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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Martina Pechinova

Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering, Department Hydraulics and Hydrology

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Martina Pechinova
Office Room A424
Phone 0887 964583
E-mail martinapechinova@abv.bg
Marital Status married


University of architecture, civil engineering and geodesy, Faculty of Hydrotechnics, Sofia
Sept. 1980 – 1985
MsC Engineer
University of architecture, civil engineering and geodesy, Faculty of Hydrotechnics, Sofia
February 1986 – 1989

Language Skills

1. Английски – добре
2. Руски – добре

Participation in Research Projects

Hydraulic and Hydrological research of the Lower Danube - 1993;
Discharge measurements at the "Canal of Cooling water" to "Kozluy Nuclear Power Station" and at the canal after dam lake Ognianovo - 1996;
Morphological changes of the Danube river bed and abatement of their negative effect - PHARE project preliminary phase - 1997.
