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After mobility

End of the mobility procedure and documents

Documents you have to send by e-mail to the International Office at least 5 days before departure:

 1. A copy of the Dormitory unregistration form - download it here:

You have to inform in a written form the landlady or us 1 month before departure. Your deposit will be used as payment for the last full month of your stay. For the period after that, you will pay on a daily basis. See the Dormitory guide.

2. A copy of your student's book - all pages filled, incl. the first one with the photo. Make sure your teachers write the name of their courses in English, as it is in your LA, together with the final mark.

3. Learning Agreement for studies – before the mobility and during the mobility signed by both institutions

4. Certificate of attendance or departure form - download and send to us your home university form

5. Scan or copy of the return ticket/s

6. Transcript of records - will be issued no later than 4 weeks after the end of the assessment period at the receiving faculty and sent to you and your home coordinator by e-mail.

In case you need the paper original of your Transcript of records, please send us the exact address, email, incl. the name of your home university, respective office and the name of the person in charge, who will be the receiver.