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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Maria Mavrova-Guirguinova

Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering, Hydraulic, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering - Head of department

Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering, Hydraulic, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Maria Mavrova-Guirguinova
Office Room A425
Student Hours

Заверка на летен семестър 2020/21г. :
петък 11.06.2021, в УАСГ каб. 425 корп.А от 13:00 до 14:00.

Phone +359 889 884 321
E-mail margir_fhe@abv.bg


1998: PhD Degree from UACEG, Sofia, Bulgaria; PhD Thesis on Concrete Dam Behavior Identification in Safety Analysis with Application of Artificial Neural Networks
1985: Masters’s Degree in Hydroengineering from UACEG, Sofia, Bulgaria


Recent publications:


Вазов В., М. Маврова-Гиргинова. Изменение на климата и очаквано въздействие върху пристанищната инфраструктура, Годишник на НИС при УАСГ, 2014
Kirilov, H., Pencheva , Kotseva , Gabrovki , Slavov, Georgieva, Zaharieva, Ninov, Mavrova-Guirguinova et al. Manual for small dams’ flood risk assessment and management- Sofia, 2013, www.damsafe.eu
Маврова-Гиргинова, М., Филков, И., Беляшка, М., Систематизиране на значимия риск от наводнения по критерий „материални щети” за Република България, списание Водно дело, брой 1/2 2012 г.,
Маврова-Гиргинова М., М. Печинова, Д. Пенчева. Подходи за идентификация на опасността от наводнения. Идентификация в реално и извън реално време -BULAQUA, 2011.
Mаvrova-Guirguinova M., D.Pencheva, M.Belyashka. Maps in the Context of the European Flood Risk Directive- Third International Conference on Cartography and GIS, Nessebar, June 15–20, 2010.
Mаvrova-Guirguinova M., I.Filkov. Preliminary Flood Risk Assesment In Bulgaria - Fourth Bulgarian - Austrian Seminar “Flood Risk Directive: Austrian and Bulgarian Approaches to Implementation”, Sofia, October 29-30, 2009
Mаvrova-Guirguinova M., M.Belyashka, D.Pencheva. Directive 2007/60/ЕC for Flood Risk Management in the Context of the Common Approach of EU for Disaster Prevention, Special edition of BULAQUA Magazine, 2009
Popov Tz., М.Мavrova-Guirguinova, J.Vulchanova, B.Grozdanov, J.Jelev Guide for the Risk Assessment and the Materially Requirements to the Investigations of Potential Dangerous Objects, United Nations Development Programme for Bulgaria & Ministry of emergency situations, 97p., First Edition, 2008, Sofia
Маvrova-Guirguinova M. Soft Computing Approaches for Dam Behavior Identification: Vucha Dam Case, Symposium: Operation, rehabilitation and up-grading of dams, ICOLD 2008, Sofia.
Маvrova-Guirguinova M. A Study of Wind Waves Forecasting in The Black Sea Shallow Waters by Neural Network Modelling-European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008-Vienna, Austria
Mavrova-Guirguinova M., N.Valchev. Compatibility and Accuracy of Different Approaches for Wind Wave Modelling: Western Black Sea Shelf Case- CoastLab2008, Bari, Italy
Maradjieva Mariana, Maria Mavrova-Guirguinova. Advanced Risk Analysis Methods for Engineering Assessments based on Forecasting Decision Theory , JUBILEE SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE 65 YEARSUNIVERSITY OF ARCHITECTURE, CIVIL ENGINEERING AND GEODESY, Sofia, 17–18 May 2007
Маvrova-Guirguinova M., K.Galev Wind Wave Dimensions Estimation based on ANNs European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2007-Vienna, Austria
Maradjieva M., M. Mavrova-Guirguinova Risk Analysis of Potential Failure of Embankment Dams based on Fuzzy Inference -The 7th International Conference on Hydroinformatics HIC 2006- Nice,France
Maradjieva M., M. Маvrova-Guirguinova, V.Zaharieva. Risk-Based Analysis of Potential Failure of Rockfil Jovkovzi Dam Presented by Different Overtopping Scenarios- Proc.of Second Bulgarian-Austrian Seminar on Hydraulic Engineering and Environment, Sofia, 27-28 October 2005.
Mavrova-Guirguinova M., A. Traikov, O. Todorov . Analisys of Arch Dam Ardino for Temperature Change – Proc. of International conference on Design and Construction of Buildings and Structures- DCB 2004, Plovdiv.
Maradjieva M., M. Маvrova-Guirguinova. Approaches of Risk Level Estimation in Spillways Operation– Part ІI , Examples, BULAQUA, 2, 2004.
Maradjieva M., M. Маvrova-Guirguinova. Approaches of Risk Level Estimation in Spillways Operation– Part І: Methodology, BULAQUA,1,2004.
Mavrova-Guirguinova M., Up-to-Date Methods to Assign an Acceptable Risk for Embankment Dams, ANNUAL of UACEG, Vol.XL, scroll VІ, 2002-2003.
Mavrova-Guirguinova M., A. Traikov. Influence of the Anchoring Depth on the Overall Stability of Concrete Dams – Proc. of International conference VSU'2004, Sofia. Traikov A.,
Mavrova-Guirguinova, M., O. Todorov. Structural Analysis of Ardino Arch Dam – Proc. of International conference VSU'2004, Sofia.
Mavrova-Guirguinova M., A. Traikov. Reconstruction of Beli Iskar Dam Based on Prestressed Anchoring in the Rock Base - Proc. of Bulgarian-Austrian Seminar on Safety of Hydraulic Structures, Sofia, 30th–31st October 2003.
Maradjieva M., M. Маvrova-Guirguinova. Risk Analysis of Site-Channel Spillways in Operation, ANNUAL of UACEG, Vol.XL, scroll VІ, 2003.


Study materials



Photo Gallery

  • 2017 HPP Freudenau
  • 2017 river Liesing