FP7 EYE (Empowering Young Explorers) Project Lab Surfing Workshop in Thessaloniki (march 2014), participation in the EYE Science Incubator summer school organised by the FP7 EYE project, 2014,  Metz, France

Certificate: "Methodics of Academic Teaching”, UACEG Sofia, in the framework of  Project BG051РО001-3.1.09-0016 "Career Growth and qualification advance of the academic staff in UACEG", 2014 г. 

Certificate: “Conceptualization and design of scientific research”, UACEG Sofia, in the framework of  Project BG051РО001-3.1.09-0016 "Career Growth and qualification advance of the academic staff in UACEG", 2014 г.

Certificate: "Project proposal development for application for national and international research programmes", UACEG Sofia, in the framework of  Project BG051РО001-3.1.09-0016 "Career Growth and qualification advance of the academic staff in UACEG", 2014

Language Skills



Union of Architects in Bulgaria (САБ) & UIA, Chamber of the Bulgarian Architects, The Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP); Thematic Network LE:NOTRE/LE:NOTRE+ “Landscape Education: New Opportunities for Training and Research in Europe”, Registered EIA/SA Expert, Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria

Participation in Research Projects


    Flood risk management in settlements downstream of dams, team member, Research centre, UACEG, contract 182/2016, 2016-2018

    Research Project: Effectiveness of the strategic spatial planning instruments at the local level in Bulgaria: an assessment system, team member, Research centre, UACEG, contract 190/16, 2016-2018

    Research Project "Optimization of the expert capacity for spatial planning in Bulgaria”, Research centre, UACEG, contract 173/14, team leader 2014-2015

    Research Project “Sustainable Development of the Port Infrastructure for Climate Change Adaptation”, Research centre, UACEG, contract 163/2014, team member, 2014

    Research Project: Application of open source GIS in Bulgarian spatial planning, team member, Research centre, UACEG, contract 147/2013, 2013-2014

    Research Theme: “Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development – Effective Instruments for Management of Territorial, Spatial, Socio-economic and Environmental Development”, project financed by the centre for research and design at UACG, contract БН – 126/2011, team leader

    Research Theme: “Formation of an Integrated Approach to the Evaluation of Ecotourism Impact on the Spatial Sustainability of Villages and Their Environment”, National Science Fund, Ministry of education and Science, as team member, 1st Stage - 2005, 2nd Stage 2008

    Theme: “The Tension Between Culture and Development: Sofia taken as a case study”, Research associate for School of Real Estate, Oxford Brookes University, UK, 2004

    Research Theme: “Urban planners in Bulgaria - need assessment”, Scientific and Research Unit, UACG; as research associate, team leader: prof. arch. V. Troeva February 2004, pp. 15-21, 38-43, 47-54, 93-103,105-109

    Research theme “Strategic Environment Impact Assessment: SEI Center’, Scientific and Research Unit, UACG; as research associate, December 2002

    Research theme ‘Strategic Environment Impact Assessment’, Scientific and Research Unit, UACG; as research associate, March 2002

    “Occupier needs for offices”, MSc thesis (Urban Planning & Housing), International Modular Masters in Management Program (IM3P), University of Lincolnshire (UK), 2000





Participation in Design Projects


Competition Assignment for urban design conception for St Nedelia square, Sofia, UACEG team member, contractor: Sofia Municipality, 2017-2018
Project Vision for the Development of Sofia and and its suburban area, position spatial planning and GIS monitoring, contractor: Municipal company Sofproekt, Sofia, 2017-20
Project „Urban standard for monitoring and assessment of the built environment”, team member, contract with Sofia municipality, Programme Europe 2017
Integrated Plan for Urban Regeneration and Development of Sevlievo (2015) – member of the team
Integrated Plan for Urban Regeneration and Development of Sofia (2012 - 2013) – member of the team, expert urban development and urban environment
National Spatial Development Concept for 2013-2025- as an associate “Spatial impacts of sectoral policies and programmes”-first phase (2012)
Regional Development Strategic plan for the municipalities of Plovdiv, Maritza, Rodopi, Sadovo and Kuklen; Contractor Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works – as team member, project leader prof. arch. V. Troeva 2009 - 2010
Detailed plan of groups of plots in the town of Ardino, Ardino Municipality, Contractor Ardino Municipality - as team member, 2008
Land use plan municipality of Burgas amendments and detailed plan of the Corner area, Sarafovo suburb, Burgas, as team member, project leader prof. arch. V. Troeva,2006-2007
Revision of the structure plan of Sozopol municipality and masterplan for a new settlement, Roseen village, Sozopol municipality, as team member, project leader prof. arch. V. Troeva, 2005-2006
Partial revision of the comprehensive development plan of Pamporovo tourism resort, Smolian municipality, as team member, project leader prof. arch. V. Troeva, 2005-2006
Comprehensive development plan of Plovdiv, Theme №65:“Legislative framework of the comprehensive development plan”, Part: Feasibility study of the norms and standards for planning and design of the functional sub-systems of the comprehensive development plan of Plovdiv:, as team member, project leader prof. arch. V. Troeva, 2006
Wind farm Master-plan, Bulgarevo, Kavarna municipality as team member, project leader prof. arch. V. Troeva, 2005
Marketing Programme for Sofia and Sofia municipality, as team member, project leader prof. arch. V. Troeva, 2004
Concepts for tourism development in the Chepelare municipality, technical assistant, 2002,
Preliminary design of Botanicheska gradina residential area Sofia, as team member,2000 Preinvestment study - Development of cargo terminal, Plovdiv airport,2000
Motel near the town of Peshtera, 120 beds, preliminary design,1999
Computer aided architectural drafts for the Temporary Effluent Treatment Project –
EP 002, Detailed Engineering for UMPC – MDK, Pirdop Bulgaria,1998

EIA and SA Reports:

2015-2018 – Strategic environmental assessment of the Comprehensive development Plans of the municipalities of Koprivtshtitca, Opan, Djebel, Pernik, Kirkovo, Nikopol, part Cultural heritage
2014-2018 - Strategic environmental assessment of the Comprehensive development Plans of the municipalities of Troyan and Malko Tarnovo, parts Landscape and Cultural heritage
2009 - 2010 - ЕIA of the Northern Motorway from km 0+000 to km 16+460, Sofia municipality, Part: Cultural heritage
2009, Environment Impact Assessment of the project for reconstruction, modernization and extension of a landfill site, Gotze Delchev municipality, in team, Parts: cultural heritage and Landscape
2008-2009, SA of the Comprehensive development Plan of the city of Sofia and Sofia municipality amendments, Part: Urban structure, land use, urban norms and quality of life indicators
2008, SA of the master plan of a tourism agglomeration “Iskrovete-Govedarzi-Maliovitza” Municipality of Samokov, Parts: Landscape and Cultural Heritage
2006, March, Environment Impact Assessment of the development of ski zone “Treshtenik”, Jakoruda Municipality, Parts: Landscape and Cultural Heritage
2004, Sept – Dec, Strategic Assessment of Comprehensive development plan of Tourism Localization “Samokov, Borovetc, Beli Iskar”, as team member, Part: Urban structure, land-use and urban norms and indicators for quality of life, team leader Prof. Vesselina Troeva, PhD
2004, Environment Impact Assessment of wind farm master plan, Sv. Nikola village, Kavarna Municipality, Part : cultural heritage, landscape
2003, Environment Impact Assessment of project: “Job-shop and depot for scraps and waste processing”, Shishmanci village, Rakovski municipality
2002, April – June, Environment Impact Assessment of Comprehensive development plan of Sofia and Sofia municipality, as team member, Part: Urban structure, lan-duse, urban norms and quality of life indicators
1997-1999, March, G.P.’POLICONSULT ECO - BM’, Sofia, preparation of EIA reports, Part: Urban planning, Landscape and Cultural Heritage; participation as team member:
Addition to the Preliminary report on the assessment of the environmental impact of a ferryboat complex in the town of Tutracan;
A project for farm complex near the town of Dupnica;
I-6 border check point Gueshevo-Kuestendil;
Incinerator for medical refuse, Alexandrovska hospital, Sofia

Participation in International Projects

  • URBiNAT - Healthy corridors as drivers of social housing neighbourhoods for the co-creation of social, environmental and marketable NBS, Contract 776783 with the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME), Horizon 2020 Program 2018-2023 – coordinator for  UACEG
  • ECHOES project (Energy CHOices supporting yje Energy inion and the Set-plan) Contract 727470, researcher, EC Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA), Horizon 2020 Program 2016-2019
  • 2011-2013, Project CANEPAL „Culture and Nature: The European Heritage of Sheep farming and Pastoral Life” (2010-2014), co-funded by the European Commission, Directorate General Education and Culture, CULTURE 2007-2013“, WP „Landscape as Shaped by Sheep Farming“                                                  
  • 2011, "Universal Design - Accessibility for Everyone", Workshop  financed by EU Lifelong Lesrning Programme Grundtvig, May 15-22, Riga
  • 2009, “CHILDREN’ CITY CULTURE & CREATIVITY“, part of the British Council’s South East Europe arts project „CREATIVE COLLABORATION“
  • 2008, JESSICA Preliminary Study for Bulgaria, as expert in urban planning, team of Deloitte Bulgaria OOD (contract with the EIB)
  • 2003- 2008, Thematic Network LE:NOTRE/ LE:NOTRE+/ LE:NOTRE 2 “Landscape Education:New Opportunities for Training and Research in Europe” – ERASMUS SOCRATES Project No104368-СР-1-2004-1-ERASMUS-TN – participants from more than 100 universities from 30 countries.
  • 2003-2005, Leonardo da Vinci Contract Number BG/03/B/F/PP – 166038 “Training in marketing and application of Internet for promotion of Tourism resources” – Kavarna Municipality, Luton University, ASSET Technology, Athens, International Business Concultancy, Sofia, UACG
  • 2003 - 2006 – Project № 2А051, INTERREG III B CADSES – "Regional Integration and Metropolitan Development in South -East Europe " (RIMED), Partner institutions: universities and municipalities in/of Volos, Sofia, Thessaloniki, Skopie and Tyrana, Bulgarian Academy of Science.
  • 10.1997 – 1999, TEMPUS JEP 12540-97 European BSc in Planning, Herriot Watt University Edinburgh UK and UCD, Dublin, Ireland. - programme accreditation March 2002


  • International Exchange Programme UACEG-India, June 2019, in charde of the module Ürban planning"
  • HURBE - Healthy URBan Environment: Developing Higher Education in Architecture and Construction in Bosnia and Herzegovina /, Contract № 598503-EPP-1-2018-1-ITEPPKA2-CBHE-JP, Erasmus+ Programme, 2018-2021
  • Europe in my profession, Erasmus + (Jean Monet) Project 587075-EPP-1-2017-1-BG-EPPJMO-SUPPA 2018-2020
  • Erasmus + teaching mobility at National University in Civil Engineering, Hanoi, Vietnam 05 – 12 . 05.2017
  • “Vienna: river works and flood risk management into the big city”, intensive workshop for MSc students in the framework of CEEPUS programme, Network „Teaching and Learning Civil Engineering in European Context“, june 2017, co-tutor
  • Urban Innovations Network (10.2015) (CEEPUS teacher mobility „C III-SK-0606-01-1112-M-52262“ at TU Gdansk)
  • Erasmus mundus teachers’ mobility in Korea, Project AUSMIP Plus, Sungkyunkwan University, Dept. of Architectural Engineering/ u-City Design and Engineering (September 2014)
  • Teaching and Learning Civil Engineering in European Context (CEEPUS teacher mobility BG-UACEG-Sofia at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava), topic: Flood risk management
  • Urban Innovations Network (09.2013) (CEEPUS teacher mobility „C III-SK-0606-01-1112-M-52262“ at TU Wien)
  • “Citygreening. How Town Planning can Integrate Urban Agriculture in City Regeneration “Erasmus Intensive Programme 07-18 April 2014, Torino
  • Second prize, International competition (by invitation) for Tohoku Recovery, organized by Toyo University Research Center for Public Private Partnership(PPP), Tokyo — Toyo University, 2013 as one of the supervisors of student’s team from UACEG, Sofia (Bulgaria). The aim of the competition was to foster innovative and creative ideas in the use of PPP and other new ideas/techniques for the revitalization of the Tohoku region of Japan. This Competition was designed to provide the opportunity for foreign universities to evaluate and suggest creative ways to implement the Policy Directives of the Tohoku Revitalization Committee and come up with new ideas, so that the region can be physically redeveloped and economically revitalized in a truly sustainable manner.
  • Permaculture Design Course 2013 "The City of the Future" Intensive Erasmus Project, September 1st-14th, Neusiedl am see, Austria
  • 2012, “Cross LOHUCA”, project (Activities for strengthening of the local capacity”, European Territorial Cooperation Programme 2007-2013, lecturer Management of urban and suburban areas”
  • 2011-2013 "Urban Project's Workshops and responsible Design"(UPWARD), Intensive Programme co-financed by EU Lifelong Lesrning Programme Erasmus, Politechnico Torino, 3-16 April 2011, 06-18 May 2012, 06-17 April 2013
  • 2007-2009, Development of E-Learning Course: Landscape Assessment, European Union Erasmus programme, LE:NOTRE MUNDOS International Thematic Network Project in Landscape Architecture, Action 4: Enhancing Attractiveness – Internationalization of Erasmus Thematic Networks, Project N136262-EM-1-2007-1-AT-ERA MUNDOS- EM4EATN;
  • 2007/08 "Bulgarian Black Sea Coast: Integrating Preservation and Development", with the participation of students in the MSc programme in Urban Planning in partnership with TU Vienna (november 2007, 1st stage - Sozopol workshop, april 2008, 2nd stage - workshop and seminar in Vienna);
  • 2007 Project “Landscape and Leisure”, an initiative of the Dutch Government, with the participation of students in Architecture (X semester) and students in the MSc programme in Urban Planning
  • Individual participation (with the MA theme titled Revitalization’) and Second award in International Students’ Competition for all schools of Architecture and Town Planning in France and Eastern Europe, Marsillie, France,1997


Science Keywords

Urban regeneration
EU policies with reference to spatial planning
Landscape planning
Tourism planning
Housing Policies

Other Posts and Activities

contact person for UACEG, CEEPUS networks:

- CROSS/HOUSE: CEEPUS III network RS-1513-02-2122
- Member of the research network Spa-ce.net



Tasheva-Petrova, M., E. Dimitrova (2022). “Strategic regional cooperation in capacity building for healthy urban environment” in „21st Year of 21st Century - Western Balkans’ Challenge of Common Future “, Thematic monograph, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Spa-ce.net, Belgrade, 2022, pp. 47-69, ISBN 978-86-6283-120-0

Tasheva - Petrova, М.,(2022) „Integrated Plans for Urban Regeneration and Development in Europe”, monography, Studio 17,5 Sofia, 2022, ISBN 978-619-91978-2-0-pdf, 160 (189) pages, https://issuu.com/tasheva_far/docs/_

Tasheva-Petrova, M. (2022) A life dedicated to the profession and to future generations: Prof. Dr. Arch. Veselina Troeva. Architecture (magazine), Union of Bulgarian Architects, Sofia. year 2022, 1-2: 144 – 150 (In Bulgarian). ISSN 0324-1254https://bularch.eu/bg/broy-1-2-2022

E. Dimitrova, M. Tasheva-Petrova, B. Tsoneva, A. Burov, „Women’s visibility of presence at the local level of the URBiNAT process in Sofia: responsibilities, points of view, and action effectiveness “, in Book of Abstracts; NATiURB Conference. (Nature for Innovative and inclusive urban regeneration International Conference, Milan 16-17 June 2022, Publisher: CES, University of Coimbra, Portugal, ISBN 978-989-8847-43-0

Milena Tasheva-Petrova, Elena Dimitrova, (2022) “Inclusive planning: expert claims, citizens’ expectations, and implementation challenges to socio-spatial justice”, Track 9. SPATIALITIES: Making and unmaking socio-spatial justice, AESOP 2022 Congress, Book of Abstracts, https://proceedings.aesop-planning.eu/index.php/aesopro/issue/view/13

Tasheva-Petrova, M. Dimitrova, E. Burov, A., Mutafchiiska, I., Yolova, M., Healthy urban planning: in search for meeting points of values and policy agendas; Session 6.5: Barriers and facilitators for policy changes, Urban Transitions 2022: Integrating urban and transport planning, environment and health for healthier urban living, 8-10 November 2022 | Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, poster presentation (published on the conference web site): https://virtual.oxfordabstracts.com/#/event/1624/submission/256)

Dimitrova, E.; Tasheva-Petrova, M.; Burov, A.; Mutafchiiska, I.(2022) Context-Sensitive Urban Research on Energy-Related Challenges in Housing: Sociocultural and Spatial Dimensions in Bulgaria. Preprints 2022, 2022020095 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202202.0095.v1).

Tasheva-Petrova, M., E. Dimitrova, A. Burov, Mutafchiiska, I. (2021), ‘Re-claiming space for public life: Messages from the north-west periphery of Sofia’, Urbani izziv, volume 32, supplement, December 2021: 91-105, DOI: 10.5379/urbani-izziv-en-2021-32-supplement-6 ; https://urbaniizziv.uirs.si/Summary_s?id=82&id_k=s&idc=7

E. Dimitrova, Tasheva-Petrova, M. (2021). Overview: Healthy Spatial Planning in “International Conference Making Healthy Cities for People - Education, Research, Practice in Planning, Architecture and Engineering” (2021 ; Sarajevo, Conference proceedings / International Conference HURBE 2021, 4-5 October 2021 Faculty of Architecture, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina ; [editors Francesca Giofrè, Senaida Halilović-Terzić]. - Sarajevo: Faculty of Architecture of University, 2021 Način pristupa (URL): https://af.unsa.ba/publikacije/Making_Healty_Cities_for_People_HURBE2021.pdf. , ISBN 978-9926-490-02-7

M. Tasheva-Petrova (2021) Education for urban regeneration: Theory-practice dialogue in the context of a changing planning system, ICERI2021 Proceedings, pp. 8793-8803., doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.2026

M. Tasheva-Petrova, V. Zlatinova-Pavlova (2021) Mapping the context-sensitive competencies for a globalizing workforce: Examples from architecture and urban planning education, ICERI2021 Proceedings, pp. 7044-7054, doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.1588

Tasheva-Petrova, M., E. Dimitrova, A. Burov, Mutafchiiska, I. (2021), ‘Re-claiming space for public life: Messages from the north-west periphery of Sofia’, Urbani izziv, volume 32, supplement, December 2021: 91-105, DOI: 10.5379/urbani-izziv-en-2021-32-supplement-6 ; https://urbaniizziv.uirs.si/Summary_s?id=82&id_k=s&idc=7

M. Tasheva-Petrova, V. Zlatinova-Pavlova (2020), Europe in my profession as architect and planner: Opportunities, impacts and challenges, EDULEARN20 Proceedings 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies Online Conference. 6-7 July, 2020, pp. 6028-6037. ISBN: 978-84-09-17979-4 / ISSN: 2340-1117, Publisher: IATED, DOI:10.21125/edulearn.2020.1578

M. Tasheva-Petrova, V. Zlatinova-Pavlova (2020) Architecture and planning graduates in europe: From students to practitioners in the context of internationalization and national regulations, EDULEARN20 Proceedings, p. 6038. 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies Online Conference. 6-7 July, 2020, pp. 6028-6037. ISBN: 978-84-09-17979-4 / ISSN: 2340-1117, Publisher: IATED doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2020.1579

Tasheva-Petrova, M., Dimitrova, E., Burov, A. (2020) Urban Morphology and Mobility Patterns: Myths and Real-Life Transformations of a Large housing Estate in Sofia. In Fikfak, A., Nikšič, M., Mady, C., Bizjak, I.&Blenkuš, M. (Eds.).(2020).Streets for 2030: Proposing Streets for Integrated, and Universal Mobility. Book of proceedings. Ljubljana, 23.-24. 9. 2020. University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, NotreDame University-Louaize, Ramez G. Chagoury,Faculty of Architecture, Art and Design, Lebanon, ISSN 2617-3727, https://cs4.uirs.si/portals/cs4/posters/CS4_2020_BOP.pdf
Milena Tasheva – Petrova, Sustainable management of open public space in a large housing estate in sofia: integrating physical characteristics and social dimensions, 3rd International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP2020, 12 – 13 November 2020, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Nis, ISSN 2738-0548, http://upcluster.org/conference/icup-2020/

M. Tasheva-Petrova, I. Mutafchiiska, A. Burov (2020), Integrating URBINAT Research Project’s Results into the Planning System of Sofia Municipality, XIX International Scientific Conference on Construction and Architecture VSU'2020, organized with the financial support of National Scientific Fund project proposal ent. No ФНИ-674 dated 29.05.2020., ISSN: 1314-071X (in Bulgarian)

Cristian Pons-Seres de Brauwer, Jed Cohen, Johannes Reichl, Andrea Kollmann, Valeriya Azarova, Giuseppe Carrus, Parissa Chokrai, Immo Fritsche, Christian Klöckner, Torsten Masson, Angelo Panno, Lorenza Tiberio, Stepan Vesely, Alina Mia Udall, Gudrun Lettmayer, Dorian Frieden, Kurt Könighofer, Stephan Schwarzinger, Izaskun Jimenez, Lucía Polo, Daniela Velte, Elena Dimitrova, Milena Tasheva-Petrova, Angel Burov, Irina Mutafchiiska, Lassi Similä, Suvisanna Correia, Tiina Koljonen, Mehmet Efe Biresselioglu, Muhittin Hakan Demir , (2019) “Building consensus for a citizen-driven Energy Union: understanding energy choice dynamics and their impact on energy governance in the EU”

E Dimitrova, M. Petrova-Tasheva, I Mutafchiiska and A Burov, (2019), “Energy-related policy in the housing sector of Bulgaria: in search for a meeting point of social and technical dimensions”, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 329:012005, DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/329/1/012005

Milena Tasheva-Petrova, Elena Dimitrova,  “City health” as an urban challenge: Building capacity in research and education, IXth  International Scientific Conference оn Architecture And Civil Engineering ArCivE 2019, 31 May – 02 June 2019, Varna, Bulgaria, Proceedings 2-2019, ISSN 2535-0781

Simona Guergova, Milena Tasheva – Petrova, “Green Roofs and Facades: Incentive Mechanisms and Challenges for Their Implementation”, IXth  International Scientific Conference оn Architecture And Civil Engineering ArCivE 2019, 31 May – 02 June 2019, Proceedings 2-2019, Varna, Bulgaria, ISSN 2535-0781

Elena Dimitrova, Milena Tasheva-Petrova, Angel Burov, Irina Mutafchiiska, “The energy trаnsformation in Bulgarin cities: Sociocultural context’, IXth  International Scientific Conference оn Architecture And Civil Engineering ArCivE 2019, 31 May – 02 June 2019, Varna, Bulgaria Proceedings 2-2019, ISSN 2535-0781

Lyubomir Petrov, Milena Tasheva-Petrova, “Mega projects and urban renovation: spatial planning policies, urban design and management”, IXth  International Scientific Conference оn Architecture And Civil Engineering ArCivE 2019, 31 May – 02 June 2019, Varna, Bulgaria, Proceedings 2-2019, ISSN 2535-0781

Elena Dimitrova, Milena Tasheva-Petrova, Angel Burov, Irina Mutafchiiska, “The local level of governance in the European process of energy transformation: Challenges and empowerment chances in Bulgaria”,  6th Internatonal Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, University of Pecs, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, 09-10 May 2019 

Dimitrova, E., Tasheva-Petrova, M., Burov, A., Mutafchiiska, I. (2019). Chapter 5 - Energy Sensitive Planning as a Public Sector Tool Towards Sustainable Economic and Territorial Development. In Finka, M., Jaššo, M., Husar, M. (Eds.) The Role of Public Sector in Innovative Local Economic and Territorial Development Springer. 2019

Gudrun Lettmayer, Stephan Schwarzinger, Gitte Koksvik , Tomas Moe Skjølsvold, Daniela Velte, Elena Dimitrova, Milena Tasheva-Petrova, Angel Burov, Irina Mutafchiiska, Mehmet Efe Biresselioglu, Muhittin Hakan Demir, Berfu Solak (2018). Report No ECHOES 5.2 – The impact of “Energy memories” on Energy Cultures and energy consumption patterns

Biresselioglu, E., Burov, A., Carrus, G., Demir, H., Dimitrova, E., Fritsche, I., Kaplan, D., Klöckner, Ch., Koksvik, G., Masson, T., Mutafchiiska, I., Panno, A., Røyrvik, J., Schwarzinger, S., Skjølsvold, T., Tasheva, M., Tiberio, L., Velte, D., Vesely, S., “Social Science Perspectives on Electric Mobility, Smart Energy Technologies, and Energy Use in Buildings – A comprehensive Literature Review”, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321383082_Social_Science_Perspectives_on_Electric_Mobility_Smart_Energy_Technologies_and_Energy_Use_in_Buildings_-_A_comprehensive_Literature_Review

Gerenski, A., Mavrova-Guirguinova, M., Tasheva-Petrova, M., Belyashka, M., “Problems of flood risk management in settlements downstream of dams”, ANNUAL of the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy volume 50 issue 3  2017, http://www.uacg.bg/UserFiles/File/UACEG_Annual/2017/

Dimitrova, E., Tasheva-Petrova, M.,  Burov, A.,  Mutafchiiska, I. (2017), “Effectiveness of the strategic spatial planning instruments at local level: an evaluation system”, ANNUAL of the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy volume 50 issue 3  2017, http://www.uacg.bg/UserFiles/File/UACEG_Annual/2017/

Tasheva-Petrova, M. (2016), “Retail gentrification and urban regeneration of the city of Sofia: Retrospective and perspectives”,  Working paper series (iv-4a). International conference Contested Cities, stream 4: gentrification wpcc-164018, ISSN 2341- 2755, http://contested-cities.net/working-papers/2016/retail-gentrification-and-urban-regeneration-of-the-city-of-sofia-retrospective-and-perspectives/

Tasheva-Petrova, M. (2016), “Integrating the topic of flood risk management into urban planning and urban design education”, European Symposium on Research in Architecture and Urban design “In Between Scales”, Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Design Proceedings ISBN 978-606-638-141-3, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/309023030_EURAU_2016_European_Symposium_on_Research_in_Architecture_and_Urban_Design_In_Between_Scales_EURAU_2016_-_PROCEEDINGS

Tasheva-Petrova, M. (2016) “The role of the university in urban knowledge management and capacity building for spatial planning” ANNUAL of the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy volume 49 issue 3  2016, http://www.uacg.bg/UserFiles/File/UACEG_Annual/2016/Issue_3/02.pdf

Tasheva-Petrova, M., Dimitrova, E., Mutafchiyska, I.,(2015) Planning Education: Societal needs and Possibilities for Realization, ANNUAL of the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, volume XLVIII 2014-2015, Sofia, pp. 25-35.

Tasheva-Petrovа, М. (2015) „Green infrastructure: Governance, planning, provision“, International conference „Green Infrastructure in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe: Is there a universal solution to environmental and spatial challenges?”, network conference of Spa-ce.net, 27-29 September, 2015, book of abstracts, ed. Marot, N, , ISBN 978-961-6379-32-8 (pdf)

Dimitrova E., Tasheva-Petrova, M., Burov A., (2014) “Systems approach to open source GIS application in Bulgarian spatial planning ”, ANNUAL of the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia 2014, Volume XLVI, book IX-A Scientific Research prorts I 2013-2014

Tasheva-Petrova, M., (2014) "Education for Urban Regeneration: Theory-Practice Dialogue in the Context of Changing Planning Culture", Annual Congress "From Control to co-evolution", 9-12 july 2014, Utrecht/Delft, The Netherlands, abstracts publish on the official web site of the congress

tasheva - Petrova, M. (2014), "Integrated plans for Urban regeneration in Europe", monography (in print), Biis Advertizing Ltd. 2014, in Bulgarian

Tasheva - Petrova, M. , “Temporary Use – A tool for modern urban development“, Engineering Sciences, issue 2/2013 г., Institute of Metal Science, equipment, and technologies “Acad. A. Balevski” – Bulgarian Academy of Science, in Bulgarian

Tasheva - Petrova, M. ,“Urban regeneration modules in UAECG - challenges and perspectives” International Jubilee Scientific Conference “Science and Practice” on the occasion of the 70th UACEG Anniversary, Vol. 3 ISBN 978-954-049-0, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia 2012 – in Bulgarian

Tasheva - Petrova, M., "Integrated plans for urban regeneration and development in Bulgaria – efficient management tools”, ANNUAL of the University of architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Issue VIII: Research 2011, Vol. XLV 2011/2012, ISSN 1310-814X, UACEG, Sofia 2012 – in Bulgarian

Tasheva - Petrova, M., "Integrated plans for urban regeneration in Bulgaria as a management tool for the environmental, spatial, social and economic development", resume, 26thAESOP Congress, july, 2012, Ankara, Turkey), http://www.arber.com.tr/aesop2012.org/abstractsebook/Abstract/Abstract1181.pdf

Tasheva, M., Berglis, L., Leshtakova, N., “Research Theme 5: Landscape and Sheepfarming: Research Report for Bulgaria', Project “Culture and Nature: The European Heritage of Sheep Farming and Pastoral Life (CANEPAL), 2011, Project supported by the Culture Programme of the European Union, http://www.prismanet.gr/canepal/en-10-research-topics/en-5-landscape

Tasheva-Petrova, M., “Model for Integrated Urban Regeneration”, pp.14-21 in “Architectural readings 2007-2008”; BAS, Institute of Art Studies; ISBN 978-954-322-442-5 Academic Publishing House “prof. Marin Drinov”, Sofia 2011 – in Bulgarian

Tasheva-Petrova, M.(2010) "Integrated Urban Regeneration starts with the Housing Sector. Integrated plans in Republic of Ireland“,“Stroitelstwo gradat” weekly newspaper, Issue N15

Tasheva-Petrova, M. (2010), "Urban Regeneration in Europe. Great Britain – the shift from reconstruction to regeneration”, “Stroitelstwo gradat” weekly newspaper, Issue N14

Tasheva-Petrova, M. (2010), "Negotiations for the establishment of a Jessica Holding Fund in Bulgaria", interview, “Stroitelstwo gradat” weekly newspaper, Issue N8, 2010, http://sg.stroitelstvo.info/show.php?storyid=866211

Tasheva-Petrova, M. (2009), “Model for Integrated Urban Regeneration” ANNUAL of the University of architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, International Conference UACEG2009: Science and Practice, Vol. XLIV, Fascicule I, ISSN 1310-814X, Sofia 2009

Tasheva-Petrova, M. (2009), "Identification of urban regeneration projects", “Stroitelstwo gradat” weekly newspaper, 2-8 november, 2009, http://sg.stroitelstvo.info/show.php?storyid=808552

Tasheva - Petrova, M. (2009) „Model for integrated Urban Regeneration”, Proceedings, International Scientific conference, UACG 29-30 october 2009, УАСГ2009,Book 1 Atchitecture, volume XLIV, ISSN 1310-814X, Sofia 2010, pp.71-84

Tasheva-Petrova, M. (2009) „The Tension between Historic Patterns and Contemporary Open Dynamic Systems within the Debate on Integrated Planning in Bulgaria”, Proceedings, 23th AESOP Congress „Why can't the future be more like the past?”, 15 - 18 june 2009, Liverpool, UK

Tasheva - Petrova, M. (2007), "Urban Regeneration and the Context of Urban Policy", Proceedings, Jubilee Scientific Conference ’65 years University of architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy’, Sofia 2007

Tasheva - Petrova, M. (2007) "Impact Assessment of EC Policies Upon the Housing Sector in the Framework of Urban Regeneration Schemes in Bulgaria' , 1st AESOP Young Academics Meeting “CE3 – Central and Eastern European Engagement”, Bratislava, Slovakia, February 7-10, 2007 - seminar and presentation; www.aesop-youngacademics.net/showyaprintdoc.php?docid=261

Troeva, V., Tasheva, M., “The National System for planning research in Bulgaria”, in “Improving Planning Education in Europe”, ed. Fubini, F., Franco Angeli s.r.l., Milano, Italy 2004, ISBN 88-464-4907-x

"Environmental Impact Assessment of the Comprehensive development Plan of Sofia and Sofia Municipality", Sofia Architecture and Planning Office, Sofproekt, Sofia 2003 - co-author

Tasheva, M., ‘Policies for housing the unprivileged social groups in the major urban centers’, Jubilee Scientific Conference ’60 years University of architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy’, Proceedings VOL.1 Architecture and Social Science, 2002, pp. 237-245

Tasheva, M, Ignatova, M., Tcvetanova, I., ‘Students about their projects: A strategy for sustainable development and ekotourisn in Pamporovo’, Team presentation (in co-operation with , ‘Architecture’ 6, 1996



Milena Tasheva-Petrova &Elena Dimitrova, Inclusive planning: expert claims, citizens’ expectations, and implementation challenges to socio-spatial justice, Track 9. SPATIALITIES: Making and unmaking socio-spatial justice, AESOP 2022 Congress

Dimitrova Elena, Milena Tasheva-Petrova, Beata Tsoneva,Angel Burov, Women’s visibility of presence at the local level of the URBINAT process in Sofia: responsibilities, points of view, and action effectiveness, Session 2C - Feminist co-creation of NBS for urban regeneration, Nature for Inclusive and Innovative Urban Regeneration International Conference: Book of Abstracts, 16-17 June 2022, Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, Portugal 2022, ISBN: 978-989-8847-43-0

Dimitrova, M., Tasheva-Petrova, M. presentation “DEVELOPING AN INCLUSIVE PLANNING APPROACH TO REVITALIZE PUBLIC SPACE IN THE LARGE HOUSING ESTATES OF SOFIA” at joint event of ECTP-CEU and SPA-CE.NET and AUÚP, hosted by SPECTRA CE EU at STU in Bratislava “Future of the Traces of Modernity: Public Mass housing neighbourhoods“, Bratislava, September 26th – 28th, 2022

Tasheva-Petrova, M. Dimitrova, E. Burov, A., Mutafchiiska, I., Yolova, M., Healthy urban planning: in search for meeting points of values and policy agendas; Session 6.5: Barriers and facilitators for policy changes, Urban Transitions 2022, poster presentation

Tasheva - Petrova, M,. Zlatinova, V. "Practicing the professions of an architect and of an urban planner in Bulgaria and in EU", report at the final conference of the project "Europe in my profession", organized by the Bulgarian European Studies Association, 1-3 November 2019, V.Tarnovo,

Elena Dimitrova, Milena Tasheva-Petrova, Angel Burov, Irina Mutafchiiska, (2018) «Energy Memory’ as a Factor Influencing the Implementation of EU Energy Policy », International Conference « Changing Cities : Challenges, Predictions, Perspectives», Sofia, 18th, 19th and 20th October 2018 New Bulgarian University (NBU)

Guergova, S., Tasheva-Petrova, M. (2017), Green roofs and fascades: policies, regulations, standards and incentives”, UACEG, International Jubilee Scientific Conference “75th Anniversary of UACEG” “, 1 – 3 november 2017, http://conference2017.uacg.bg/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/AF.pdf

Tasheva-Petrova, M., Daskalova, G. (2017), „ Linking sustainable development indicators and indicators in the Municipal Masterplans and Strategic environment Assessments”, UACEG, International Jubilee Scientific Conference “75th Anniversary of UACEG” “, 1 – 3 november 2017, http://conference2017.uacg.bg/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/AF.pdf

Dimitrova, E., Tasheva-Petrova, M., Burov, A., Mutafchiiska, I. (2017), Energy-sensitive urban planning as tool in the process to sustainable development, Network conference of Spa-ce.net “The role of public sector in local economic and territorial development in Central, Eastern And South Eastern Europe”, Sofia (Bulgaria), September 13th–15th, 2017, Book of Abstracts

Enchev, N., Tasheva-Petrova, M. (2017), „EU funds in the context of inter-regional and intra-regional differences in Bulgaria“, Network conference of Spa-ce.net “The role of public sector in local economic and territorial development in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe”, Sofia (Bulgaria), September 13th–15th, 2017, Book of Abstracts

Tasheva-Petrova, M., “Between Development and preservation: Planning for changing urban and rural cultural landscapes at municipal level”, 13th Network conference of Spa-ce.net “Management of historically developed urban and rural landscapes in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe, 12th -14th September 2016, Lednice (Czech Republic) http://www.spa-ce.net/pdf/2016/Book-of-Abstracts-Endversion.pdf

Boneva, L., Tasheva-Petrova, M. (2013), "Traditions and future scenarios for the sheep breeding in Bulgaria: Competing activities and landuse", CANEPAL Workshop Meeting, Tartu (Estonia), 26th October 2013

Tasheva-Petrova, M. (2013), Identity, Transformation and Sustainability of Pastoral Landscape: Contemporary Reading of Bulgarian Shepherd's Folk Song”, CANEPAL WORKSHOP MEETING, ZLATOGRAD, 6th March 2013

Tasheva-Petrova, M. (2013), “Spatial planning and flood risk management at local Level” , 6 th Bulgarian-Austrian Seminar Practice and Research in Flood Risk Management Sofia, 7 November 2013

Tasheva-Petrova, M. (2015), U-CITY: Globalization, technologies and urban development, VI”th scientific and applied conference Spatial planning: problems and prospectives, UACEG, may 2015

Tasheva - Petrova, M. (2014), Optimization of the expert capacity for spatial planning in Bulgaria, Vth scientific and applied conference Spatial planning: problems and prospectives, UACEG may 2014

Tasheva - Petrova, M. (2013)„Non formal education – contribution to urban knowledge“, IV th scientific and applied conference Spatial planning: problems and prospectives, UACEG, Sofia, 22.05.2013

Tasheva - Petrova, M (2011), "Integrated Planning and Public Space Renewal", presentation , 41-st Annual Conference of the International Fellows in Urban Studies Institute for Policy Studies, John Hopkins University "Rediscovering Sofia: A Quiest for New Policies in Public Space Management", Sofia, June 25-28, 2011

Participation as lecturer, seminar "Issues of Urban Project in Planning Education. Present State and Perspectives", April 12, 2011, Torino, in the framework of Erasmus Intensive Project UPWARD

Impulse speaker, WG 2: “Mobilizing participation for regional development”, International Conference “Overcoming Regional Disparities: How to achieve a better, EU-coherent implementation of regional policies”, September 6 - 7, 2010, Ohrid/ Macedonia/ , The conference was held under the auspices of the Macedonian Ministry of Local Self-Government and supported by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. http://mls.gov.mk/international_conference.html

Tasheva - Petrova, M (2010), "Integrated plans and JESSICA”, Conference „The role of architects and designers in the absorption of EU Funds for the implementation of sustainable high quality projects in Bulgaria” 06.07.2010,The conference was jointly held by the Commission for International Relations and Euro integration, Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria and the Union of Architects in Bulgaria.

Investments and Sustainable Development Conference - BalREc 2010, 19.05.2010, Kempinski Hotel Zografski, Sofia. Participation in the Pannel: "Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development"

Tasheva - Petrova, M (2010), "Urban Regeneration: Challenges and Opportunities in the Education of Architects and urban Planners” , conference for presenting the experience in regeneration in Bulgaria, 17 May 2010, the conferece was organized under the patronage of the MRDPW within the framework of the project: Regeneration – Chance for sustainable development of the municipalities in Bulgaria” , developed by the Bulgarian non-for-profit association “Balkan Assist” in partnership with the Bulgarian Municipalities and the Government of Canton Bern, Switzerland

Tasheva - Petrova, M (2009), “AESOP – History and Present”, presentation on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the International World Planning Day, 05.11.2009

Tasheva - Petrova, M (2009), "Urban Culture in Children' Art", presentation, Pilot Phase of the “CHILDREN’ CITY CULTURE & CREATIVITY“ workshop, part of the British Council’s South East Europe arts project „CREATIVE COLLABORATION“, Sofia, 24-25 April 2009

Tasheva - Petrova, M (2008), "Urban Regeneration in Bulgaria: Lessons, Prospects and Challenges", presentation, Regional Conference "Shifting Planning Culture in SEE: Development of Strategic Approaches in Urban Planning" 18th – 20th April 2008, Ohrid

Tasheva - Petrova, M (2008), "Model for Integrated Urban Regeneration", seminar’2008; Center for Architectural Studies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Sofia, january 2008,

Tasheva - Petrova, M (2007)"Current Situation with Regard to Sprawl Challenges in Sofia", REGIONAL ACADEMIC WORKSHOP on Research Cooperation for Sustainable Urban and Housing Development in SEE; University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning Department, Sofia and STABILITY PACT for South Eastern Europe, Sofia 2007 - seminar and presentation;

Tasheva - Petrova, M (2006), Planning for Tourism in Bulgaria, may 2006, UCD Dublin, School of Geography, Planning & Environmental Policy - seminar and presentation;

Tasheva - Petrova, M (2005), How the Local Administration Implements Development Policies, Project RIMED - Regional Integration and Metropolitan Development of SE Europe, University of Thessaly, Volos (Greece), октомври 2005 - seminar and presentation;

Tasheva - Petrova, M (2003), ‘Growing yet not sprawling’: Towards efficient, balanced and sustainable land-use pattern of Sofia and Sofia Municipality, Seminar ‘Spatial and Environmental Planning in Central and Eastern Europe, theme: Myths of Metropolis – Urban density versus spatial Sprawl, Technical University, Vienna, April 2003


Contributor: D6.1 Transition Visioning Workshop Report, Horizon2020 project ENABLE.EU, 28/09/2018, http://www.enable-eu.com/

Contributor: PART 2
RETHINKING THE ROMAN LANDSCAPE: Section 1: Urban and Peri-urban Landscapes (1/13) in Stiles, R., Bouche-Pillon, S., Brinkhuijsen, M., de Vries, J., Di Carlo, F., Fetzer, E., ... Meireles Rodrigues, F. (2014). Rome’s Landscape: LE:NOTRE Landscape Forum 2013. (LE:NOTRE Landscape Monographs). Le Notre; Le Notre 2014, Printed in Wien, ISBN : 978-90-820558-1-8

Contributor: Report: POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS: An analysis on collective and energy related decision making processes of three formal social units, Report No ECHOES 6.1 – D6.1 Policy Recommendation papers, 2018


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