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CAD Systems

CAD Systems
Major Geodesy regulated profession
Faculty Faculty of Geodesy
Department Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Lead Lecturer Chief Assist. Prof. Eng. Ivan Kunchev

After studying about computer-aided design (CAD) systems students are able to use such systems for various engineering-geodetic activities. They can use different methods for loading/generation, structuring and storage of data and information within a CAD environment as well as design the necessary applications. The syllabus is coordinated with other disciplines, like Topographic Cartography, Surveying, Informatics-part 1, and the material studied may be used in specialist subjects envisaged in the curriculum for the next years.

Study materials


материали CAD системи 2015
гл. ас. д-р инж. Иван Кунчев


Настройки на компютъра за регионални настройки на кирилица и десетична точка на математическите операции
Настройки на компютъра за регионални настройки на кирилица и десетична точка на математическите операции