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Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Arch. Венета Златинова

Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning

Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Arch. Венета Златинова
Office Room 1007
Student Hours

Please, look at the Bulgarian version of the webpage


E-mail zlatinova_far@uacg.bg




  • Urban planning - project I
  • Urban plannning - project II
  • Parks and landscape architecture - project
  • Urbanism - profiled projects I and II in fifth year
  • Urbanism - specialized lectures course - presenting single lectures on the specific topics of housing
  • Practicing the profession of an architect


  • Urban morphology - lectures and seminars
  • Urban design - lectures and seminars
  • Professional ethics - - lectures and seminars
  • Residential structures - project
  • Housing policy - presenting single lectures on specific topics
  • Introduction to urbanism - presenting single lectures on specific topics
  • Urban composition - lectures and seminars - until 2018


  • Urban planning I - project
  • Urban planning II - project



PhD in Spatial planning, Landscape planning and Urban planning, UACEG 2016

MaS in Architecture, UACEG 2004

Short-term courses:

  • UACEG, 2014, "Methodology of academic teaching";
  • UACEG, 2014, "Elaboration of project proposals for national and international scientific and research programmes";
  • UACEG, 2014,  "Conceptualization and design of the scientific research"


  • Vitality (of the cultural organisations), Intercultura Consult, Sofia, 2023 (In Bulgarian: "Жизненост" на културните организации, Интеркултура Консулт, София, 2023);
  • Planning and Implementing Disclosure in Public-Private Partnerships, issued by OLC, World Bank Group, 2020;
  • Urban Upgrading for Inclusion, Sustainability and Resilience in a time of Global Pandemics, issued by OLC, World Bank Group, 2021;
  • Future of Work: Preparing for Disruption, OLC, WBG 2019;
  • Unlocking Investment and Finance in EMDEs, OLC, WBG 2019;
  • The road to nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB), EnEffect, UACEG, 2018;
  • Financing for Development, OLC, World Bank Group, 2017;
  • Engaging Citizens: A Game Changer for Development, OLC, World Bank Group, 2017;
  • Land Tenure and Property Rights, USAID 2017;
  • "Product life-cycle assesment -theory and opportunities for application inBulgaria" -  BGBC academy, 2012;
  • "Strategic thinking", corporate training 2008;
  • "Negotiating", corporate training 2008.


Language Skills

 English, German, Russian

Professional Skills

spatial planning, zoning, architectural design, strategic planning, preliminary study, consulting, urban innovation expert


Science Interests

urban morphology, urban design, placemaking, digitization and ICT in urban planning, housing, informal settlements, nature-based solutions, circular built environment, participatory planning, urban mobility, professional ethics, professional education in the fields of spatial planning and urban development

Science Activity


member of the scientific board of the DOCONF2023: Facing Post-Socialist Urban Heritage, international conference, Budapest 5-7.10.2023

expert consultancies and reports:

report Planning characteristics of deprived neighbourhoods with predominant Roma population, 2022, author, elaborated under project SCALE IT UP - Scaling up a sustainable model communities living in non-regulated areas to improve their living conditions, project leader Trust for Social Achievement, funded by the European Commission Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers under Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme, Call for proposals for action grants 2020 (REC-AG-2020), Grant Agreement Number – 963375.

report Situational analysis on access of the most vulnerable families and children to water, 2021, author, carried out under a contact with Trust for Social Achievement, commissioned by UNICEF, 2020.



design briefs:

design brief and website for open student competition for architectural and urban design ideas "Swimming pool Nadezhda 2022",

design brief for preparation of conceptual architectural and urban planning project for Sveta Nedelya square, an international competition organized by the city of Sofia, 2018, elaborated by team form Department of Urban Planning, UACEG, author in a team, contraced by Architecture and Urban Planning Directorate, Sofia Municipality, 2018 (Bulgarian version of the brief).

design brief for student competition "Revitalization of Rimska stena market square", a competition open to architecture students at UACEG, 2015.


chair of technical committee for open student competition for architectural and urban design ideas "Swimming pool Nadezhda 2022", organized within URBiNAT project

other studies:

study "Rapid assessment of the space, site and environment, following the principles of permaculture design" (In Bulgarian "Бърза оценка на пространството, мястото и средата, следвайки принципите на пермакултурния дизайн") developed as a preliminary study of the site for the student workshop "In front (of UACEG)", 2017.




Participation in Research Projects

EUMYPRO - Europe in My profession - 2017-2020 - funded under Jean Monnet, Erasmus +, 587075-EPP-1-2017-1-BG-EPPJMO-SUPPA

Participation in International Projects

URBiNAT: Urban Innovative & Inclusive Nature - Healthy Corridors as drivers of social housing neighbourhoods for the co-creation of social, environmental and marketable NBS (nature-based solutions). A 5-year project funded by the EU H2020 Programme, focused on the regeneration of under-served urban neighbourhoods through the co-creation of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS). NBS are implemented together to form Healthy Corridors which act as drivers in the transformation of social housing neighbourhoods, and the wellbeing of residents. Horizon 2020 theme LCE-31-2016-2017. EC Contract No:776783. (2018-2023)

COST Action CA18137 MCMH - European Middle Class Mass Housing. By crossing different approaches focused on Architecture, Urbanism, Planning, Public Policies, History, Sociology, our network allows a wider understanding of MCMH sprawl, deepening on-going researches and focussing on the existing case studies. (2019-2023)

COST Action CA21103 CircularB – Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment. Facing the increasing concerns about the negative environmental impacts of buildings, governments and general society worldwide have been seeking more efficient and sustainable constructions. (2022-2026)

COST Action C20 Urban Knowledge Arena. The objective of the Action has been to investigate the emerging field of integrated knowledge, experience and know-how, which is needed in today’s highly complex and delicate urban development and regeneration processes. It introduced the concept Urban Knowledge Arena (UKA), i.e. a platform/forum/arena, which can give knowledge support in an urban development activity(2005-2009);

RE-LEARNING PUBLIC SPACE: An Action Research Event, an interdisciplinary international even - part of the AESOP series “Unstable geographies, dislocated publics” of the AESOP Thematic Group Public Space and Urban Cultures. AESOP is a European network of researchers, teachers and practitioners in the field of planning and design. AMS, Amsterdam, 2018;



Academic Positions

chief assistant prof.

Science Keywords

urban morphology, urban transformations, mobility and urban space, urban logistics, urban design, placemaking, digitization and ICT in urban planning, housing, informal settlements, participatory planning, nature-based solutions, public good, circular built environment, urban dynamics

Other Posts and Activities

urban innovative actions expert; external assessor (research and innovation projects), planning and urban development consultant


ORCID ID:     orcid.org/0000-0003-1879-5588

Zlatinova-Pavlova, V. 2023. Balancing the Quality of Public Good within the Dynamics of Urban Form. Experiences from the redevelopment of residential areas in Bulgaria. In Conference Proceedings XXIX International Seminar on Urban Form ISUF 2022 Urban Redevelopment and Revitalisation A Multidisciplinary Perspective, Agata Kantarek et al (Eds.). Lodz University of Technology Press. pp 2074-2086. DOI: 10.34658/9788367934039.170

Zlatinova-Pavlova, V. 2023. Large Housing Estates Between the Common Good and the Private. In European Middle-Class Mass Housing: Past and Present of the Modern Community. Rodrigues, I. et al (Eds.). DINÂMIA'CET-Iscte. ISBN: 978-989-781-862-2 . pp 114-133

Zlatinova, V. (2023). Bulgaria. In De Vos, E., Geerinckx, S., Smeragliuolo Perrotta, L. (Eds.) (2023). European Middle-Class Mass Housing: Lexicon. DINÂMIA'CET-Iscte. ISBN 978-989-781-864-6 . pp 22-25

Zlatinova-Pavlova, V. 2021.Regeneration of Former Military Sites in Bulgaria as a Process of Focused Urban Intervention. In Rigenerare le aree militari dismesse. Prospettive, dibattiti e riconversioni in Italia, Spagna e in contesti internazionali. Federico Camerin, Francesco Gastaldi (Eds) .Maggioli Editore.

Zlatinova-Pavlova, V. 2021. Transformations of Green Infrastructures in Middle Class Mass Housing Residential Areas. In Optimistic Suburbia 2 – International Conference Proceedings. ISBN 978-989-781-550-8

Zlatinova-Pavlova, V. 2021. Dilemmas of Regenerative Green Neighbourhoods. Conference abstract. In AGORA Thematic Dialogue: Unfolding Dilemmas of Regenerative Green Neighbourhoods. JPI Urban Europe, 2021.

Tasheva-Petrova, M. / Zlatinova-Pavlova, V. 2021. Mapping the Context-Sensitive Competencies for a Globalizing Workforce: Examples from Architecture and Urban Planning Education. ICERI2021 Proceedings.

Tasheva-Petrova, M., Burov, A.,Mutafchijska, I., Tsoneva, B., Zlatinova-Pavlova, V., Kirov, V. “Healthy Corridor Concept Sofia” in M. Moniz, G. C (Eds.) URBiNAT – D4.2 Healthy Corridor Concept, Coimbra, Portugal: CES, 2021.

Tasheva-Petrova, M. / Zlatinova-Pavlova, V. 2020. Europe in My Profession as Architect and Planner: Opportunities, Impacts and Challenges. EDULEARN20 Proceedings IATED.

Tasheva-Petrova, M. / Zlatinova-Pavlova, V. 2020. Architecture and Planning Graduates in Europe: from Students to Practitioners in the Context of Internationalization and National Regulations. EDULEARN20 Proceedings. IATED

Ташева-Петрова, М., Димитрова, Е., Буров, А., Мутафчийска, И., Цонева, Б., Златинова–Павлова , В., Киров, В. 2024. "Kонцепция за зелен коридор на здравето в София". Авторизиран вариант на български език на част от Доклад 4.2. на проект URBiNAT, разработен и публикуван на английски език под научната и обща редакция на Гонсало Канто Мониж, главен координатор на проект URBiNAT. ISBN 978-619-231-107-0 , e-book ISBN 978-619-231-108-7

Ташева-Петрова, М. Златинова–Павлова , В. 2020. Практикуване на професиите „архитект” и „урбанист” в държавите членки на Европейския съюз. "Европа в моята професия", Ингрид Шикова (ed.). p.45-101.Авангард Прима

Златинова-Павлова, В. 2015. Предизвикателства пред проектите за развитие на ж.п. ареалите в България. Втора научно-приложна конференция с международно участие „управление на проекти в строителството“ /УПС 2015/.  


PhD thesis: “Urban transformations of Railway station areas in the large Bulgarian cities”, 2015


research reports:

M. Tasheva-Petrova, A. Burov, B. Tsoneva, V. Zlatinova-Pavlova, V. Kirov, I. Gigov, “D2.4 Urban Plan. Part 4 – Sofia”, in “D2.4 Urban Plan”, a report within URBiNAT project, 2021, pp.100-180.

M. Tasheva-Petrova, A. Burov, I. Mutafchijska, B. Tsoneva, V. Zlatinova-Pavlova, V. Kirov, S. Novkov, L. Georgieva, “NBS Implementation Strategy. Part 3 – Sofia, in “NBS Implementation Strategy”, a report within URBiNAT project, 2021, pp. 68-131.

Conference reports:

"Social inequalities and urban form: the informal housing in Bulgaria", Zlatinova, V. 2022, scientific report at the International Jubilee Scientific Conference “80th Anniversary of UACEG”, Sofia: 9–11 November 2022. (In Bulgarian: "Социалните неравенства и градската форма: Неформалните жилищни територии в България")

"Practicing the professions of an architect and of urban planner in Bulgaria and in EU", Tasheva, M. Zlatinova, V., report at the final conference of the project "Europe in my profession", V.Tarnovo 2019

"Post-War Urban Monuments: Exploring their Impact on the Publics Places in Bulgaria", DOCONF2017 Facing Post-War Urban Heritage in Central and Eastern Europe, doctoral conference, BME, Budapest, 2017;

“Problems of Transport Planning in the Region of Sofia”, UACEG, Sofia, 2015;

“Development of Railway Station Areas in Two Bulgarian Cities After the Fall of the Iron Curtain”, DOCONF2015 Facing Post-War Urban Heritage in Central and Eastern Europe, doctoral conference,BME, Budapest, 2015;

“Urban Logistics – Spatial Dimensions”, UACEG, Sofia, 2014;

“Interaction and Impact – Expectations Towards the Transformations of the Railway Station Areas”, ”UACEG, Sofia, 2013;

“Mobility and Spatial Development of Cities”, UACEG, Sofia, 2011;

“Urban Transformations of Railway Station Areas in Bulgaria”, UACEG, Sofia, 2011;

“Urban Transformations of Railway Station Areas in Europe”, UACEG, Sofia, 2011.

 “The Buildings for Music and the City”, creative student workshop “National center for music arts”, UACEG, 2018.

“Transport planning problems in the capital region of Sofia”, held in the course “Urban and Regional Development in local and global context”, May 27, 2015 TU-Vienna, Department of Spatial Planning;

“Station Area Transformations in Bulgarian Cities”, held in the seminar course “Planning and development in agglomerations ”, May 29, 2015 TU-Vienna, Department of Spatial Planning;

“Impacts of spatial and functional densification around railway station areas on the city structure and balance between transport and service functions at major mobility spaces in the large Bulgarian cities”, January 21, 2016 Crakow University of Technology, Institute of Urban Design.


More Info


International Jubilee Scientific Conference "80th Anniversary of Uaceg" November 9-11, 2022, panel "Urbanism:Science, Education and Practice", session 2.
International Jubilee Scientific Conference "75th Anniversary of Uaceg"
SHARE Bulgaria 2024 Forum, Sofia 19.09.2024, Session 2 moderator
SHARE Sofia 2020 Forum, Sofia 6.10.2020, moderator, session "Advanced architecture and urban development"

mentor in:

  • Creative student workshop “National center for music arts”, UACEG, 2018
  • Student workshop "In front (of UACEG)", UACEG, 2017 - preliminary study of the site, flows and behavioural mapping;
  • ISU 2017 ”Creating a place for the people”, interdisciplinary student workshop, team mentor;
  • ISU 2016 “Design as mediator”, interdisciplinary student workshop, team mentor;
  • ISU 2015 “Activating urban public space in front of the central railway station in Sofia”, interdisciplinary student workshop, team mentor;

