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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Lyubomir Zdravkov

Faculty of Structural Engineering, Steel, Timber and Plastic Structures

Faculty of Structural Engineering, Laboratory of structural modelling and analysis for wind, earthquake and fire actions - Head of laboratory

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Lyubomir Zdravkov
Office Room 733
Student Hours

Winter semester:

thursday - 10 - 11 a.m.

friday - 11 - 12 a.m.

E-mail zdravkov_fce@uacg.bg
Website www.ASTanks.com
Birth Place and Date Bulgaria in the second half of XX century
Marital Status married
Year Started 2007


Steel and composite bridges

Special steel structures


2004 - 2006 PhD of Structural Engineering, UACEG, Sofia
1994 - 1999 MSc of Civil Engineering, UACEG, Sofia

Language Skills

English - good
Russian - very good

Science Interests

Aboveground Cylindrical Steel Tanks, Silos and Bunkers
Steel and composite bridges.
Research and analysis of various design solutions, elements and joints.


Member of CEN / TC 250 and KIIP

Participation in Design Projects

1. Project manager and chief designer of design of 10 tanks with 33 000 m3 capacity each one for Banias Refinery, Syria. The design finished in 2003 year.
- 8 tanks are with single deck floating roof. Diameter of the tanks D = 50,25 m and height of shell H = 17,88 m. Steel A573 Gr.70 is used for the shell and annular bottom plates. Steel A36 - for the floating roof and central bottom;
- 2 tanks are with supported cone roof. Diameter of the tanks D = 50,25 m and height of shell H = 17,28 m. Steel A573 Gr.70 is used for the shell and steel A36 - for central bottom, roof structure and cover plates.
All tanks are designed, prefabricated and erected according to API Std. 650.

2. Project manager and chief  designer of design of 38 aboveground steel tanks in Al-Jabalayn and Palogue, Sudan. The design finished in 2005 year.
- 7 tanks are with single deck floating roof. They have 52 000 m3 capacity each one and are used for crude oil storage. Diameter of the tanks D = 60,0 m and height of shell H = 18,46 m. Steel A516 Gr.70 is used for the shell and annular bottom plates. Steel A283 Gr.C is used for the floating roof and central bottom;
- 31 smaller tanks with fixed roofs. The bottoms, shells and roofs are made from steel A36. All of these tanks have been erected on earth type foundations.
All tanks are designed, prefabricated and erected according to API Std. 650.

3. Participation of design of group of 8 aboveground steel tanks for light oils with double shell and double bottoms for Bulgaria. Capacities V, diameters D and heights H of the tanks are different. They are designed according to EN 14015 but shell and bottom are mounted by roll method. Roofs are cone supported, with one central column.
For more security all vertical joints of shells and catching basins are transposed on 600 mm.
All tanks have active vacuum system for leak detection and prevention of pollution of the environment.
Responsible elements like shell, bottom and structure are made from steel ВСт3пс5 (S235 J0).

4. Chief designer of the plant for drying, fractionation and milling of river sand located near the village Равно Поле, Bulgaria. The facility has dimensions in plane 27.0 x 16,5 m, and height 30,32 m. Main elements of the plant are:

- steel hopper, which enters moist river sand;

- vertical ladder for maintenance of installation;

- drying installation;

- 6 steel silos with dimensions 4.5 x 9,0 m and a capacity of 200 t each, for storing dried sand;

- 1 intermediate steel silo;

- 1 steel silo for storage of powder sand fraction

- service platforms in height of the facility;

- Roof and wall cladding.


5. In 2009 year is finished design of 7 aboveground steel tanks for diesel fuels, with 20000 m3 each one. Owner of these storage facilities is "ДРВВЗ", Bulgaria. These tanks are with single shell and double bottoms. All tanks are with single deck floating roof. Internal shell diameter D = 38,10 m and height of shell H = 19,46 m. Standard for design of facilities - EN 14015:2004.
Steel S355J2 is used for the shell and annular bottom plates. Steel S235 is used for the floating roof and central bottoms.
All tanks have active vacuum system for leak detection that watching for punches on steel bottoms.

Academic Positions

september 2007 - april 2012: assistant professor

april 2012 - by the moment: associate professor

Other Posts and Activities

Editor of Annual of UACEG to the Faculty of Structural Engineering


Здравков, Л. А.
Експериментално определяне на стойностите на лъкатушните сили в стоманен жп мост

Design of self-supporting dome roofs
ZDRAVKOV L. A.. T. D. Dincheva

Using of General Method of Standard EN 1993-1-1 to Design of Self-Supporting Cone Roofs

Use of LBA-MNA methodology for determination of bearing capacity of compressed shells
Use of LBA-MNA methodology for determination of bearing capacity of compressed shells



Study materials




