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Theoretical Mechanics II

Theoretical Mechanics II

The students learn to: Kinetics of the absolute motion of free and constrained particles. Kinetics of particles relative to a moving frame. Work and power of forces. Potential energy of a force filed. Moments of inertia of masses. Principles of impulse and momentum, principle of work and energy for systems of rigid bodies. Kinetics of rigid bodies. D'Alambert's principle. Lagrange's and D'Alambert-Lagrange's principles. Lagrange's equations. Stability of equilibrium of a conservative system. Small vibrations of one degree-of freedom mechanical systems.


Study materials

Записки по Динамика-въпроси 15-20
Гл. ас. д-р Албена Дойчева

Coursework ans assignments

Курсови задачи по Динамика
Гл.ас. д-р инж. А. Дойчева

Examination rules