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Prof. Dr. Math. Gancho Tachev

Faculty of Transportation Engineering, Mathematics

Prof. Dr. Math. Gancho Tachev
Office Room R427
Student Hours

Tu. 14.00-15.00 in 427.

E-mail ganchotachev2@gmail.com


1982-1987:Study in Mathematics at the University of Sofia.
1986-1987:Specialization at the Institut of Mathematics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences under supervision of Prof.Dr. V.A.Popov.Thesis:
"Approximation by Bernstein polynomials in Lp[0,1]".
1988-1991:Postgraduate student under supervision of Prof.Dr.K.G.Ivanov. Ph.D. thesis defended 28.04.1992: "Approximation by Polynomials in Lp-metric".

Language Skills

english and german languages

Science Interests

1. Approximation theory.
2. Numerical Analysis.
3. Computer Aided Geometric Design.

Science Activity

Seminars and Conferences


Since 2008 member of NAOA-National Agency of Accreditation

Participation in International Projects

1. One-year Fellowship in Germany at the University of Jena,"Friedrich
Schiller Universit"at", by Prof. P.Oswald, October 1993 - July 1994.
Emphasis: Approximation Theory, Finite Element Methods.
2. DAAD-Fellowship in Germany at the "Gerhard-Mercator Universit"at ",
Duisburg, by Prof.H.Gonska, 1.11.1998-30.12.1998. Emphasis: Approximation
Theory and CAGD.
3. TEMPUS-Project, in Germany,Duisburg, by Prof.H.Gonska,1.01.1999-15.02.1999.
Emphasis: Course - Modul Numerical Methods and Algorithms,CAGD.
4. Visiting Lecturer at the University of Duisburg, by Prof. H.Gonska,1.06.2000-30.06.2000.
5. DAAD-Fellowship in Germany at the "Gerhard-Mercator Universit"at", by
Prof.Dr. H.Gonska,1.10.2001-30.11.2001. Emphasis: Approximation by Schoenberg Operator.
6. RIP - Program in Germany,Oberwolfach - Mathematical Institut,1.03-16.03.2002.
Emphasis: On the second moment of Schoenberg Operator.
7. Visiting Lecturer at the University of Duisburg, by Prof. H.Gonska,1.04.2002-30.05.2002
8. Lecturer at the Intensive Course "Math. Methods in Computer Aided Geometric
Design", Cluj-Napoca,Romania,1-10.09.2003, sponsored by DAAD Program "Akademischer
Neuaufbau Suedosteuropa".
9. Visiting Lecturer at the University of Duisburg, by Prof. H.Gonska,1.06.2004-30.08.2004.
10. Visiting Lecturer at the University of Duisburg, by Prof. H.Gonska,20.10.2005-10.12.2005.
11.Gastprofessor at the University of Duisburg, by Prof.H.Gonska, 1.10-31.10.2007.
12.DAAD Stipendiat an der Universitaet Duisburg-Essen, Jan.-Feb.2008
13. Gastwissenschaftler an der Universitaet Duisburg-Essen,1.10-31.10.2009.
14. Gastprofessor an der Universitaet Duisburg-Essen,1.05-30.06.2010.

15.DAAD Stipendiat an der Universitaet Duisburg-Essen, Oct..-Nov.2011

16. Center of Excellence for Applications of Mathematics (DAAD-Projekt im Rahmen des Stabilitätspakts für Südosteuropa).-participant at Uni-Duisburg-Essen, 1.06.2012-30.06.2012

17. 26.05.2016-3105.2016: ERASMUS  VISIT at the University of SIBIU "LUCIAN BLAGA", Sibiu, ROMANIA.


18.Invited lecturer at International conference ICATA - 2019, SIBIU, ROMANIA.

Academic Positions

1992-2004:Assistant in mathematics at the University of Architecture,Sofia
2004-to present:Associated Prof.Dr. in mathematics at the Univ.of Architecture,Sofia

1.10.2013-to present -Professor(full) in mathematics.

Science Keywords

Since 2002 member of the Editorial board of Journal of Concrete and Applied Math., ed. by G.Anastassiou,Memphis,USA.
Since 2008 president of the general assembly of the faculty of transport engineering..




Study materials

Coursework ans assignments

