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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phys. Svetlana Djambova

Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering, Department Physics

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phys. Svetlana Djambova
Office Room R266
Phone 3592-9635245/505
E-mail std_fhe@uacg.bg
Marital Status married


Building Physics for Architectute students

Building Physics and Acoustics in Park Environment for Landscape Architecture students

Physics for Structural Engineers,  English Education 

Physical Factors Impact Evaluation for the students of Land and Real Estate Management and Planning 

Language Skills

 English - Excellent, English Language School, Rousse Bulgaria 

Russian - very good.

Science Activity

 Laboratory for Acoustic Properties of Building Materials, Physics Department UACEG - responsible person

Participation in International Projects

 R.J. Churchill, H.P. Groger, K.P. Lo, S.T. Djambova - Computer Enhanced Eddy Current Detection of Hidden Substructure Edges and Holes. U.S. Department of the Air Force, Contract No. F33615-98-C-5154, August (2000).

Academic Positions

Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering Erasmus Program Coordinator 2012-2020

Member of the Control Council of UACEG 2016-2020 

Member of the Academic Council of the UACEG 2020-2024

Science Keywords

 Sound Insulation and Sound Absorption of Building Materials


Recent Publications in English

1. Djambova T. Svetlana, Ivanova B. Natalia, Zaharieva A.Roumiana, Laboratory
Evaluation of the Airborne Sound Insulation of Plasterboard Sandwich Panels Filled with
Recycled Textile Material., ICBAV 2023: XVII International Conference on Building
Acoustics and Vibration Proceedings: 16-19., online issn: 1307-6892.
2. Ivanova N., Djambova S., Hristev I., Investigation of the Acoustic Properties of Recycled
Felt Panels and their Application in Classrooms and Multi-Purpose Halls., ICBAV 2023:
XVII International Conference on Building Acoustics and Vibration Proceedings: 20-23.,
online issn: 1307-6892.
Recent Publications in Bulgarian 
1. Джамбова С., Иванова Н., Христев И. Измерване по стандарт на място на
звукоизолацията на преградни елементи между учебни помещения. //Годишник на УАСГ,
2023, 56(4): 1819-1828.
2. Иванова Н., Джамбова, С. Изследване на нормативната база в областта на
акустиката на учебни помещения в европейските страни и приложение у нас.// Годишник
на УАСГ, 2023, 56(4): 1807-1817.

Study materials


 Music, Travel and Yoga