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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Galina Dimova

Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering, Department Water Supply, Sewerage, Water and Wastewater Treatment - Head of department

Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering, Department Water Supply, Sewerage, Water and Wastewater Treatment

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Galina Dimova
Office Room room 419, building A
Phone 9635245/
E-mail dimova_fhe@uacg.bg
Birth Place and Date Ruse


Course in Water Supply and Sewerage for MSc profile Irrigation and Drainage Engineering;

Course in Water Supply and Sewerage for MSc profile Hydraulic Engineering;

Course in Water Supply and Sewerage Systems and Facilities for BSc profile Land and Real Estate Management and Planning ;


1996-2000 PhD, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, BG;

1989-1994 MEng.in Water supply, sewarage, potable and wastewater treatment, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, BG

1984-1989 Secondary education,Mathematical High School, Ruse, BG


Language Skills

Bulgarian – mother language

English - spoken and written (very good)

German - spoken and written (good)


Russian – spoken and written (fair), technically competent


Professional Skills

1. Design of potable water treatment plants; 

2. Design of waste water treatment plants;

3. Development of Water balance and nutrient balance at river basin scale;

4. Development of water qualitative and quantitative balance for industrial units;

5. Management of water supply and sewerage infrastructure

Science Interests

1. Technologies for potable water treatment;

 2. Technologies for waste water treatment;

 3. Integral management of water use in different sectors accounting for interactions between natural and economic components;


Science Activity

1. Study on the technological parameters for biological regeneration of zeolite, charged with ammonia ions from potable water - PhD work;

 2. Nitrification capacity of fixed biomass in relation to dynamic changes in the inlet concentrations of ammonia ions;

 3. Determination of kinetic parameters for removal of ammonia ions from wastewaters through ion exchange with zeolite;

 4. Determination of design parameters for sizing of sustainable urban drainage systems;

 5. Investigations and modelling on the surface and groundwater quality;



Bulgarian Camara of Engineers in Investment Design


Bulgarian Water Association


Participation in Research Projects

2012- 2014 - UACEG - ECOWATER - Meso-level eco-efficiency indicators to assess technologies and their uptake in water use sectors, Grant Agreement No: 282882, EU FP7,

2012-2013- UACEG - ABOT - Assessment of water Balances and Optimisation based Target setting across EU River Basins, Grant Agreement no. 07.032900/2011/612888/SUB/D1 DG Environment –Halting Desertification in Europe 2011

2006-2008 - UASEG - FLOODMED – Monitoring, forecasting and best practices for FLOOD Mitigation and Prevention in the CADSES region, INTERREG IIIB Cadses

2006-2008 - UASEG - AQUASTRESS – Mitigation of Water Stress through new Approaches to Integrating Management, Technical, Economic and Institutional Instruments, contract n°511231-2, ЕС FP6.

2003-2004 - HR Wallingford, UK - Benefits and Performance of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS); industry funded;

2003-2004 - HR Wallingford, UK - Post-project Monitoring of BMPs/SUDS to Determine Performance and Whole Life Costs”; funded by UK WIR, WERF, AWRF;

2001-2003 - TU Vienna - DANUBS - Nutrient Management in the Danube Basin and its Impact on the Black Sea, EVK1 - CT 2000-00051, EU FP5

2001-2002 - TU Vienna - Performance of pilot WWTP with activated sludge anoxic/aerobic unit and nitrifying bio-filter

1995-1996 - CESI/ANISA, EOOD - Development of water audits for the main industrial water consumers in the town of Troyan, Bulgaria

Participation in Design Projects

2011 - Reconstruction of Potable Water Treatment Plant Gabrovo in the frame of integrated project 58111-77-268 for the water cycle of Gabrovo, BG”, OP Environment 2007-2013;

2010 - Development of Sludge Management Program for WWTP Kamenitza, brewery Kamenitza, Haskovo, BG

2010 - Development of Sludge Management Program for WWTP Krichim, BG;

2009- 2012 - Technical Assistance for Project Preparation in the Water Sector for Asenovgrad, Gotze Delchev and Bansko, Europeaid/124486/D/Sv/Bg;

2009 - Technical assistance for preparation of investment project according to priority axes 1 of OP “Environment 2007-2013”, BG161PO/005/08/1.30/01/01 - Development of Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design for WWTP Yakoruda (7000 PE), BG

2009 - Feasibility study and engineering design for upgrade of WWTP Vetrino (2000 PE)

2009 - Investigation of modern technologies and technical solutions for wastewater treatment in agglomeration below 2000 PE and development of tailored models, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, BG

2008 - Preliminary deign for inlet collector and WWTP (30000 PE) for nine villages in Sofia neighbourhood; Sofia Great Municipality

2007 - Design of WWTP facilities of industrial waste water from Elacite Mine, BG

2007 - Design of sewage collectors and a common WWTP for the villages Teketo and Trakietz in Haskovo Municipality

2007 - Feasibility study and preliminary design for WSS infrastructure of the villages Chepintzi, Negovan and Svetovrachane in the municipality of Novi Iskar

2006 - Feasibility Study for two WWTPs in Macedonia;

2006 - Development of sludge management program for WWTP Popovo

2005 - Construction of Wastewater Treatment Plant in Maritza River Basin: Lot 1: Stara Zagora; Lot 2: Dimitrovgrad, ISPA Measure 2000/BG/16/P/PE/003

Participation in International Projects

2022-2024 Consultancy services for projects in Pakistan

2013 - 2014 Technical Assistance and Supervision for Nizip Water and Wastewater Project, Identification N°: EuropeAid/129940/D/SER/TR, Contract N°:2009/TP/16IPR017-01/SER/20

2006 - Feasibility Study for two WWTPs in Macedonia;

Academic Positions

Assistant Professor


Valchev, D., Ribarova, I., Borisov, B., Radovanov, V., Lyubomirova, V., Kostova, I.,Dimova, G.,Karpuzova, O., Lazarova, S., Valuable elements in sludge from eight municipal wastewater treatment plants in relation to their recovery potential. Environ Sci Eur 36, 11 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12302-023-00837-x

Reyhan A., Ricard D-G, Dietrich A., Steinhaus M., Dunkel A., Mall V., Manganelli M., Scardala S., Testai E., Codd G., Kozisek F., Antonopoulou M., Ribeiro A.R.L, Sampaio M., Hiskia A., Triantis T., Dionysiou D., Li Puma G., Lawton L., Edwards Chr., Rasmus H.A., Fatta-Kassinos D., Karaolia P., Combès A., Panksep K., Zervou S-K, Albay M., Köker L., Chernova E., Iliakopoulou S., Varga E., Visser P., Gialleli A., Zengin Z, Deftereos N., Miskaki P, Christophoridis Chr., Paraskevopoulou E, Tsair-Fuh Lin, Zamyadi A., Dimova G., Kaloudis T., Water taste and odor (T&O): Challenges, gaps and solutions from a perspective of the WaterTOP network, Chemical Engineering Journal Advances, Volume 12, 2022, ISSN 2666-8211, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceja.2022.100409

Tonev R., Dimova G., (2020) Investigation of chlorine wall decay in an old, decommissioned metallic pipe using a pipe section reactor , Water Supply (2020) 20 (3): 953–962, https://doi.org/10.2166/ws.2020.017

Тонев Р, Димова Г., Димитрова С., (2018) Изследвания върху коефициента на масови реакции при изчерпване на свободен активен хлор (САХ) във водоснабдителната мрежа на град София, Годишник на УАСГ, том 51, бр. 11, стр. 69-76, https://uacg.bg/UserFiles/File/UACEG_Annual/2018/Брой%2011/6.pdf

Димова Г., Димитрова С., Тонев Р., Лазарова С., Ангелова И., (2018) Отстраняване на нитрати от природни води чрез бавна филтрация и денитрификация, Годишник на УАСГ, том 51, бр. 11, стр. 77-9, https://www.uacg.bg/UserFiles/File/UACEG_Annual/2018/Брой%2011/7.pdf

Тонев Р., Димова Г., Борисов Б., (2017) Технико - икономически параметри при дезинфекция на питейни води с хлорни реагенти, Екологично инженерство и опазване на околната среда (ЕИООС), бр. 3, 2017г., стр. 35-45, ISSN 1311-8668 http://ecoleng.org/Sadarjanie3.2017.html#5

Тонев Р., Димова Г., Димитрова С., (2017) Аналитични изследвания върху изчерпването на свободния активен хлор (САХ) в градските водоснабдителни мрежи, Годишник на УАСГ, том 50, бр. 3, стр. 177-192, http://uacg.bg/UserFiles/File/UACEG_Annual/2017/%D0%91%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B9_3/13- H.pdf

Lazarova, S.; Tonev, R.; Dimitrova, S.; Dimova, G.; Mihailova, I. Valorization of Peanut and Walnut Shells through Utilisation as Biosorbents for the Removal of Textile Dyes from Water. Processes 2023, 11, 2291. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr11082291

Dimova, G.; Dimitrova, S.; Kostova, I.; Lazarova, S.; Ribarova, I.; Stoyanov, D.; Tonev, R.; Tsanov, E.; Valchev, D. The Readiness of the Water Utilities in Bulgaria for Transition toward a Circular Economy. Processes 2022, 10, 1156. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr10061156

Ribarova I., Stanchev P., Dimova G. and Assimacopoulos D., (2014). Estimating Eco-Efficiency Performance Of Urban Water Systems: Sofia Case Study. Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry (CCWI), 2-4th September, 2013; Procedia Engineering 70 ( 2014 ) 1411 – 1420

Dimova, G., Tzanov, E., Ninov, Pl., Ribarova, I. and Kossida, M., (2014). Complementary Use of the WEAP Model to Underpin the Development of SEEAW Physical Water Use and Supply Tables. Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry (CCWI), 2-4th September, 2013, Procedia Engineering 70 ( 2014 ) 563 – 572, Elsevier.

Димова Г. и де Карне Ф. (2014). Качество на водата от язовир „Христо Смирненски“ и поведение на ПСПВ Габрово при екстремни натоварвания, сп. „Булаква“, No 4, БАВ
Димова Г. (2013). Инфраструктурните проекти във водния сектор – нож с две остриета, сп. „Водно дело“, No 5/6, НТС

де Карне, Ф. и Димова, Г. (2011). Предизвикателства при осигуряване на техническа помощ заизготвяне на проект във Водния сектор, Асеновград, Банско и Гоце Делчев, България EUROPEAID/124486/D/SV/BG, Международна конференция: Състояние и предизвикателства при изграждането на пречиствателни станции за отпадъчни води в България, 5 Декември, 2011 г., http://www.vestnikstroitel.bg/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/P3-2-Workshop_Water_Asss_Dec_2011_REV_BG_rev_2.pdf

Ninov, Pl., Ribarova, I., Kalinkov, P. and Dimova, G., (2008). Application of the HSPF Model for Flood Simulation with Analysis of the Results in Terms of Monitoring Uncertainties /Case Study of the Lesnovska River, Bulgaria, Proceedings of the iEMSs Fourth Biennial Meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2008), International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Barcelona, Catalonia, Miquel Sànchez-Marrè, Javier Béjar, Joaquim Comas, Andrea E. Rizzoli, Giorgio Guariso (Eds.),ISBN: 978-84-7653-074-0

Танева, Н., Димова, Г., Михайлов, Г., Bohn, C. (2008). Пречистване на отпадъчни води от амониеви йони чрез Клиноптилолит - определяне на оптимални параметри на технологичния процес, сп. Булаква, бр.3, стр.68-73, БАВ

Ribarova, I., Dimova, G., Wintgens T., Tarnacki K., Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia, L. S., Melin, T., Inman, D. and Kalinkov P. (2008). Integration of participatory and technical approaches for urban water management in scarcity conditions. Water Smart Innovations Conference, 8-10th October, Las Vegas, USA http://www.watersmartinnovations.com/schedule-sessionslist2.php?sd=Thursday&st=Special Topics&year=2008

Tarnacki, K., Wintgens, T., Melin, T. and Dimova G., (2007). Water saving in industry – Assessment of the saving potential of the Kremikovtzi plant, Sofia, Proceedings of BULAQUA Conference, 7 June, 2007, pp. 267-273

Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia, L.S., Savic, D.A., Tarnacki, K., Wintgens, T., Dimova, G. and Ribarova, I. (2007). Conceptual/System Dynamics Modelling Applied for the Simulation of Complex Water Systems, Water Management Challenges in Global Change, Proc. Int. Conf. CCWI 2007 and SUWM 2007, Ulanicki, B., Vairavamoorthy, K., Butler, D., Bounds, P.L.M. Memon, F.A. (Eds), Leicester UK, 3-5 Sept. 2007, Taylor &Francis Group, London UK, pp. 159-167, ISBN 0415454158

Dimova, G., Tarnacki, K., Melin, T., Ribarova, I., Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia, L., Savov, N. and Wintgens T. (2007). The water balance as a tool for improving the industrial water management in the metallurgical industry – Case study Kremikovtzi Ltd., Bulgaria, 6th Conference on waste water reuse and reclamation for sustainability, 9-12 Oct., Antwerpen, Belgium, proceeding in CD.

Kukurin, K., Ribarova, I., Kalinkov, P., Ninov, P., Topalova, J., Dimova G., and Froebrich, J. (2005). Introduction of the inundated area as a parameter for evaluation of river dryness, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 07484, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-07484

Ribarova I., J. Topalova, Pl. Ninov, Kr. Kukurin, P. Kalinkov, G. Dimova (2005). Assessment of the flush event significance for a river with typical seasonal run off, Proceeding of IWA WatershedandRiverBasinManagementConference, Canada, 12-15.09.2005 http://hydrobiology-bg.com/index.php?option=com_jdownloads&Itemid=118&task=view.download&catid=46&cid=87&lang=en

Dimova, G., Woods Ballard B. and Kellagher, R. (2005). A critical appraisal of retention pond sizing criteria for water quality treatment, Proceeding of 10th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-26 August, 2005, Eriksson E., Genç-Fuhrman H., Vollertsen J., Ledin A., Hvitved-Jacobsen T., andMikkelsen P. (eds.)

Schilling, C., Behrendt, H., Blaschke, A., Danielescou, S., Dimova ,G., Gabriel O., Heinecke, U., Kovacs, A., Lampert, C., Postolache, C., Schreiber, H., Strauss, P. and Zessner M., (2005). Lessons learned from investigations on case study level for modelling of nutrient emissions in the Danube basin, Wat. Sci. & Tech., Vol 51, No 11, pp 183–191.

Schilling, C., Blaschke, A.P., Gutknecht, D., Dimova, G., Heinecke, U., Kroiß, H., Lampert, C. and Zessner, M., (2003). Modelling activities for comprehensive water and nutrient balances for two Austrian case study regions, Diffuse Pollution and Basin Management. Proceedings of the 7th International Specialised IWA Conference, Dublin, Ireland, Bruen, M. (editor) ISBN 1902277767, 4 vols. 1140 pps, http://www.ucd.ie/dipcon/proceedings.htm

Nikolavcic B., Hlebarova G., Nowak O., Schweighofer P. and Kroiss H.(2002) Biofilter response to dynamics in Nitrogen load, 3rd World Congress of the International Water Association, 7-12 April, Melbourne, Australia, proceeding in CD", paper no:e21221a (2002),1-8.

Dimova, G, Michailov, G. and Tzankov, Tz., (1999) "Combined filter for ammonium removal - part I: Minimal zeolite contact time and requirements for desorption", Wat. Sci.&Tech., Vol. 39, N8; pp 123-129
Димова, Г., Цанков, Ц. и Секулов, И., (1999) "Биологична регенерация на зеолит зареден с амониеви йони", Конференция по случай50 години Хидротехнически Факултет., ВИАС –София, 6-8 Октомври,Том.2Димова, Г., Цанков Ц. и Михайлов, Г., (1998) "Използване на диференциален елемент за изследване на кинетиката на йонен обмен на амониеви йони от клиноптилолит", годишник ВИАС, София, Том.39, N9;
Димова, Г., Цанков, Ц. и Михайлов, Г., (1998) "Съвременни биологични методи за регенерация на зеолит в процеса на отстраняване на амониеви йони от води”, годишник ВИАС, София, Том.39, N9
Paskalev, A. and Dimova G., (1995). “А Legislative initiative for the protection of Black Sea water from industrial indirect discharges”, Wat. Sci. Tech., Vol. 32, N7,pp 175-181


Study materials

Coursework ans assignments

Examination rules

