Начало / Международна дейност / ЕРАЗЪМ+ Програмни страни (асоциирани към Програмата) / Партньори /

Riga Technical University (RTU)

Riga Technical University (RTU)
Държава Латвия
Тематични направления

 Строителен факултет


RTU is the largest science-based university in the Baltic States established in 1862.

We are in the heart of Riga, the capital city of Latvia. Latvia borders the Baltic Sea along with Germany, Sweden and other countries.


RTU has over 150 years of history as a centre of scientific excellence and has Nobel Prize winners, Presidents and Prime Ministers as former professors and students.


We provide an extensive range of engineering, business study and architecture related courses. Local and visiting professors deliver study programmes to local and overseas students in English.

Уебсайт https://www.rtu.lv/en/come-to-rtu

Факултети и специалности

Факултет / Специалност Строителен факултет / Строителство на сгради и съоръжения - Магистър (MA)
Учебен цикъл TM
Езикови изисквания EN/B1
Бр. преподаватели 2
Координатори в приемащия университет

 Rīgas Tehniskā Universitāte (RTU) LV RIGA02

Liene Maurīte
Director of the International Relations Department
1 Kalku Street, room 304, Riga
+371 67089343
+371 28647823
e-mail: liene.maurite@rtu.lv

Elīna Riekstiņa
IRD International Institutional Cooperation Unit
international relations coordinator
e-mail: elina.riekstina@rtu.lv

Координатори в УАСГ

Erasmus Coordinator Facuty of Building and Civil Engineering:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Lachezar Hrischev, e-mail: lhrischev_fce@uacg.bg