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Earthquake-Resistant Design of Structures I

Earthquake-Resistant Design of Structures I

The first part of the course covers the basic methods for seismic response evaluation of structures. In addition to the theoretical background of the conventional approach, the essentials of the “Performance-Based Design” concept and advanced analysis techniques such as Static Nonlinear Analysis and Time History Analysis are introduced. The second part of the course is devoted to the design of steel structures in seismic regions. The major structural systems used for providing seismic resistance are presented and the essentials of Eurocode 8 for their analysis, design and detailing are given. Technologies for advanced seismic protection with damping systems and seismic isolation are introduced.


Изчисляване на конструкции на сеизмични въздействия - Линеен спектрален анализ
проф. д-р инж. Здравко Бонев , доц. д-р инж. Александър Таушанов

Study materials

Seismic Risk and Hazard
Alexander Taushanov

Examination rules