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Dynamics of structures and seismic analysis

Dynamics of structures and seismic analysis

Year of education: IV, Semester: 7, WINTER
Assessment: exam
Method of teaching: lectures and seminars
Total hours: 45 lectures and 45 Seminars (Academic Hours)
ECTS credits 6

Goals and objectives of the subject:To create an in-depth idea of the considered phenomena, laws, and basic principles of structural dynamics. To acquaint students with the methods for modelling the inertial properties of structures, as well as the dynamic loads they take.
Characteristics of the subject:The course includes the study of methods for calculating the structures of various dynamic impacts. In the part covering the seismic analysis, there is a demonstration of methods for estimating the behavior of structures in earthquakes, as well as the possibilities for redesign of existing structures.
Acquired knowledge: Eigenvalue analysis. Resonance phenomena. Damping in structures. Earthquake analysis of structures. Elastic and design spectra in dynamics.
Acquired skills: Analysis, design and evaluation of structures subjected to different types of dynamic loadings. Creating structural models of buildings and performing an earthquake resistant design of structures.

Preliminary requirements:

  • Static analysis of structures, including statically indeterminate structures
  • Matrix formulation of analysis procedures
  • Rigid-body dynamics
  • Mathematics: ordinary and partial differential equations, linear algebra
  • FEM for static analysis of structures with software
  • Passed exam in Statics of Structures II



Изчисляване на конструкции на сеизмични въздействия - Линеен спектрален анализ
проф. д-р инж. Здравко Бонев , доц. д-р инж. Александър Таушанов

Study materials

Seismic Risk and Hazard
Alexander Taushanov

Examination rules
