Laboratory of ROAD CONSTRUCTION Department
The Laboratory provides practical training to students in relation to the following disciplines: Road Construction, Reconstruction and Maintenance of Roads.
Head - Prof. Dr. Ivan St. TRIFONOV (M. Eng.), Room B 728
Phone: (+359 2) 865 50 79; (+359 2) 963 52 45/571
Constructor - M. Eng. Krum KRUMOV
Phone: (+359 2) 963 52 45/636
This Department provides teaching in the following disciplines:
- Road Construction (general course);
- Design of Roads and Junctions;
- Road Construction;
- Urban Planning, Urban Traffic and Streets;
- Construction of Airports;
- Maintenance and Reconstruction of Roads;
- Transportation Systems (elective);
- Organisation and Safety of Road Traffic (elective);
- Modern Technologies in Road Construction (elective).