Home / Faculties / Faculty of Geodesy / Departments / Applied Geodesy / Courses


3D Modelling in Vertical Planning
The course is meant to acquaint students with the three-dimensional modelling of urban sites and terrains by help of specialist software. The lectures cover the software tools for solving such problems. The exercises include 3D modelling of the design solutions developed in the courses of Landscape Architecture and Terrain Design. After finishing the course students will have the necessary knowledge and skills for high-quality computer-aided design as members of design teams.
Administrative Services in Construction
The course acquaints students with the order, conditions and the legal grounds of the administrative / technical services provided by the respective authorities in the country. After finishing the course students will possess the necessary knowledge and skills to hold expert positions in the municipal and state administration or to fill positions in the private sector related to the administration of the investment design and the construction.
Descriptive Geometry
By the descriptive geometry the students get knowledge about the basic projection methods - Monge projection, axonometry and elevation projection, which give the students the intellectual capability of space perception and the principles of its graphical representation. The students get knowledge and skills for drawing of solids, of plane solid’s sections and their mutual intersection, for finding of the real form of figures in different projections and for drawing of earth surface and roads ...
Descriptive Geometry
By the descriptive geometry the students get knowledge about the basic projection methods – Monge projection, axonometry and level mark projection and perspective which give the students the intellectual capability of space perception and the principles of its graphical representation. Methods for drawing of surfaces, of plane sections and of mutual intersections, for depicting of roads in topographic area are studied.
Descriptive Geometry
Major: Architecture
Descriptive geometry is a branch of the mathematic modelling, which studies the methods for constructing and practical use of plane models-drawings of spatial forms. The teaching material covers the most important aspects of the three projections complementing each other – the Monge projection, the axonometry and the perspective. Information about rotary, helicoidal and rectilinear surfaces and representation of shadows have an important place. The studying of descriptive geometry in a ...
Descriptive Geometry - exercises
Major: Architecture
On the basis of the main principles of Descriptive Geometry, students prepare three course drawings of architectural forms with shadows, rectilinear surfaces, and objects in perspective. Students acquire skills for drawing of 3D-objects by hand or with the help of CAD-systems.
Detailed Development Plans
Major: Architecture
The course on the discipline "Detailed Development Plans" aims to give students the necessary knowledge and skills for the activities that are carried out in the study, design, approval, implementation and changes of detailed development plans in urban and non-urban areas. Questions related to the spatial design in the development of the urban territories are considered - regulation of streets and landed properties, the main normative and technical requirements concerning the DDP. ...
Engineering Geodesy
Students obtain a minimum knowledge on the geodetic works related to the investigation, design, tracing, construction and maintenance of buildings and building facilities. They are necessary for the construction engineer to design, execute and control the erection processes as well as to perform building supervision functions.
Engineering Geodesy
The course aims to provide the students at the structural engineering faculty with the necessary knowledge and skills related to the main geodetic activities. Using the acquired basic knowledge the students as future civil engineers will be able to accomplish and control the building and construction works. The discipline includes subjects such as: Basic geodetic activities in research, design, setting out, construction, monitoring and maintenance of buildings and engineering structures. ...
Engineering Geodesy
Students obtain a minimum knowledge on the geodetic works related to the investigation, design, tracing, construction and maintenance of buildings and building facilities. They are necessary for the construction engineer to design, execute and control the erection processes as well as to perform building supervision functions.
Engineering Geodesy
Students obtain a minimum knowledge on the geodetic works related to the investigation, design, tracing, construction and maintenance of buildings and building facilities. They are necessary for the construction engineer to design, execute and control the erection processes as well as to perform building supervision functions.
Geodesic Works in Complex Construction Projects Design
The course considers the main stages and the specificity of planning schemes development, and the design of large infrastructural projects, sports complexes, resorts and villa compounds. After finishing the course students will be able to participate adequately in the design of complex projects.
Introduction in Town Regulation and Vertical Leveling
This discipline gives students up-to-date knowledge needed for making correct decisions on tasks related to urban territories. Theoretical and practical issues related to planning and investment design are examined in terms of investment intentions for restructured territories.
Mine Surveying
This course emphasizes on the basic mine surveying works in the investigation and design of mines and extraction of ores and minerals from underground and opencast mines. The basic instruments and methods for mine surveying measurements and their processing are considered. After finishing the course students will be able to carry out mine surveying works in tunnels, opencast mines and underground sites.
Practical Training in Applied Geodesy
Creation of levelling and height control for road tracing; road axis tracing; carrying out a detailed tracing; making longitudinal and transversal profiles; tracing of a road in transversal profile. Creation of levelling and height control for tracing a bridge; tracing of abutments and columns; transmission through wide water areas. Creation of levelling and height control for tracing a tunnel; tracing of pre-portal points. Measuring and coordinating of geodetic construction network; tracing of ...
Practical Training in Applied Geodesy
Creation of levelling and height control for road tracing; road axis tracing; carrying out a detailed tracing; making longitudinal and transversal profiles; tracing of a road in transversal profile. Creation of levelling and height control for tracing a bridge; tracing of abutments and columns; transmission through wide water areas. Creation of levelling and height control for tracing a tunnel; tracing of pre-portal points. Measuring and coordinating of geodetic construction network; tracing of ...
Precise Applied Geodesy Works
The subject covers specific precise engineering surveying works performed on large construction sites, and for investigation of structures' deformations. The respective surveying instruments, methods of measurement, and processing of results are considered. After finishing the course students will gain the necessary knowledge for performing precise surveying works during the construction of complex projects, and use of precise technological equipment.
Vertical planning (Grading)
The aim of the course is to provide necessary knowledge and skills of the students with the law and regulatory requirements in the field of investment design and the development of the project part Geodesy. Different ways are considered for the elevation design of streets, buildings, area objects and others, modeling of the future terrain, calculation of volumes of land masses, preparation of setting out data. With the project practical skills are created for making designs of linear ...