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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arch. Donika Georgieva

Faculty of Architecture, Department History and Theory of Architecture

Faculty of Architecture, Department Multimedia Laboratory for Cultural Heritage - Head of laboratory

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arch. Donika Georgieva
Office Room A 808 / A 724
Student Hours

Winter semester: Tuesday from 16:00 to 17:00 h and Wednesday from 14:00 to 15:00 h 
Summer semester: Wednesday from 16:00 to 17:00 h and Thurday from 14:00 to 15:00 h

Phone 9635245/632
E-mail donikag_far@uacg.bg
Website atelie-3.com
Year Started 2005


SOCIETY AND HERITAGE: THE CULTURE OF CONSERVATION, elective discipline – semester IX, specialty Architecture, guest lecturers: Chief. Assist. Prof. Aneta Vasileva, PhD and Chief. Assist. Prof. Emilia Kaleva, PhD

CULTURAL HERITAGE: THEORIES AND PRACTICE, specialization course – semester IX, specialty Architecture, in collaboration with Prof. D.Sc. Arch. Todor Krestev

ARCHITECTURE AND CONTEXT, specialization course – semester X, specialty Architecture, in collaboration with Prof. D.Sc. Arch. Todor Krestev and Chief. Assist. Prof. Aneta Vasileva, PhD

PRESERVATION OF ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE – semester VIIІ, specialty Architecture with leading lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arch. Yordanka Kandulkova – lectures on the topics of Cultural Landscape, Cultural Routes and Intangible Heritage

PRESERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE – semester VIIІ, specialty Landscape architecture, in collaboration with Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Arch. Emilia Kaleva and Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Land. Arch. Grigor Perchiklijski

MANAGEMENT OF CULTURAL HERITAGE, specialty Project Management in Construction, in collaboration with Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Arch. Emilia Kaleva


University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, Bulgaria
July 2013, PhD (Architecture), diploma No 30/25.09.2013, dissertation thesis “The Cultural Routes in the Historic Town”*

University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, Bulgaria
Sept 1997 – Feb 2003, MSc (Architecture), diploma series UACG-99, № 200510/2003

TEI (Technological Educational Institute), Piraeus – Athens, Greece,
under the Program SOCRATE ERASMUS, Feb 2002 - July 2002, project: “Planning for conservation in Greece. Case study: Plaka. History, present and future”, Certificate of Completion of Program of Studie

32 Secondary School with Foreign Language Study – Sofia (English and Russian),
Sept 1992 - June 1997, Secondary education - Certificate № 14365-45/30.06.1997


2018 International Summer Academy on Management of Historic Urban Landscapes, Case Petrovaradin, Novi Sad, Serbia, Europa Nostra - Serbia

2014 The University of Melbourne, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, Australia, accademic staff mobility under AUSMIP+ program, research project: “Accessibility to cultural heritage”

2005 European Institute of Cultural Routes, Luxembourg

2004 ICOMOS/USA, Historic New Harmony, New Harmony, Indiana, USA, project: draft dossier for entering New Harmony on the World Heritage List


2014 Conceptualisation and design of the research, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy**, Sofia, Bulgaria, diploma No 10449/19.12.2014

2014 Developing project proposals for participation in national and international research programs, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy**, Sofia, Bulgaria, diploma No 10187/24.03.2014

2014 Methodology of academic teaching, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy**, Sofia, Bulgaria, diploma No 10117/19.02.2014

**project BG051PO001-3.1.09-0016 "Career development and qualification of the academic staff at the University", Center of Open and Continuing Education

Language Skills

OTHER LANGUAGES: English, French, Russian

Science Activity

*The Cultural Routes in the Historic Town. The thesis is the first study in the field of cultural routes at the lowest territorial level – in the historic town. It marks the beginning of the safeguarding of this type of heritage in Bulgaria according to the Cultural Heritage Act.

Subject of study are the nature, structure, content, types, identification, protection and possibilities for use and expression of the cultural routes in historic towns.

The main objective of the study is to affirm the cultural route in the historic town as a new type of complex cultural property that is subject of protection and that provides opportunities for sustainable use. Thus the study is also aiming at overcoming today’s problematic lack of a concrete model for identification and an instrument for use and expression of this heritage in Bulgaria.

Within the thesis is:
- proposed a definition of a cultural route in the historic town;
- proposed a graphic model clarifying its content;
- proposed a system for classification of the types;
- developed a model for identification of cultural routes in the historic town;
- outlined the specificity related to the different types of protection in Bulgaria;
- developed a model for development of a specialised conservation plan of a cultural route in the historic town.

The practical relevance of the developed models is illustrated with concrete examples in annexes to the thesis:
- three author’s studies for identification of cultural routes in historic towns;
- extracts from three projects developed with the participation of the author.


ICOMOS – International Council on Monuments and Sites, since 2003, Secretary General of the Bulgarian National Committee (2008-2011), Member of the Executive Committee (since 2017)  

UAB – Union of Architects in Bulgaria, since 2003 

CAB – Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria, since 2004

ICOM – International Council of Museums, since 2023

Participation in Research Projects

2018 –  Ten-year scientific and research project Construction and development of a Centre of Excellence Heritage BG, leading partner Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’, participation in the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy team (partner organization).

2010 – 2012 Research project Spatial memory of settlements as a tool for research and strategic planning, supported by the Scientific Research Fund, Ministry of Science and Education, selected in the 'Stimulation of Research in State Universities' competition in 2010, in the team, teamleader Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arch. Milena Metalkova.

2011 Scientific research Identification of cultural route in the historic city 'Traditional directions of Christian faith and cults in the Ancient City of Nessebar – pilot product of the Ancient City of Nessebar Management Plan, developed at the National Institute of Immovable Cultural Heritage (NIICH), and supported by the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG), in relation with the latest amendments of the Cultural Heritage Act (CHA), author.

2011 Scientific and experimental development Ancient City of Nessebar Management Plan World Heritage Site – a pilot project for the first of its kind management plan in Bulgaria, National Institute for Immovable Cultural Heritage, in a team, team leader Prof. DSc arch. T. Krestev.

2011 Research Study Opportunities for the expression of specific heritage sites in Bulgaria, Center for Research and Design Centre at the University, within a project, selected in competition for research projects 'Science 2011', in the team, teamleader arch. V. Pandjarova.

2009 – 2010 Research Study Identification of cultural landscapes and cultural routes in the historic city, Research and Design Centre at the University, within a project, selected in competition for research projects 'Science 2009', team leader.

2007 – 2008 Project: Cultural Heritage: Education - Science - Preservation - Integrated in Tourism (HERITAGE: ESPRIT) – selected in a competition of the Ministry of Science and Education 'Study of national cultural and historical values as part of the European cultural heritage and contemporary methods for their preservation', UACEG, member of the Consortium, the Advisory Board and the Research team, in a team, team leaders Prof. DSc arch. T. Krestev and Assoc. Prof. Dr. arch. Boyan Georgiev.

Participation in International Projects

2011 – 2014 International project ATRIUM (Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes of the 20th Century in Urban Management), South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme, leading partner Municipality of Forli, Italy, partners from Bulgaria: National Institute of Immovable Cultural Heritage, Municipality of Dimitrovgrad, consultant.

2009 – 2011 International Research Project: Research project Terra [in] cognita: Earthen architecture in Europe, within the Culture Programme 2007-2013 of the European Union, coordinated by Ecole d'Avignon, in the author's team from Bulgaria, together with arch. M. Velkov.

2006 Development of the website Cultural Corridors of South East Europe, in a team, team leader Prof. DSc arch. T. Krestev, responsible for the sections World, Europe and South East Europe, author of the texts for the cultural corridors in SEE.

2005 – 2006 Project Children and the Cultural heritage of South-Eastern Europe, multimedia product and a website Treasure quest for children aged 6-14, in a team, team leader Prof. DSc arch. T. Krestev, responsible for the ‘translation’ of the concept of heritage for children, author of the section ‘Explorers Academy’,

Science Keywords

cultural heritage, accessibility to cultural heritage, cultural routes, contemporary use, expression and interpretation of cultural heritage

Other Posts and Activities

Expert of BNC of ICOMOS and UACEG at the Bulgarian Institute for Standardization, Technical Committee for Standardization (TK94) CONSERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE.


Krestev, T., Georgiev, B., Georgieva, D., Velkov, M. “Cultural Heritage: Education – Science – Preservation – Integrated In Tourism (Heritage: ESPRIT)”, – In: Advances in Bulgarian Science, 2007, n 1, ISSN 1312-6164.

Georgieva, D. “The Cultural Routes in the Historic City: the Case of Plovdiv”, – In: Yearbook of Regional History Museum – Plovdiv, proceedings from Scientific Forum Plovdiv Contributions 2008 - The architectural heritage of Plovdiv as a mediator between history and modernity, Plovdiv, 2008, ISSN 1311-9133, p. 20-29, 200-202 (in Bulgarian).

Krestev, T., Boyan, G., Georgieva, D. “Les technologies de l’information – l’enjeu pour l’avenir. Trois projets du Laboratoire multimédia et patrimoine culturel à l’Université d’architecture, construction et géodesié à Sofia, Bulgarie”, – In: Patrimoine et enjeux actuels, sous la direction de De Paoli, G., Assouad, N., Khayat, G.,Université de Montréal, Europia Productions, Paris, 2008, ISBN 978-2-909285-50-2, p. 97-114 (in French).

Georgieva, D. "The Cultural Routes in the Historic City: the Case of Sofia. Integration values", – In: Volume 5 Serdica-Sredets-Sofia, proceedings from Conference Cultural Heritage of Sofia: Problems and Perspectives (November 2008), Old Sofia Municipal Enterprise with Historical Museum of Sofia, ITUS 98 LtD, Sofia, 2010, ISBN 978-954-91061-5-2, p. 243-248 (in Bulgarian).

Georgieva, D. “Integration Values of the Cultural Routes in the Historic City. The Role of the Information Technologies"; "Application of the Information Technologies for the Presentation and Popularization of the Cultural Routes in the Historic City for the Purposes of the Cultural Tourism"; "Multidisciplinary Partnership in the Field of the Cultural Heritage"; "Possibilities for Developing of National Partnership Networks" (with St.Tapanov); "Possibilities for Development of European Networks on the Basis of the European Cultural Routes", – In: Cultural Heritage: Education - Science - Preservation - Integrated In Tourism (Heritage: ESPRIT), LiterNet, Varna, 2009, ISBN 978-954-304-355-2 (in Bulgarian).

Georgieva, D., Velkov, M. "Identification of Cultural Landscapes and cultural routes in the historic city", – In: Yearbook of UACEG – Sofia, Volume XLIV, Fascicule I, International Conference UACEG2009, Sofia, 2010, ISSN 1310-814X, р. 29-39 (in Bulgarian).

Georgieva, D. "The Cultural Routes in the Historic City. Nature and types", – In: Cultural Heritage in the Modern City, festschrift for 85th Anniversary of Senior Research Associate Magdalina Stancheva, proceedings of New Bulgarian University Conference (2009), NBU, Sofia, 2011, ISBN 978-954-535-645-2, p.161-170 (in Bulgarian).

Bakalova, E., Krestev, T., Georgieva, D. “Cultural Heritage: Education – Science – Preservation – Integrated In Tourism – (Heritage: ESPRIT)“, – In: Interdisziplinäre Forschungen zum Kulturerbe auf der Balkanhalbinsel (Interdisciplinary Studies on Balkan Cultural Heritage), proceedings of the Humboldt Union in Bulgaria conference, Humboldt Kolleg, Nice AN EOOD, Sofia, 2011, ISBN 978-954-8587-07-5, p.509-520.

Georgieva, D., Velkov, M. "Earthen architecture in Bulgaria", – In: Terra Europae - Earthen architecture in the European Union, under the Terra [In]cognita - Earthen Architecture in Europe research project, developed in the framework of Culture 2007-2013 Programme of the European Union, Edizioni ETS, 2011, ISBN 978-884672957-6, p. 93-95.

Georgieva, D. "Accessibility to Cultural Heritage", – In: Yearbook of UACEG – Sofia, Volume 1, proceedings from International Jubilee Scientific Conference, Sceince and Practice (2012), Sofia, 2012, ISBN 978-954-724-049-0, p. 147-152 (in Bulgarian).

Georgieva, D. "Opportunities for sustainable use and contemporary expression of cultural routes in the historic town", – In: Yearbook of UACEG – Sofia, Volume XLV, Fascicule VIII, Scientific research 2011, Sofia, 2012, ISSN 1310-814X, р. 29-36 (in Bulgarian).

Georgieva, D. “The Accessibility to Cultural Heritage as a Key Factor for Sustainable Development of Territories”– In: Коренные малочисленные народыл Этнографическая индивидуальность как основа поступательного развития цивилизации (Indigenous Peoples. Ethnographic identity as the basis of progressive development of civilizations), proceedings from All-Russia scientific and practical conference (2013), Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Khakassia, Khakassia Publishing House, 2014, ISBN 978-5-7091-0672-7, p. 69-75.

Georgieva, D. “Accessibility to Cultural Heritage. A Different Perspective in Three Stories from Australia. Episode 1: INVISIBLE to the eye.”, – In: списание Архитектура (Architecture magazine), No 3/2015, р. 24-27 (in Bulgarian).

Georgieva, D. “Accessibility to Cultural Heritage. A Different Perspective in Three Stories from Australia. Episode 2: UNADULTERATED to the mind.”, – In: списание Архитектура (Architecture magazine), No 4/2015, р. 26-30 (in Bulgarian).

Georgieva, D. “Accessibility to Cultural Heritage. A Different Perspective in Three Stories from Australia. Episode 3: INFORMAL to the emotions.”, – In: списание Архитектура (Architecture magazine), No 6/ 2015, р. 44-48 (in Bulgarian).

Georgieva, D. „Преиспитивање приступачности културног наслеђа – Разумевање археологиjе“ (Rethinking Accessibility to Cultural Heritage – Sensing Archaeology), – In: Modern Conservation, ICOMOS Serbia, Belgrade, 2016, ISSN 2334-9239 = Модерна Конзервациja, COBISS.SR-ID 202473996, p. 91-105 (in Serbian).

Georgieva, D. “The City: a Museum Without Working Hours”, – In: Музейни експозиции и стандарти: Поглед напред (Museum Exhibitions and Standards: Looking ahead), joint edition of Fulbright Bulgarian American Commission for Educational Exchange and “My Museum” Foundation, Sofia 2017, ISBN 978-619-90613-2-9, p.35-46 (in Bulgarian).

Georgieva, D. “Ethical and Philosophical Dimensions of Accessibility to Cultural Heritage (or why we need a different perspective)”, – In: Vol. VII Serdica-Sredets-Sofia, proceedings from International Scientific Conference The Basilica of St Sophia during the Transition from Paganism to Christianity (March 2014), Regional History Museum Sofia, Faber, Sofia, 2018, ISBN 978-619-00-0762-3, p. 418-430.

Georgieva, D., "IT"S NOT BINARY or Economic Accessibility to Cultural Heritage", – In: Yearbook of UACEG – Sofia, Volume 51, Issue 1, 2018, ISSN 2534-9759, p.67-82.

Debust, P., Georgieva, D., Baraldi, L. “LOST”, – In: Dossier Petrovaradin, Managing Historic Urban Landscape, publishers: Faculty of sport and tourism, Novi Sad, Serbia, Europa Nostra, Belgrade, Serbia, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of the City of Novi Sad, Serbia, 2019, ISBN 978-86-85871-40-5, p.112-115.

Georgieva, D. (2020) “Encoding and Decoding: the Intellectual Accessibility to Cultural Heritage”, – In: Сборник Съвременни технологии в културно-историческото наследство, том 8, 2020, Издателство на Технически университет, София, ISSN: 2367-6523. p.26-33.

Georgieva, D. (2020) "On an old barn, heritage and architecture" – In: 2X40x20 perspectives on heritage. Sofia, Avangard Publishing House. pp. 149-158. (in Bulgarian)

Georgieva, D. (2022) Something Old, Something New – Тhe Historic Urban Landscape Approach in the Concepts of Three Projects („Нещо старо, нещо ново – подходът „исторически градски пейзаж” в идеите на три проекта”), – В: Annual of UACEG – Sofia, Volume 55 (2022), Issue 1, ISSN 2534 - 9759, р. 91-100. (In Bulgarian)

Georgieva, D., V. Tanev (2022), 'Creative Conservation: Tell Yunatsite Beyond the Conventional', – In: Research Announcements, Bulletin ‘Heritage BG’, Year 2nd, Issue 2, 2022, ISSN 2815-3138 (Print), ISSN 2815-3316 (Online), p.76-86.

Georgieva, D. (2022) 'TOTALPROEKT or architectural lesson on exhibitions' („Изложба „ТОТАЛПРОЕКТ“ или архитектурен урок по изложби”), – In: списание Архитектура (Architecture magazine), No 5-6/ 2022, р. 152-154 (in Bulgarian).

Georgeva, D. (2022) „Несавршено наслеђе или губитак као шанса за конзервацију. Случај рудника злата Ада Тепе из бронзаног доба“ (Georgieva, D. Imperfect Heritage or the Loss as a Conservation Chance. The Case of Ada Tepe Bronze Age Gold Mine), – In: Modern Conservation 10, Serbia Belgrade, 2022, ISSN 2334-9239 = Модерна Конзервациja, pp. 87-98 (in Serbian).

Georgieva, D. (2024) Accessibility to cultural heritage. Avangard Prima Publishing House, Sofia, 2024, ISBN 978-619-239-932-0, foreword by Prof. Arch. Todor Krastev, Ph.D. (in Bulgarian).


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