Reinforced concrete bridges
Seismic resistance of bridges
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Student Hours | Tuesday - 12:00-13:00 |
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Reinforced concrete bridges
Seismic resistance of bridges
2011-2012г. UACEG
PhD of Building Structures
PhD thesis "Researches of modelling for analysis of bridges"
Supervisor : Prof, Dr. Eng Kostadin Topurov.
Design of structures of bridges and buildings
Assesment of bridges and buildings
Load test of bridges and buildings
Earthquake resistance of bridges
Integral bridges
Modeling for analysis of bridges
[1].Nikolov, P., K.Topurov “Analysis of the level of antiseismic resistance of an existing bridge".”Putishta”, iss.4/2000.
[2].Nikolov, P., K.Topurov “Increasing the level of antiseismic resistance of an existing bridge".”Putishta”, iss.6/2000.
[1].Nikolov, P, K.Topurov "Increasing the level of antiseismic resistance of an existing bridge". Scientific-technical conference “Building structures” (Theory and practice), Veliko Turnovo 2000. CD
[2].Nikolov, P, K.Topurov “Earthquake Resistance of an Existing Bridge in Bulgaria”. 4th Internationale Conference on Bridges Across the Danube, Bratislava, 2001.
[3].Topurov, K, P. Nikolov, “Comparative earthquake analysis of bridge at km.48+500 from "Hemus" Highway. Jubilee scientific confference “60th anniversary UACEG”, 2002.
[4].Nikolov, P “Importance of the fatigue to the life-time of reinforced concrete road bridges” . First symposium on bridges “Research, strenghtening and retrofit of bridges” –UACEG 2005.
[5].Nikolov, P "Comparative calculations of road bridge slab" - Second symposium on bridges "Codes in the field of bridges - status and perspectives" -UACEG 2006.
[6].Nikolov, P "Allowable damages in elastomeric bearings, due to seismic action". Third simposium on bridges "Design and construction of bridges - theory and practice" - UACEG 2009.
[7].Nikolov P., K Topurov "Load test results and comparision with the theoretical models for three railway bridges". 7th International Conference on Bridges across the Danube 2010 "Theory and practice in bridge engineering". October 14-15.2010: Sofia, Bulgaria
[8] Topurov, K, P. Nikolov" Status of the seismic resistance of the bridges in Bulgaria", International Jubilee Conference UACEG2012: Science & Practice
[9] Nikolov P. "Modeling of structural and non-structural elements of bridges", International Jubilee Conference UACEG2012: Science & Practice
[10] Nikolov P. "Limitation of the translation for overpasses with integral abutments", International Jubilee Conference UACEG2012: Science & Practice
[11] Topurov, K., P.Nikolov, I.Topurova "Seismic resistance of the existing highway bridges in Bulgaria". The eight internetaional conference "Bridge in the Danube basin - New trends in Bridge engineering and efficient solutions for large and medium span bridges".Timisoara, 10.2013. Published by Springer
[12] Nikolov P. "Viaduct at km327+050 at "Struma"Highway - designed in accordanse to Eurocodes". FOurth simposium of transportation facilities "Transportation facilities - key element of the infrastructure" - UACEG 2015г.
[13] Topurova, I., P. Nikolov , K.Topurov "Highway Viaduct Renovation". Procedia Engineering "Bridges in Danube Basin 2016 – New trends in bridge engineering and efficient solution for large and medium span bridges", Žilina, Slovakia. Published by Elsevier.